Top 14 Mallos Prime Quotes

#1. When people complain of the decay of manners they have in mind not the impudent abbreviations of the crowd, but the decline in bowing and scraping and in speaking of one's employer as "the master." What the rich mean by the good manners of the poor is usually not civility, but servility.

Robert Wilson Lynd

Mallos Prime Quotes #9370
#2. I can't cure anyone. I can't guarantee they will heal. I can only tell them my story, remind them that they are not alone in their journey and offer a glimmer of hope for healing.

Sharon E. Rainey

Mallos Prime Quotes #82890
#3. My ideas flow so rapidly that I have not time to express them--by which means my letters sometimes convey no ideas at all to my correspondents.

Jane Austen

Mallos Prime Quotes #181826
#4. Both guys ran out of gas, only my guy had an extra tank.

Angelo Dundee

Mallos Prime Quotes #341356
#5. As the stars looked to me when I was a shepherd in Assyria, they look to me now as a New-Englander.

Henry David Thoreau

Mallos Prime Quotes #406516
#6. I'm an actor, not a writer. I'd be pretty annoyed if the writers tried to come in and hang over my shoulder telling me how to act, so I don't go in and tell them how to write.

Shoshannah Stern

Mallos Prime Quotes #683462
#7. I'm terrible at sticking to any sort of diet. The more I think I can't eat something, the more I want to eat it. And I know this is the most annoying thing for a girl to say, but I'm just really lucky; I can eat pretty much what I want.

Liberty Ross

Mallos Prime Quotes #718432
#8. White undershirt. Dark-framed glasses. Sneak peeks at black boxers. Really? How much more was a girl supposed to be able to take before she either spontaneously combusted or found a shower with a removable showerhead?

Laura Kaye

Mallos Prime Quotes #997238
#9. Let there be truth at last,/ Even if despair.

Thomas Hardy

Mallos Prime Quotes #1039974
#10. For me, one of the toughest things about Valentine's Day is that it gets geared up as the day to profess your love. See, T-E-S-T - that's a bad word that doesn't go with L-O-V-E.

Matthew McConaughey

Mallos Prime Quotes #1046957
#11. I really love 'America's Next Top Model.' I'm always tweeting about it, and people are like, 'You need to get a life!' Any time I do a photo shoot, I always think, 'What would Tyra say?'

Carly Chaikin

Mallos Prime Quotes #1358703
#12. Islam cannot accept or agree to a situation which is half-Islam and half-Jahiliyya [separated from God].

Sayyid Qutb

Mallos Prime Quotes #1416885
#13. The innermost light, shining peacefully and timelessly in the heart, is the real Guru. All others merely show the way.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Mallos Prime Quotes #1441233
#14. The moment you understand yourself as the true Self, you find such peace and bliss that the impressions of the petty enjoyments you experienced before become as ordinary specks of light in front of the brilliant sun.

Swami Satchidananda

Mallos Prime Quotes #1839177

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