Top 12 Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes

#1. I can't seem to make myself care about anything to the right or left of the present.

Isaac Marion

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #1813
#2. I hate to think of you stuck here all day every day, doing nothing with that brilliant brain of yours."
"It never was brilliant. Anyway, who keeps these books to see who's used themselves wisely and who's wasted?

Tessa Hadley

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #5144
#3. The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand.

Lewis Thomas

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #430720
#4. Legends are all to do with the past and nothing to do with the present.

Lauren Bacall

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #607507
#5. I've always been a closet jock. With exercising, the more you do it, the more you get into it. And the more you see results, the more you're pushing for the next level.

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #643794
#6. Great Elephants!" said Gandalf, "you are not at all yourself this morning - you have never dusted the mantelpiece!" "What's that got to do with it?

J.R.R. Tolkien

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #791007
#7. Water is the softest of all things, yet it is the most powerful. The ocean patiently allows all things to flow into it. It is always flexible. The Tao is not about grasping, but allowing, like water.

Wayne Dyer

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #826608
#8. I am in love; I want to make you happy.

Debasish Mridha

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #910175
#9. There will always be sixty seconds in a minute. There will always be sixty minutes in an hour. And there will always be twenty-four hours in a day. Time does not fluctuate. It moves on at the same, constant pace at every moment in your life. And

S.C. Stephens

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #1145113
#10. A mobster who knew Trump socially said of him once, "He'd lie to you about what time of day it is - just for the practice.

John Connolly

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #1486215
#11. With these 11 million people here illegally, let's have them registered, know who they are, those that are her paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process towards application for citizenship.

Mitt Romney

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #1527712
#12. I don't know where we're going or how we'll get there, but when we get there we'll be there - and that's something, even if it's nothing.

S.J Perelman

Michelle Obama Exercising Quotes #1713951

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