Top 13 Mimi Imfurst Quotes

#1. I was very aware that you were a girl, Ash. I was just scared because the one person in the world who knew every secret I'd ever had also happened to be the most beautiful girl I'd ever known. My feelings for you were scary as Hell.

Abbi Glines

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #22053
#2. Time will tell

Time will answer


Silence... and time....

Deyth Banger

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #217450
#3. A generous figure is always nice!

Mimi Imfurst

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #344449
#4. Astronomers have built telescopes which can show myriads of stars unseen before; but when a man looks through a tear in his own eye, that is a lens which opens reaches into the unknown, and reveals orbs which no telescope, however skilfully constructed, could do.

Henry Ward Beecher

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #525271
#5. That's a dream of mine, to be able to coach at the NBA level.

John Starks

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #554263
#6. We all grew up as huge wrestling fans, and we need to understand why we liked it so much.

Triple H

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #738417
#7. Next time we need to be on drugs and have lots of suffering and alcohol abuse going on while recording, I'm kinda picturing a Jerry Lee Lewis session from the mid Seventies.

Jim Diamond

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #983579
#8. The filter's the best part. That's where they put the heroin.

Denis Leary

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #994234
#9. Concentrating wealth in the hands of the few and deregulating financial institutions and practices lead to speculative bubbles that eventually burst - and that brings the whole country down.

Jennifer Granholm

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #1127729
#10. I only weigh 98 pounds. The rest of this is liver.

Mimi Imfurst

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #1568159
#11. January 30th will be a historic day for the Middle East and the world. The Iraqi people will take the next step toward a free and democratic society as they place their votes for a transitional Iraqi government.

Dana Rohrabacher

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #1695972
#12. If a girl comes to me first for a prom or a bar mitzvah and she likes the way she looks and her boyfriend likes the way she looks, she'll come back.

Betsey Johnson

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #1753260
#13. You're praying, they're praying, and God, oddly enough, will come down on the side of the one with the most guns and most willing to use them. God always does.

Robert Ferrigno

Mimi Imfurst Quotes #1778243

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