Top 6 Mary Frances Clarke Quotes

#1. A married couple never seem so married as when viewed from the back seat of a motor car, talking quietly together in the front. Polly and Marcus might have been in their bedroom already, so soft and intimate their converse sounded to me, as I sat there alertly mute behind the backs of their heads

John Banville

Mary Frances Clarke Quotes #11654
#2. Even in the West, moreover, although the ethical ideal has been absolute monogamy, the legal norm has been merely relative monogamy, which is also known as successive polygamy.

J. Budziszewski

Mary Frances Clarke Quotes #98567
#3. Democracy is stronger than terrorism, and we will not cower to the terrorists' campaign of fear.

John Doolittle

Mary Frances Clarke Quotes #793607
#4. I am a big fan of long drop, composting toilets - I like the cycle of using waste. When you have experienced one and seen what comes out of the bottom, it is amazing stuff. It's the most beautiful, driest, sweet-smelling compost.

Kevin McCloud

Mary Frances Clarke Quotes #855421
#5. overflowed with books, including the Harry Potter series. Thankfully, the Twilight books were nowhere to be found. The

Ryan Hill

Mary Frances Clarke Quotes #987767
#6. Gradually, however, she revealed a frustration with the willful ignorance that is an abiding human trait, an indignation at the cruelty that people visit upon one another. She might see the world as hopeless, but she believed it did not have to remain that way.

Dean Koontz

Mary Frances Clarke Quotes #1346321

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