Top 10 Mesmerically Quotes

#1. And he crosses the line with the ball almost mesmerically tied to his foot with a piece of string.

Ian Darke

Mesmerically Quotes #1436470
#2. Ever since history has been written, ever since philosophy has meditated, misery has been the garment of the human race.

Victor Hugo

Mesmerically Quotes #133545
#3. Flexible supply chains are great for multinationals and consumers. But they erode already thin profit margins in developing-world factories and foster a pell-mell work environment in which getting the order out the door is the only thing that matters.

James Surowiecki

Mesmerically Quotes #175348
#4. Humans haven't quite figured out how to generate energy by pulling it out of the vacuum, but that's according to mainstream science.


Mesmerically Quotes #408983
#5. I'm going to get out. Her spirits lurched unsteadily into the air like a wounded pigeon. I'm going to get out of this wormpit of a town. And I will never, never come back here again.

Frances Hardinge

Mesmerically Quotes #681784
#6. Money ... is the nerve center of the economic system. If, therefore, the state is able to gain unquestioned control over the unit of all accounts, the state will then be in a position to dominate the entire economic system, and the whole society.

Murray Rothbard

Mesmerically Quotes #709573
#7. Are you sure/That we are awake? It seems to me/That yet we sleep, we dream

William Shakespeare

Mesmerically Quotes #1066343
#8. I did not have any magnificent jewels to give you, but I hoped you would understand that I would give you the world if I could.

Patricia Rice

Mesmerically Quotes #1161824
#9. Moneymaking was never anything to me. I was happy never making money; I just was happy doing things I liked. But I fell into the money thing. I now don't feel guilty about it, but I am determined to give away the bulk of it and enjoy doing it.

David Rubenstein

Mesmerically Quotes #1306816
#10. I know how to say 'no' in twelve languages. That's enough for a woman.

Sophia Loren

Mesmerically Quotes #1670697

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