Top 18 My Perfect Date Quotes

#1. I'm so lazy. I'm on the road all the time working, so when I'm at home, my perfect date is just laying on the couch!

Kellie Pickler

My Perfect Date Quotes #1333861
#2. If she smells good she is your perfect date

Bazil Taha Ahmed

My Perfect Date Quotes #1243252
#3. My first date ever, I was kind of nervous, so I was like, 'I'm going to bring Brady to this walk on the beach with this girl,' and she was like, 'Oh my gosh, I have a King Charles Cavalier, too.' I'm like, 'Money, perfect, amazing.'

Charlie Puth

My Perfect Date Quotes #1843519
#4. Perfect first date would be coffee at Aroma talking for hours. That's when I would know to ask for a second date.

Kelly Blatz

My Perfect Date Quotes #1841627
#5. To the man who knows what makes the perfect date night

Kim Harrison

My Perfect Date Quotes #1610681
#6. There's no perfect [date]. There's no agenda which has to be fulfilled. So really it's about the company and how well you get along.

Jay Sean

My Perfect Date Quotes #1589919
#7. I'm the perfect amount of guarded. I don't reveal too much, and I never reveal who the songs are about. They are real life. People get that. I date a lot of musicians and they do the same thing. People that work with me - who I write about too - they get it. It's my creative outlet, my therapy.

Kelly Clarkson

My Perfect Date Quotes #1580256
#8. My perfect first date? Maybe a concert or a football game. That would be my ideal first date, but would the girl like it? I don't know.

Chace Crawford

My Perfect Date Quotes #1516661
#9. I won't date a model, because models are perfect and perfect is boring.

Niall Horan

My Perfect Date Quotes #1334497
#10. I began writing with a Michael Buble mentality. I think he's fantastic, and it's the perfect music for any date night, ever.

Joe Jonas

My Perfect Date Quotes #1250126
#11. With two children of my own, I know what it means to balance the demands of family and career - and let's not even talk about finding a date for myself. Rabbi Shmuley keeps telling me he'll find me the perfect woman. My response is, 'As long as she's not a journalist'.

Michael Jackson

My Perfect Date Quotes #1220862
#12. The perfect date for me would be staying at home, making a big picnic in bed, eating Wotsits and cookies while watching cable TV.

Kim Kardashian

My Perfect Date Quotes #619804
#13. There's this incredible pressure, especially on teens, to be perfect, look right, have the right clothes, date the right people, get into the right school, have the right home life, and so on.

Deborah Reber

My Perfect Date Quotes #587904
#14. It is the perfect wrong time for Jeremy to do to Mirabelle what she had done to him - call him up for a quick fix - because;, in a sense, she is now betrothed. Her first date with someone who treated her well obligates her to faithfulness, at least until the relationship is explored.

Steve Martin

My Perfect Date Quotes #549103
#15. Don't postpone your happiness until some perfect future date. Be happy now, tomorrow will take care of itself.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

My Perfect Date Quotes #419215
#16. Perfect date material, she thought. A vampire with the social equivalent of road rage.
Beth about Wrath

J.R. Ward

My Perfect Date Quotes #260096
#17. I bizarrely think that this [Sin City] is the perfect date movie. If a guy took me on a date to see this movie, I would marry him, for sure. It's bad-ass chicks and rad dudes, who are sexy, all over the place, and there's so much cool action.

Jessica Alba

My Perfect Date Quotes #173885
#18. He said if I was good enough to throw a perfect game, I'd be good enough to date his daughter.

Julie Cross

My Perfect Date Quotes #18668

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