Top 6 Mushkin Em2 Quotes

#1. The federal investment in finding cures for cancer - $3 billion annually [as of 1999] - is less than ... zero ... point ... zero ... zero ... zero ... four ... percent of our gross domestic product, or about one-seventh of what Americans spend on beauty products.

Michael Milken

Mushkin Em2 Quotes #418825
#2. Christianity helps us face the music even when we don't like the tune.

Phillips Brooks

Mushkin Em2 Quotes #645145
#3. Some of the pictures are truly mysterious to me.. which is why I so often say publicly that I don't know or don't care what they're really about. And yet I can also say that the paintings are prayers.. that they have to do with whatever it is that makes you want more than what daily life affords.

Susan Rothenberg

Mushkin Em2 Quotes #721897
#4. If I step out too much while in the process and don't allow myself to get into it, the piece may not get made.

Kalup Linzy

Mushkin Em2 Quotes #823535
#5. I view anything on this farm as model. I actually painted Union Rags as a yearling.

Jamie Wyeth

Mushkin Em2 Quotes #859890
#6. Now I'm awake and you're here. Now I'm dreaming and you're here. Now I have nothing but days. Never nights.


Mushkin Em2 Quotes #1326391

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