Top 10 Monastery Candy Quotes

#1. The truth is usually inappropriate.

Jennifer Donnelly

Monastery Candy Quotes #119909
#2. If Stephen King was a killer, he will be the best killer ever existed, check out his novels, check out the killing... That's insane!

Deyth Banger

Monastery Candy Quotes #145077
#3. Och, woman," he said softly, "you show me Heaven and ask me to revisit Hell? Not now, sweet Jessica. Now is for us.
No grim thoughts. Only us .

Karen Marie Moning

Monastery Candy Quotes #428850
#4. Captured by the ideological animus, both socialist and liberal-democratic art abandoned the criterion of beauty - considered anachronistic and of dubious political value - and replaced it with the criterion of correctness.

Ryszard Legutko

Monastery Candy Quotes #652701
#5. My actions were intended solely to secure the repayment of funds, which I considered to be in the public interest, and I accept sole responsibility. I did not advise the prime minister of the means by which Sen. Duffy's expenses were repaid, either before or after the fact.

Nigel S. Wright

Monastery Candy Quotes #807293
#6. When you look around and there are no answers, where do you go from there?

Aarti Patel

Monastery Candy Quotes #937155
#7. Chapin was secured in the backseat - the motor-pool cars had rings bolted to the floor for just that reason - and he sat in his durance vile mumbling, ranting, threatening, and overusing the same naughty word.

Jeff Lindsay

Monastery Candy Quotes #1171770
#8. I'm glad I'm a strong person.

Freida Pinto

Monastery Candy Quotes #1317069
#9. the remembrence of things past is not nessecarly the remeberance of things as they were

Marcel Proust

Monastery Candy Quotes #1424117
#10. There comes a time in the life of us all when we must lay aside our books or put down our tools and leave our place of work and walk forth on the road to meet the enemy face-to-face. Once and for all and at last

Edward Abbey

Monastery Candy Quotes #1623740

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