Top 14 Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes

#1. Perhaps in body I am not quite as real as you," he said, then looked alive, making him once again seem real, even though she knew that if she tried to touch him, she could not. "But my thoughts and emotions are as real as yours. My soul, Mia Randall, is as real as yours.

Suzannah Daniels

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #12891
#2. It's such a weird thing: to sit and look at yourself is so distracting to the psyche. It would be like me standing in front of a mirror and looking at myself all day, trying to find a flaw.

Natasha Lyonne

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #201941
#3. A man complained that on his way home to dinner he had every day to pass through that long field of his neighbor's. I advised him to buy it, and it would never seem long again.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #247396
#4. Imagining may be the first step in making it happen, but it takes the real time and real efforts of real people to learn things, make things, turn thoughts into deeds or visions into inventions.

Fred Rogers

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #508318
#5. The greatest treasure anyone can find is a heart that is filled with unconditional love.

The Prolific Penman

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #560525
#6. Decide what you want. Declare it to the world. See yourself winning. And remember that if you are persistent as well as patient, you can get whatever you seek.

Misty Copeland

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #574708
#7. You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure.

Margaret Thatcher

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #599186
#8. Look at the sun! It's dry, it's dead, it needs a drink, it wants blood! And I'll give it blood!

Alfred De Musset

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #689495
#9. No one ever owns a cat ... you share a common habitation on a basis of equal rights and mutual respects ... although somehow the cat always comes out ahead of the deal.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #1121764
#10. What you think repeatedly will happen almost certainly.

Debasish Mridha

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #1202516
#11. The Nazis victimized some people for what they did, some for what they refused to do, some for what they were, and some for the fact that they were.

John Horton Conway

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #1247490
#12. It was one thing to let these thoughts haunt the dark spaces of my mind, but another entirely to put them into the light, making them real.

Sarah Dessen

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #1398402
#13. The dagger strapped to her thigh, the pistol strapped to the opposite calf, the three poisoned needles she kept in her hair. He noted she kept the garroting wire she used to tie her sandals, but she pulled out the razor blades tucked into the soles.

Kameron Hurley

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #1615013
#14. Long sentences in a short composition are like large rooms in a little house.

William Shenstone

Making Your Thoughts Real Quotes #1777223

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