Top 15 Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes

#1. she was usually keenly susceptible to weather conditions and reveled in sunshine like a kitten.

P.G. Wodehouse

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #94248
#2. You have put yourself at risk to activate your instinctual genius.

Bryant McGill

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #273678
#3. Mindless Christianity is no Christianity at all. You can't love what you don't know.

R.C. Sproul

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #495099
#4. The opposing party rarely causes so much angst as does one's own.

Dick Morris

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #640143
#5. Sometimes loving eyes don't see what they don't want to see.

Stephen King

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #905138
#6. Love doesn't mean anything if you are not willing ta make a commitment

Nicholas Sparks

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #934980
#7. The sweetest sound to anyone's ears is the sounds of his own name.

Robert C. Lee

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1076508
#8. Today you are walking in Paris the women are all steeped in blood
It was and I'd rather not remember it was at beauty's decline

Guillaume Apollinaire

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1183097
#9. A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real, so he escapes the suffering.

Gautama Buddha

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1331673
#10. I miss my parents a lot. I obviously don't see them loads anyway because they live up north. But knowing that they're only a couple of hours away is a lot different than knowing that they're 12 hours away.

Harry Styles

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1412870
#11. The authors who affect contempt for a name in the world put their names to the books which they invite the world to read.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1493876
#12. The Bible contains all the extant revelations of God, which He designed to be the rule of faith and practice for his Church; so that nothing can rightfully be imposed on the consciences of men as truth or duty which is not taught directly or by necessary implication in the Holy Scriptures.

Charles Hodge

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1545940
#13. She was soothing chaos. Like that first taste of anesthesia, before you lost your senses. Or the venom that numbed you before it killed you. I really couldn't decide which. The verdict was definitely still out on that.

R.K. Lilley

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1589418
#14. I look like shit, dead.
I look like dead shit.

Chuck Palahniuk

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1620642
#15. There is only one legend. That's me.

Roberto Duran

Muriels Wedding Trailer Quotes #1762632

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