Top 17 Melissa Benoist Quotes

#1. I'm obsessed with Michael Fassbender. He's unbelievable. I think he's a modern day Brando. Every movie that he's done in the past couple years, I just died for him. He's extremely fascinating.

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #677582
#2. Sometimes you just have to keep away from the things that are trying to kill you, even if they're the same thing that gave birth to you. Sometimes those two things are the same, and their name is mother.

Lydia Netzer

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1876971
#3. Shit soup was being stirred and it was simmering now, and getting ready to be served with a side of crunchy crackers.

Amelia Hutchins

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1769324
#4. I was such a wallflower in high school. I did a lot of extracurricular theatre shows, but at school, I spent a lot of time by myself. I ate lunch by myself, and I was always okay with it. But I was definitely made fun of, and I always felt like an outsider.

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1513791
#5. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country

Barack Obama

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1281280
#6. What I mean is, it reminded me of one of the happiest moments of childhood, before broken wrists and purpling bruises and nasty names hissed when my mother's back was turned. Before Who do you think you are? You're ugly. You're nobody.

Nova Ren Suma

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1246332
#7. Everybody needs beauty ... places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.

John Muir

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1183601
#8. I love female singer-songwriters!

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1161483
#9. Reading about myself on 'Perez Hilton' was kind of the weirdest thing ever.

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #1061394
#10. I meditate and put on a rubber tire with three bottles of beer. Most of the time I just sit picking my nose and thinking.

James Gould Cozzens

Melissa Benoist Quotes #30431
#11. Life is short. And when all is said and done, our relationships with Jesus Christ and each other are the only things that will matter.

Gary Rosberg

Melissa Benoist Quotes #582174
#12. I'm definitely interested in doing movies. I've always focused more on acting than singing because that's where my true passion lies.

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #577075
#13. At school, when it came to being social, I had no idea how to do it.

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #526537
#14. Every day, I just thank the universe that I am as lucky as I am. Because, I went through periods of time when I didn't have a single bit of work. Months and months where I was auditioning all the time. I mean, all the time, and nothing was happening.

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #496188
#15. If I had any advice for my 16-year-old self, it would just be to stay strong, because acting is not an easy lifestyle, especially when you are starting out. That being said, it definitely makes it all worth it when it does happen.

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist Quotes #326831
#16. Efforts to develop critical thinking falter in practice because too many professors still lecture to passive audiences instead of challenging students to apply what they have learned to new questions.

Derek Bok

Melissa Benoist Quotes #206839
#17. Vocal cords are not rental units. No Hebrew prophet, nor Mohammed, nor any founder of any cult or religion ever spoke the words of anybody but themselves.

Thomas Daniel Nehrer

Melissa Benoist Quotes #182340

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