Top 13 Middle Age Women Quotes

#1. There are only three kinds of Irishmen who can't understand women. Young men, old men and men of middle age.

Elizabeth Berg

Middle Age Women Quotes #151436
#2. He would know a number of grown women in his life who did not possess even a small portion of the grace his middle sister owned at the age of fourteen.

James Carlos Blake

Middle Age Women Quotes #407088
#3. I do not like to see men walk away from women in late middle age.

Peter D. Kramer

Middle Age Women Quotes #433369
#4. When I was young, I used to have successes with women because I was young. Now I have successes with women because I am old. Middle age was the hardest part.

Arthur Rubinstein

Middle Age Women Quotes #492715
#5. Women or mothers in middle-age or mid-career have valuable life experience and may offer an untapped recruitment pool.

Hazel Blears

Middle Age Women Quotes #602056
#6. The thing about women playing boys is that we're not going to age, and we're not going to go through puberty in the middle of a long-running series.

Pamela Adlon

Middle Age Women Quotes #1024692
#7. They met middle-age together-a time when women are necessary to one another-and all the petty but grievous insults of greying hair, crowsfeet, and the loathed encumbrances of unwanted flesh, seemed less sordid when faced and fought (though fought spasmodically and with weak wills) gaily together.

Elizabeth Taylor

Middle Age Women Quotes #1081409
#8. Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses.

Francis Bacon

Middle Age Women Quotes #1213497
#9. Few women, I fear, have had such reason as I have to think the long sad years of youth were worth living for the sake of middle age.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Middle Age Women Quotes #1256717
#10. The bus stops and out get the sort of people who travel by bus between cities: students, old people--mainly women--and the middle-aged who cannot afford the train and who have never grown old enough to drive. Out we get, and away we go, the young, the old, and the failed girls.

Joanna Walsh

Middle Age Women Quotes #1352650
#11. I am firmly of the opinion that women who make a lot of effort to hang onto their looks in middle age (unless they are beauties, entertainers or prostitutes) are rather sad, as one should surely have something more substantial to recommend one by this time, such as kindness or cleverness.

Julie Burchill

Middle Age Women Quotes #1365659
#12. I suppose it is the way with all men and women who reach middle age without the clear perception that life never can be thoroughly joyous: under the vague dullness of the grey hours, dissatisfaction seeks a definite object, and finds it in the privation of an untried good. Dissatisfaction

George Eliot

Middle Age Women Quotes #1480489
#13. Walk your own path and be yourself

Joanne Nussbaum

Middle Age Women Quotes #1580069

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