Top 12 Monory M Sz Quotes

#1. Great businesses can be built on scale. I think Amazon has built a phenomenal commerce business largely on scale. Their network effect isn't obvious to me, but boy, have they used scale effectively.

Jeff Jordan

Monory M Sz Quotes #90717
#2. Believe in God, it's only one God. F*** all that religion s***. Believe in one God, and do right. Try your best to do right, we ain't perfect. Just do that and everything will be straight,

Kendrick Lamar

Monory M Sz Quotes #224829
#3. I am fully convinced that the soul is indestructible, and its activity will continue through eternity.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Monory M Sz Quotes #369598
#4. Am I a frustrated performer? My wife would say I am! I guess there has to be something of the performer in you if you build a global business.

Lloyd Dorfman

Monory M Sz Quotes #624957
#5. American forces in Iraq found $650 million in American cash sealed in a hidden cottage. See, this is why President Bush wants to invade Iraq, the whole place is oil and cash. It's like Republican Disneyland.

Jay Leno

Monory M Sz Quotes #675602
#6. Marco Rubio hit my hands. Nobody has ever hit my hands. I've never heard of this. What - look at those hands. Are they small hands? And he referred to my hands - if they're small, something else must be small. I guarantee you, there's no problem. I guarantee you.

Donald Trump

Monory M Sz Quotes #708170
#7. It's the smell of life, Mother." Emily drew deep. "Gasoline, horses, the sweat of men, the perfume of women.

Rachel Hauck

Monory M Sz Quotes #774140
#8. Over time, any deception destroys intimacy, and without intimacy couples cannot have true and lasting love.

Bonnie Eaker Weil

Monory M Sz Quotes #985647
#9. She still remembered sitting for hours as a little girl and pretending to be a hassock. A foot stool. Because if she could just stay very small, and very quiet, her mother would forget she was there, and then she wouldn't scream about people and places and things that had gone wrong.

Eloisa James

Monory M Sz Quotes #1115989
#10. That was how a household as contradictory as one composed of Hones, Father Keeley, Vice-Bundesfueher Krapptauer, and the Black Fuehrer could exist in relative harmony - That was how my father in law could contain one mind an indifference towards slave women and love for a blue vase

Kurt Vonnegut

Monory M Sz Quotes #1489141
#11. There is no idea so stupid or hackneyed that a sufficiently-talented writer can't get a good story out of it.

Lawrence Watt-Evans

Monory M Sz Quotes #1551789
#12. It's too expensive, that's the thing nobody wants to talk about. It is too expensive to make movies. That's not true, it is too expensive to market movies. Making movies is not.

Kevin Smith

Monory M Sz Quotes #1610469

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