Top 6 Munken Lynx Quotes

#1. I believe only foreigners should run for president ... Face it, the presidency is a lousy job. And who does lousy jobs we don't want anymore better than foreigners?

Bill Maher

Munken Lynx Quotes #345808
#2. Imagination is but another name for super intelligence.

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Munken Lynx Quotes #381450
#3. If you knew me yesterday, please do not think that it is the same person that you are meeting today.

John Powell

Munken Lynx Quotes #925351
#4. When you ask people about guys they didn't like because they were aggressive, there's me, John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors; not too many names would come up.

Pete Rose

Munken Lynx Quotes #949899
#5. Children will learn far more by watching than by just listening.

Billy Graham

Munken Lynx Quotes #1023507
#6. Here he was, doing things he didn't care a damn about, and enjoying it.

Milan Kundera

Munken Lynx Quotes #1057047

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