Top 12 Marriageable Quotes

#1. Marriageable girls as well as mothers understand the terms and perils of the lottery called wedlock. That is why women weep at a wedding and men smile.

Honore De Balzac

Marriageable Quotes #242038
#2. What to do with daughters has always been something of a problem, unless they are so pretty or so passive or so wealthy that they are snatched up as brides as soon as the come of marriageable age.

Barbara Pollack

Marriageable Quotes #417926
#3. What could he and she really know of each other, since it was his duty, as a "decent" fellow, to conceal his past from her, and hers, as a marriageable girl, to have no past to conceal?

Edith Wharton

Marriageable Quotes #921815
#4. The Master said of Gong Yechang, "He is marriageable. Although he was once imprisoned and branded as a criminal, he was in fact innocent of any crime." The Master gave him his daughter in marriage.
(Analects 5.1)


Marriageable Quotes #1013854
#5. She wasn't the little girl I'd first met. She was a woman in marriageable age now..

Cora Reilly

Marriageable Quotes #1208048
#6. We need to evolve a uniform law which does not leave room for any confusion and states that the minimum marriageable age for women is 18 years and that for men is 21 years. But the demand for this should come from within the community.

Girija Vyas

Marriageable Quotes #1389161
#7. I don't know which is worse: to be wrongfully accused or mistakenly understood.

Jeanette Winterson

Marriageable Quotes #332382
#8. GRUNT - "Term of affection used to denote that filthy, sweaty, dirt-encrusted, footsore, camouflage-painted, tired, sleepy beautiful little son of a bitch who has kept the wolf away from the door for over two hundred years.

H.G. Duncan

Marriageable Quotes #534549
#9. The truth often does sound unconvincing.

Agatha Christie

Marriageable Quotes #677574
#10. It was informational. About how to perform oral sex on men. You know, one man teaching another. It was really fascinating and I've always wondered about the techniques he discussed - ow. Ow! You're squeezing a little hard, Van Holtz."
"Well, if you're willing to be my test subject - ack!

Shelly Laurenston

Marriageable Quotes #722823
#11. My temptation is quiet. Here at life's end Neither loose imagination Nor the mill of the mind Consuming its rag and bone, Can make the truth known.

William Butler Yeats

Marriageable Quotes #931203
#12. I think that if there is a hell it's just a place where you're left all alone, with nobody around you. Man, when you're alone you don't have to burn, just being by yourself for all of time would be the worst punishment the Old Man could give you

Rudolfo Anaya

Marriageable Quotes #1213434

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