Top 6 Mga Walang Hiya Quotes

#1. A lot of people who start work at a very young age never grow up because they never got that opportunity to be a child, so they hold on to that and still do a lot of childish, silly things.

Janet Jackson

Mga Walang Hiya Quotes #189281
#2. The band is just fantastic,
that is really what I think,
Oh, and by the way,
which one's Pink?

Pink Floyd

Mga Walang Hiya Quotes #1023226
#3. I should not, if I were you, wish to be, because 'sterner stuff' is usually forged by hardship.

Julie Anne Long

Mga Walang Hiya Quotes #1101187
#4. Cut the crap and tell me what color panties you're wearing.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Mga Walang Hiya Quotes #1205969
#5. A man shall never be enriched by envy.

Thomas Draxe

Mga Walang Hiya Quotes #1504023
#6. Salman Rushdie said, "A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or offer your own version in return."
So if someone tells me I've written something that's historically inaccurate, I can just tell them, "Salman Rushdie said I could."

Veronica Bale

Mga Walang Hiya Quotes #1706765

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