Top 14 Mangano Quotes

#1. I hadn't made that movie before and when I ever met the real Joy Mangano, which happened because De Niro insisted we meet her and her father, that's what she felt like to us. She impressed us with her quiet, serene authority with herself

David O. Russell

Mangano Quotes #1488514
#2. I had so much fun writing this book and I want readers to have fun also. A Passion for Prying is a feel-good, fun read. It's like eating a delicious, sinful hot fudge sundae--pure fun and indulgence.

Nancy Mangano

Mangano Quotes #150945
#3. I do not believe they've run out of surprises.

Larry Niven

Mangano Quotes #187101
#4. No Task will be so sordid and base, provided you obey your calling in it, that it will not shine and be reckoned very precious in God's sight.

John Calvin

Mangano Quotes #333404
#5. How can you trust a man who can talk for 5 minutes and you cant understand a sentence of it!

Lennox Lewis

Mangano Quotes #734193
#6. Meditation, in all its forms and traditions, is an invitation to listen, to open, to quietly enlist the courage to be touched and formed by life.

Mark Nepo

Mangano Quotes #740541
#7. In the beauty of the mornings we forget about the night; in the beauty of the night we forget about the mornings! When you meet the beauty, you drop anchor in the present time and all other times disappear from your mind!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Mangano Quotes #833908
#8. Watch yourself all your life in a mirror and you'll see Death at work like bees in a glass hive.

Jean Cocteau

Mangano Quotes #934551
#9. Every situation I have ever been in I have been trained for, and I dealt with it to the best of my abilities.

Marcus Luttrell

Mangano Quotes #1175314
#10. It's no accident that I'd named my guitar after a boy. He was as close to a boyfriend as I was likely to get.

Sarina Bowen

Mangano Quotes #1188531
#11. I'd love to do historical pictures more, but I don't know if I can.

Oliver Stone

Mangano Quotes #1212411
#12. But there's one thing we are not going to compromise at all: when it comes to security of Israeli citizens and the State of Israel, there are not going to be any compromises - not now and not in the future.

Ariel Sharon

Mangano Quotes #1337908
#13. Miles Davis was a part of my life from 1947 on. I was born in 1941 and I first heard him in 1947 on a 78 rpm. And then I followed his career, starting with his first solo album in 1951. He was an icon and inspiration and a mentor to me.

Chick Corea

Mangano Quotes #1493739
#14. Charles went to kiss her shoulder.
-Leave me alone! she said, you're creasing my dress.

Gustave Flaubert

Mangano Quotes #1527697

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