Top 13 Misspelt Versus Quotes

#1. We've suffered a 'Ponzification' of the economy in recent years, as bubbles have built up and then burst, and each time we act as though it's the first time.

Mitchell Zuckoff

Misspelt Versus Quotes #15277
#2. Busyness makes us stop caring about the things we care about.

Mark Buchanan

Misspelt Versus Quotes #45427
#3. My parents are both pastors. In the '80s and '90s in the mainstream Christian world, it was not really common for a woman - especially a married woman and a mother - to be a pastor.

Mallory Ortberg

Misspelt Versus Quotes #183724
#4. A client is to me a mere unit, a factor in a problem.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Misspelt Versus Quotes #359258
#5. Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established (Psalms 16:3).


Misspelt Versus Quotes #608397
#6. Teenagers and younger children did not need to sit in business class, let alone first - that was Franny's philosophy. The extra room was for people who could appreciate it, truly appreciate it, and she did.

Emma Straub

Misspelt Versus Quotes #643386
#7. It is always reassuring to discover that great writers are as fallible as oneself. W.B. Yeats once failed to obtain an academic post in Dublin because he misspelt the word 'professor' on his application.

Terry Eagleton

Misspelt Versus Quotes #798369
#8. But still I feel I waste a lot of time leaning on my elbow and thinking to myself, alright sucker, now what?

Peter S. Beagle

Misspelt Versus Quotes #801202
#9. You make me forget everything. You are the best therapy.

E.L. James

Misspelt Versus Quotes #972910
#10. You will need to find your passion. Don't give up on finding it because then all you're doing is waiting for the Reaper.

Randy Pausch

Misspelt Versus Quotes #1291104
#11. I'm going to lick you all over before this night is over, Sara, ... Suck your nipples until you are crazy with need, then spread you wide and lick you until you come and then, I'm going to do it all over again. I'm going to make sure you are so thoroughly fucked that being fucked has a new meaning.

Lisa Renee Jones

Misspelt Versus Quotes #1291431
#12. You see, the problem with being a bully is that on the flipside of that particular coin, you'll find the imprint of a coward.

Jeffrey Archer

Misspelt Versus Quotes #1304616
#13. It is already clear that, because of advances in technology, drones are going to play an increased role in warfare in the years ahead. It is therefore vital that the legal frameworks governing their use are robust and internationally recognised.

Douglas Alexander

Misspelt Versus Quotes #1339185

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