Top 56 My Serenity Quotes

#1. I am freeing myself from security, sensation and power addictions that make me try to forcefully control situations in my life and thus destroy my serenity and keeps me from loving myself and others.

Ken Keyes Jr.

My Serenity Quotes #536539
#2. Within these margins I find my serenity - with a blank page and a pencil, I am set free.

Jordyn McKenzie

My Serenity Quotes #964306
#3. [L]ike the lake, my serenity is rippled but not ruffled.

Henry David Thoreau

My Serenity Quotes #1181935
#4. My Serenity sings of simplicity

Katie Hopkins

My Serenity Quotes #36106
#5. Doctor, I'm taking your sister under my protection. If any thing happens to her, anything at all, I swear to you I will get very choked up. Honestly, there could be tears.

Joss Whedon

My Serenity Quotes #1303228
#6. This wonderful gray of acceptance resides between the extremes of black and white thinking; looking for serenity, explore the gray. Part of that acceptance is understanding that life is hard and involves life and death. Part of that acceptance is that I am responsible for my actions.

David W. Earle

My Serenity Quotes #1033418
#7. Cookie didn't dare light a fire, so we have cold food this evening. (Morgan)
Yum. Hard-boiled wood, my favorite. (Serenity)

Kinley MacGregor

My Serenity Quotes #1291959
#8. It was he [Vincent] who helped me to accommodate my life in such a way that I can be at peace with myself. Serenity - this was the favorite word of both of them [Vincent and Theo], the something they considered the highest. Serenity - I have found it.

Johanna Van Gogh-Bonger

My Serenity Quotes #1229487
#9. Go slow, my life, go slow. Let me enjoy the beauty of silence, serenity, and solitude.

Debasish Mridha

My Serenity Quotes #1131267
#10. Why are you so angry? I've come back for you and this is how you greet me? (Morgan)
You've come back for me? Oh, how delightful. Shall I put on my best gown or should I just fall down on my knees in gratitude that you finally remembered I exist? (Serenity)

Kinley MacGregor

My Serenity Quotes #1130175
#11. The serenity prayer, 'God grant me the strength to accept ... ' That's a prayer that's actually in my car. I say it every day.

Lauren London

My Serenity Quotes #1126334
#12. when I finally begin to drift
into sleep
your memory is the...first
and the moonlight
the last, to kiss my face.

Sanober Khan

My Serenity Quotes #1125587
#13. O Lord, make my soul a sanctuary, a fortress within. That no one and nothing can disturb. A place of calm, silence, and serenity, untouched by the outside world. The soul that Allah (swt) calls al-nafs al mutmaina (the reassured soul). (Qur'an 89:27) The soul that Allah (swt) calls back saying:

Yasmin Mogahed

My Serenity Quotes #1099185
#14. God grant me the serenity to accept my goal weight, the courage to resist anything with more than three hundred calories, and the wisdom to check the fat grams before I open my mouth and insert a fork.

Shirley Jump

My Serenity Quotes #1097561
#15. Could you really catch me? (Serenity)
Absolutely. Besides, Barney would have my head if I let you make a mess on the deck. (Morgan)
Oh, thanks. I'm glad chivalry is alive and well on the high seas. (Serenity)

Kinley MacGregor

My Serenity Quotes #1088326
#16. I couldn't fight the urge to close my eyes, to match my breathing to his. And I was flooded with a feeling that couldn't be serenity. Because Peacemakers were never meant to know real peace.

S.A. McAuley

My Serenity Quotes #1041103
#17. My mom taught us the Serenity Prayer at a young age.

Toby Keith

My Serenity Quotes #1846505
#18. The scent of wine rising
from my grave will be so strong
that it will intoxicate passers-by.
There will be such an atmosphere of serenity
that couples in love will find it impossible
to tear themselves away.

Omar Khayyam

My Serenity Quotes #1322565
#19. No, my son, do not aspire for wealth and labor not only to be rich. Strive instead for happiness, to be loved and to love, and most important to acquire peace of mind and serenity.

Og Mandino

My Serenity Quotes #1329997
#20. I wasn't going to be the victim. I was going to be a survivor. And I would never let anyone get in the way of my happiness ever again.

M. Clarke

My Serenity Quotes #1420125
#21. There is no other labor in all the world that brings to a human heart, judging from my own personal experience, more joy, peace and serenity than proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

Heber J. Grant

My Serenity Quotes #1420700
#22. I started running around my 30th birthday. I wanted to lose weight; I didn't anticipate the serenity. Being in motion, suddenly my body was busy and so my head could work out some issues I had swept under a carpet of wine and cheese. Good therapy, that's a good run.

Michael Weatherly

My Serenity Quotes #1421117
#23. I find that peace. I find the serenity. I find a familiar deep comfort that can be found nowhere else. Miller wreaks havoc on my mind, body, and heart. And he chases it away just as well.

Jodi Ellen Malpas

My Serenity Quotes #1547146
#24. Ivashkov," she repeated, her face the picture of serenity. "My name is Sydney Ivashkov.

Richelle Mead

My Serenity Quotes #1593612
#25. The calm serenity of the breeze as it blows across the ocean releases the tangled web within my mind.

J. Kahele

My Serenity Quotes #1598469
#26. I can't go back there. Back to a time when I had a weakness. When I lost control, and lost loved ones and territories in the process. The WUN still remains out of my hands. If I woke her now, what would I lose next?

Laura Thalassa

My Serenity Quotes #1632199
#27. About my first memory, sitting on the shoulders of a giant who I know can only be my father. Of touching the sky. Of lying between two people who read me stories of wild things and journeys with dragons, the soft hum of their voices speaking of love and serenity. See, I remember love.

Melina Marchetta

My Serenity Quotes #1724421
#28. I pray that I may strengthen my inner life, so that I may find serenity. I pray that my soul may be restored in quietness and peace.


My Serenity Quotes #1738657
#29. The doctor gave me a relaxation cassette. When my blood pressure gets too high, the man on the tape tells me to say 'SERENITY NOW!' Are you supposed to yell it? The man on the tape wasn't specific. - Seinfeld

Charlie Hoehn

My Serenity Quotes #1812669
#30. There's serenity in the stillness of the water and my body absorbs it through my pours, desperate to find its peace.

Vi Keeland

My Serenity Quotes #1819891
#31. It wasn't fair that my friends could stay at Captain Morgan's pirate ship party while I was drop-kicked into a basement with homeless people chanting the Serenity Prayer.

Sarah Hepola

My Serenity Quotes #562303
#32. My idea of serenity - that wonderful word that everybody's trying to get into their life - is call-waiting.

Elaine Stritch

My Serenity Quotes #42253
#33. Limitations gone: Since my mind fixed on the moon, Clarity and serenity Make something for which There's no end in sight.


My Serenity Quotes #65638
#34. It's the way my mind works, when it works at all. Things to do today: settle down, achieve serenity, live happily ever after. Tick the box and move on.

K.J. Parker

My Serenity Quotes #125769
#35. The contemplation of Mont Blanc's unchanging summits for three or four days last month, the sight of that eternal snow, immaculate, sublime in its whiteness and calm, was enough to restore to my soul a serenity it had not known for a long time.

George Sand

My Serenity Quotes #170191
#36. In alarming proportions the following words have disappeared from architectural publications: beauty, inspiration, magic, sorcery, enchantment, and also serenity, mystery, silence, privacy, astonishment. All of these have found a loving home in my soul.

Luis Barragan

My Serenity Quotes #196493
#37. I like to live my life now with peace, patience, serenity, forgiveness, gratitude and acceptance of myself.xx Jean

Jean Murray

My Serenity Quotes #202195
#38. We'll never make Firefly again, because that was a thing that existed and is now gone. And Serenity isn't Firefly, and whatever comes next won't be, either. But I would love to tell more stories of this universe and to hang out with these people on and off for the rest of my career.

Joss Whedon

My Serenity Quotes #224415
#39. My two primary areas of focus have been open-space conservation and education, and I expect those to remain my priorities in the future. The Irvine open space and parklands provide serenity and balance to our unique Orange County lifestyle.

Donald Bren

My Serenity Quotes #310104
#40. My vicious Sleeping Beauty. This is our violent fairytale.

Laura Thalassa

My Serenity Quotes #359129
#41. I believe it is my duty to share the gifts I have learned. How dare I have the tools for finding serenity and not share them with the world?

Gabrielle Bernstein

My Serenity Quotes #475313
#42. I would like to say to those who think of my pictures as serene, whether in friendship or mere observation, that I have imprisoned the most utter violence in every inch of their surface.

Mark Rothko

My Serenity Quotes #512411
#43. I have just lost my reason for fighting so hard. How do I go on now, without my thing to fight for?' And he whispered into my ear, he said: 'Maybe it's time to stop fighting.

C. JoyBell C.

My Serenity Quotes #537848
#44. She is one of those people who have found serenity because they have never tried to dodge suffering.

Margaret Campbell Barnes

My Serenity Quotes #950659
#45. My incentive? Making a peaceful spirit second nature. And that is so worth the effort.

Carlos Wallace

My Serenity Quotes #586816
#46. Never have I experienced a serenity and sweetness of disposition as with my Chocolate Lab.

Mortimer Zuckerman

My Serenity Quotes #698074
#47. It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another.
Malcolm Reynolds

Melodie Ramone

My Serenity Quotes #699371
#48. It sounds kind of crazy, but in times of turmoil in the market, I've felt a sort of serenity in knowing that I've checked and re-checked my work, one plus one still equals two regardless of where a stock trades right after I buy it.

Seth Klarman

My Serenity Quotes #735084
#49. I don't want her to see the man I've become. I don't want to fall for her all over again. It took decades for the pain of her absence to dull.
Here my wife's safe. And so is my heart.

Laura Thalassa

My Serenity Quotes #757738
#50. Imagine if Uluru is absolute serenity and the ocean is homicidically mental, then my mother has been driving up and down the Pacific Highway for as long as I can remember.

Alyssa Brugman

My Serenity Quotes #763781
#51. Icy pillars of serenity, spun from airy mist, entered my quiet vision in echoes of worlds unknown.

Gina Marinello-Sweeney

My Serenity Quotes #765787
#52. Mother Earth taught me that my anger
toward nature was unfounded.
And she therefore invited me to open my heart to this
possibility: so too may be my anger toward man.

Anasizi Foundation Good Buffalo Eagle

My Serenity Quotes #799709
#53. I went from resenting my mother-in-law to accepting her, finally to appreciating her. What appeared to be her diffidence when I was first married, I now value as serenity.

Ayelet Waldman

My Serenity Quotes #849612
#54. I have a trophy case that contains all the action figures ever made of me. It also has items I've stolen from my movies, like three guns and holsters from 'Serenity'.

Nathan Fillion

My Serenity Quotes #873433
#55. Endymion, you are my first love, my only love ... even if we're reborn, in another life, we'll find each other ... and then ... We'll fall in love again ... - Princess Serenity

Naoko Takeuchi

My Serenity Quotes #895614
#56. I dream of chaos and serenity. Some might call what I dream a nightmare, a madness of the mind. Me, I think of it as a foreshadowing of what's to come in my future, of what I hope to achieve one day.

Jessica Sorensen

My Serenity Quotes #946193

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