Top 100 Melanie Dickerson Quotes

#1. Gabe tried to force himself to listen to and comprehend the priest's words, but it was difficult, as Sophie's beauty kept distracting him.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #453154
#2. His squire's voice broke through the haze of rage that had settled in his head.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #584690
#3. When he reached her, he put his hand on her shoulder and searched her face in the dim light. "Valten." She said his name on a happy sigh as she looked into his eyes. He put his arms around her, pulling her against his chest.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #577065
#4. A shiver went up her spine. Part of her wanted to lean toward him so she could see deeper into his brown eyes, to put her arms around him and feel his warmth and strength. How

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #572050
#5. JORGEN COULD NOT take his eyes off Odette. The mask somehow made her even more mysterious . . . and desirable.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #546924
#6. Only the most passionate, forthright kind of love would ever induce her to enter the confining state of matrimony.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #529454
#7. She thought about all the things she would like to say to him. Thank you for wanting to defend me. Thank you for thinking Rupert is a rogue. Thank you for being a man of integrity. Oh, Lord Hamlin, if you were mine, I'd make you so happy. Rose stifled a laugh at the stupid, outrageous thought.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #526245
#8. She did not want wealth or fame or power, but simply to be loved, to be cherished, to feel safe, cared for, and protected. She wanted someone to be kind to her and love her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #522683
#9. She wouldn't have done it if he hadn't looked at her the way he did. But she had wanted to be in his arms. In fact, she had wanted it ... and enjoyed it ... far too much.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #508707
#10. How he had wanted to forget who he was for one moment, forget his duty and everything else, to pull her into his arms and kiss her with every ounce of his passion.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #499337
#11. His hands wrapped around her upper arms, holding her gently. You are even more beautiful when you dance.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #490007
#12. Who would marry her and take care of her? O God, let it be me. His chest ached with the fervor of his desire - and his impossible request.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #466244
#13. Even with dirt on her face and dress, she took his breath away.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #461171
#14. The world needs more people like you, Odette." She smiled to lighten the mood."And you, Jorgen Hortman.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #585222
#15. You deserve to love and be loved.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #441511
#16. She would think about how her breath had stuck in her throat when he had looked into her eyes. How fierce and protective he had been. How rugged and masculine he had looked with several days of stubble on his cheeks and chin.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #431552
#17. Valten turned and grasped Gisela around the waist to help her down. She placed her hands on his shoulders and he set her on her feet, but slowly. After all, when one has a pleasant task to do, there's no reason to rush it.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #419229
#18. She was so beautiful when she smiled, but now was not the time to tell her so.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #413890
#19. You just cry if you want to." Eustacia's voice was kind but firm. "Women cry. Men don't understand it, but crying is what we do.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #412082
#20. He simply stared at her, a sweet, soft look on his face. He seemed to be staring at her lips.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #405562
#21. Time blunts the pain and creates a mist over one's memory - at least in the case of death and sorrow. Other types of pain linger longer.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #403550
#22. Instead of letting her go, he lifted her hand to his lips, his eyelids closing, and slowly kissed the backs of her fingers. She held her breath at the rush of pleasure his lips created as they brushed softly over her skin. A tiny sigh escaped her. I shouldn't let him do this.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #399255
#23. She never imagined she would get her first true kiss in the secret tunnel, surrounded by strange men. At least it was memorable.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #376556
#24. What is it, liebchen? The term of endearment, and the tenderness that had returned to his eyes, made her knees weak. She wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss him once more, but she resisted. Just barely.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #367014
#25. You have every right to be free, Miss Langdon. No one is denying you that. But freedom is only valuable if you use your freedom wisely.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #360010
#26. Except I was hoping someday to see you standing on a ship's deck in your shirtsleeves with a cutlass between your teeth."

"Maybe it can be arranged

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #686096
#27. He'd never seen such a confident, impertinent smile on her face. He frowned. You're enjoying this too much.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #768885
#28. He could go home knowing he had done something good, that he had made a difference in the life of the most beautiful, worthy, gentle creature in the world.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #767045
#29. When she was with Lord Thornbeck, it was so difficult to keep from talking to him. She was so drawn to him, to his opinions, his deep-brown eyes, and his rich, rumbly voice - which was exactly why she needed to stay away

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #763523
#30. She whispered, Even with a broken hand, you are the knight I'd most want and trust to rescue me-and I know you can do it. You are the boldest, bravest, most noble knight in the Holy Empire.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #762619
#31. Valten's blood boiled at the thought of Ruexner holding Gisela, of him taking her by force, dragging her away from underneath Valten's nose, from his own home.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #759861
#32. She cried so hard she thought her heart would burst - until Sir Gerek put his arms around her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #753511
#33. Valten tightened his arms around Gisela. She buried her face against his chest, holding on to him as if her life depended on her grip.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #753099
#34. A knot tightened around Wilhelm's chest. So this is how jealousy feels.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #733622
#35. Avelina shuddered and pressed her face into Lord Thornbeck's shoulder. He held her tight against him. If only she could stay like this forever, safe and warm and protected, or at least until she stopped shaking. She

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #728994
#36. She relaxed against him, her head tucked against his neck. He closed his eyes to better memorize the way she felt in his arms, since he must never hold her like this again.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #720079
#37. Gabe prayed for the strength not to strangle his future father-in-law for the fiftieth time.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #717066
#38. Even though she was in a room full of people, an occurrence she had rarely ever experienced before, she had never felt so alone.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #691688
#39. For us mortals, love is greater than justice.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #347574
#40. Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #668204
#41. She wanted to hit him. Perhaps she would.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #655130
#42. The pain in his chest grew so intense it took his breath away. So this is what a broken heart feels like.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #650285
#43. If only she could find someone as perfect as her father. He made every other man she'd ever met seem unworthy. Perhaps this was the reason she'd never found a suitor very appealing; she always compared him to her father.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #642697
#44. Even though his heart would be broken when he finally had to part from her, and he regretted he couldn't marry her, he wasn't sorry he had spent these days with her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #641676
#45. Love tears out your heart, but pain is better than bitterness.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #636766
#46. Those stolen kisses and conversations were sweeter than any he had ever imagined, perhaps because he had waited for them and had never broken his vows.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #627518
#47. Once or twice she'd looked back at him and seen such a look of compassion in his brown eyes it had made her heart flop around like a fish on dry land.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #622963
#48. Trust me, dear girl, you were born for love, for loving and caring and healing." She

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #605159
#49. Just as he finished speaking with the margrave, he turned and smiled at Odette. Her breath caught in her throat at how good he looked. A

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #597054
#50. And I want to be loved. I want to love and be loved, and to be respected. I don't want someone to love me simply because I am a duke's daughter. I don't want a disinterested husband. I want someone who loves me passionately.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #595448
#51. He leaned toward her, his face only a breath away. His intense look captured her fully. His words rumbled from his chest. If you love me, kiss me.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #74679
#52. Before Sophie could say anything, Gabe dipped her backward and kissed her again. And she kissed him back.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #171427
#53. You are brave and strong and good, noble and kind. I love you and I think you're ...

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #170233
#54. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #157851
#55. But when he looked her in the eye and spoke quietly to her and only her, it filled an empty place inside her, and even made her eyes misty. It made her believe that she was just as worthy as a wealthy daughter of a nobleman. Or

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #153586
#56. But he would never stop searching. And when he found her, he would never let anyone harm her again.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #152478
#57. Valten paced the floor of the library, imagining the violence he would wreak on the person responsible for hurting Gisela.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #147096
#58. Valten took a step toward the tent and stopped. He turned back to Gisela, and the look in his gray-green eyes gentled instantly. His jaw relaxed, and her breath hitched in her throat at the sudden transformation.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #131943
#59. but behind her mask, she smiled flirtatiously at him, letting the warm sensations spread all through her, from her hand to her cheeks. The

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #107777
#60. Then a woman of good character will be very attracted to you, will consider you a wonderful potential husband, even if she does not show it." Avelina had to swallow the lump that rose into her throat. "She will count herself fortunate to have secured your good opinion." He

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #98841
#61. She didn't realize how beguiling she was in her innocent gestures.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #93070
#62. Wilhelm studied Christoff and Georg. With a fair maiden in their midst, he knew his men too well to doubt their thoughts. He suddenly agreed with the dog. He didn't want them staring at her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #91968
#63. Her jaw was firmly set, but her lips ... her full, perfect lips were slightly parted in an expression that matched the vulnerability in her eyes -frightened yet determined. His heart skippeed a beat, and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #74743
#64. He stroked her cheek with two fingertips, his breath catching in his throat at the softness of her skin. He pulled her down into his lap. Instead of resisting, she snuggled against his shoulder.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #172191
#65. Is that your scarf the duke's son is wearing?" Cristyne stared at Gisela with wide eyes. Gisela forced herself to breathe. "It is." Cristyne said her name in a slow, awed whisper. "Gisela.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #60314
#66. She wanted to say something daring like, "If you promise to kiss me again soon," but she only whispered, "As you wish.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #58818
#67. Their gowns and masks look lovely." "Not as lovely as yours," Jorgen said without hesitating. Her heart seemed to fly out of her chest and soar around the arched ceiling of the ballroom of Thornbeck Castle. Jorgen Hartman, rescuer of damsels in peril, might . . . perhaps . . . love her. But

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #50385
#68. With the scolding half frown and lowered brows, she took his breath away. What would she do if he put his hands on either side of her face and kissed her lips? Probably slap him.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #37905
#69. Valten turned to face her and she threw her arms around him again. We have to get out of here, his mind told him, but he decided he had enough time for another kiss. And Gisela obviously agreed.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #37370
#70. The urge to jump up and go to him was so strong that she grabbed the stool she was sitting on with both hands and clutched the rough wood with all her might.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #21239
#71. She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering how it had felt to see Sir Gerek appear, reaching down and pulling her up. She sighed deeply. His arms were so strong and comforting around her, holding her tight against his broad chest. She drew in a hiccupped breath, a cross between a laugh and a sob.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #20028
#72. Ranulf's heart did a strange stutter at the way she defended him. He longed to intervene, to stop the questioning.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #18505
#73. Margaretha suddenly plastered herself against his chest, burying her face in his shoulder and clinging to him with one hand, while she held the torch in her other hand away from them. He wrapped his arm around her, to protect her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #16545
#74. He bent lower to whisper in her ear, I love you, queen of beauty and love.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #14899
#75. His eye focused on her face. His lips curved up ever so slightly at the corners. "You shouldn't have come." She forced her face into a scowl. "A fine thing to say to me when I just saved your life." A sigh escaped his lips.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #10249
#76. Promise me that if you get a chance to escape without me, you will do it. He won't kill me. Go find your men and come back for me."
His eyelids and brows lowered. " You don't know me very well or you wouldn't say such a thing. I won't leave you.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #251935
#77. In three weeks my betrothed is coming here, to the castle. But Rose, I can't marry her. I tried to believe that I could love her, and I'm sure I could have had I not met you. But knowing you, Rose, loving you as I do, I can't possibly marry someone else. So I came up with a plan.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #326080
#78. Rapunzel. She was one hundred times nobler than he had been, and he loved her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #320621
#79. Lord Thornbeck lifted her onto the saddle. He looked her in the eye, and her breath stilled in her chest. There was such an intense expression on his face, but there was also something else . . . tenderness. He

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #312437
#80. Striding up to him, Wilhelm drew his fist back and landed a clean blow to Rupert's jaw. Rupert reeled, and after two wobbly backward steps, hit the floor on his backside. He raised a hand to his face. "Feel better?" "No. Get up so I can hit you again.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #296888
#81. I ... I want you to be happy." She gazed back at him. Her brows drew together and she bit her lip. "I want you to be happy too.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #293955
#82. Because he cared for her. If he were completely honest, he didn't want Rupert to marry her, because he wanted to marry her himself.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #283666
#83. [,,,]he saw it as his Christian duty. Jesus had given his life for others, and a knight must do the same, and nothing was nobler than saving a young woman.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #282727
#84. Ruexner will pay dearly for this, Valten promised, speaking to no one in particular, but imagining he had the fiend's neck between his hands. If he dared hurt Gisela ...

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #278648
#85. Father God, let my sufferings not be for nothing. And don't let Annabel suffer any longer. Help her realize none of this is her fault. Protect her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #273790
#86. He pulled her hand to his chest. She was suddenly flooded by the oh-so-recent memory of lying against his chest, his strong arms around her, the warmth of his breath in her ear as he whispered to her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #270443
#87. Her arms were pressed against his chest, and he wished she would put her head against him, so much his chest ached.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #262651
#88. When anyone but God tells me I can or cannot, should or should not do something, I get a distinct desire to rebel.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #261481
#89. A person's heart should be what she was judged by, rather than whose blood ran in her veins.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #961
#90. If you die fighting, I want to die fighting with you.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #243916
#91. He closed his eyes. The melody wrapped around his chest, which ached with the beauty of it, even though he couldn't quite make out the words.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #243542
#92. He pulled her closer, and she rested her forehead against his neck.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #242775
#93. Let Valten go save his own damsel in distress. I'm sure there are other maidens he can fall in love with.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #215884
#94. The touch of his fingers sent her heart to dancing, and her mind flitted to being held in his arms after he had saved her

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #211063
#95. Gisela couldn't be thinking as much about kissing him as he thought about kissing her or she wouldn't be able to fall asleep. With her in his arms, he was too restless to think about anything but her.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #209529
#96. When he didn't say anything else, Odette's hand moved down his arm, and she slipped her hand inside his. His heart beat like a thundering of horses' hooves as she gently squeezed.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #208451
#97. His chest constricted painfully. He was a fool.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #205849
#98. He was cold and wet, but somehow he barely felt it. He kept remembering Rose snuggled against his chest, the feel of her body in his arms. He closed his eyes as he recalled the way she had looked at him, the way she said I love you.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #198514
#99. He rather liked it when she stood up to him.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #180047
#100. So, you see, a man can love you, but only imperfectly. It is God alone who can be God.

Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson Quotes #179576

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