Top 33 Nathan Bedford Quotes

#1. When I was a teenager, I went on an organised three-day tour of Rome. It was the worst experience ever. I promised myself that I would never travel like that again, with someone telling you what to see and what not to see.

Diego Luna

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1260374
#2. I've got no respect for any young man who won't join the colors.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1025353
#3. Forward, men, and mix with them.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1034553
#4. I will be in my coffin before I will fight again under your command.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1044433
#5. I am not an enemy of the Negro. We want him here among us; he is the only laboring class we have.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1078056
#6. No damn man kills me and lives.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1118410
#7. Sometimes the best journeys are those, that start when we do not plan, continue how we do not expect and are taking us places we do not know.

Aisha Mirza

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1119456
#8. I ended the war a horse ahead.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1167352
#9. If I do what I really want to do, I'm not going to do a typical commercial Broadway show, so I'm going to write what I want to write.

Mitch Leigh

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1220891
#10. We have but one flag, one country; let us stand together. We may differ in color, but not in sentiment. Many things have been said about me which are wrong, and which white and black persons here, who stood by me through the war, can contradict.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #939589
#11. If you work at something, you get better at it.

Matt Damon

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1282490
#12. We are born on the same soil, breathe the same air, live on the same land, and why should we not be brothers and sisters?

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1412672
#13. If one road led to hell and the other to Mexico, I would be indifferent which to take.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1571237
#14. If a psychologist could do mind-reading, he would not need the answers he actually never needed.

Robin Sacredfire

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1645693
#15. Sikhism was then, as Muhammadanism
in the seventh and eighth centuries, and
Wahabeeism in the present, a religion of the sword, and the new converts appeared as ready to fight with each other as with the common enemy against whom
alone they ever united.

Lepel Henry Griffin

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1747834
#16. I done told you twice already goddammit no!

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1749432
#17. Men, do as I say and I will always lead you to victory.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #1822477
#18. If you surrender you shall be treated as prisoners of war, but if I haveto storm your works you may expect no quarter.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #45538
#19. I did not come here for the purpose of surrendering my command.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #894552
#20. What I desire most of you, my son, is never to gamble or swear. These are baneful vices.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #811229
#21. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.

Matthew McConaughey

Nathan Bedford Quotes #787540
#22. Nobody kills me and lives to tell about it.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #761481
#23. Never stand and take a charge ... charge them too.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #749178
#24. Attack in all directions!

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #575222
#25. Abolish the Loyal League and the Ku Klux Klan; let us come together and stand together.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #574353
#26. When you buy a lottery ticket, you don't know how tickets have been sold. But sold they have been. And there is an underlying distribution for the game.

Robert Haugen

Nathan Bedford Quotes #385900
#27. That's just the way this business works. You're a reliable commodity.

Christy Romano

Nathan Bedford Quotes #298644
#28. Get there first with the most.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #230524
#29. War means fighting, and fighting means killing.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #221210
#30. I learned more about acting from George Stevens in a few months than I had in my entire life up until then.

Alan Ladd

Nathan Bedford Quotes #116993
#31. As the years go on a sense of deep patience comes over one; one seems to know the virtue of ripeness, and the danger of rushing events.

Carolyn Heilbrun

Nathan Bedford Quotes #96972
#32. I went into the army worth a million and a half dollars, and came out a beggar.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #58324
#33. I have stood your meanness as long as I intend to. You have played the part of a damn scoundrel, and if you were any part of a man I would slap your jaws and force you to resent it ...

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Quotes #56559

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