Top 14 Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes

#1. I (God) will leave man to make the fateful guess, Will leave him torn between the no and yes, Leave him unresting till he rests in me, Drawn upward by the choice that makes him free, Leave him in tragic loneliness to choose, With all in life to win or all to lose.

Edwin Markham

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #49084
#2. The old, endless, approachable and always answering Sorrow," says my father Lucifer. "For who calls on me never goes unanswered. Only prayers to God go without answers.

Robert Nye

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #79598
#3. May Happiness and Romance be always a part of your life

Andrea Renee Smith

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #252256
#4. Part of growing up is just taking what you learn from that and moving on and not taking it to heart.

Beverley Mitchell

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #285622
#5. Everyone has greatness in them! To bring it out, we just have to empower them.

Debasish Mridha

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #327914
#6. I can't believe I'm being so emo. I'm complaining to a girl who was brutally murdered at sixteen.

Kendare Blake

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #339645
#7. Christians worshiped only when they felt like it, there would be precious little worship. Feelings are important in many areas but completely unreliable in matters of faith.

Eugene H. Peterson

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #358545
#8. And you know what the worst thing was?
The worst thing was that nobody ever believed how hard we tried.

Jack McCarthy

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #386091
#9. Chance leads to discoveries, and mutagenesis is a way to enhance one's chances of finding a surprise. Often it is the exceptional observations that lead to advances; once you understand exceptions, you understand the whole picture.

Bruce Beutler

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #486353
#10. Despite the company of friendship we still have ourselves to reckon with at the end of the day.

Darien Gee

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #1095290
#11. I didn't always spell my name Bil. My parents named me Bill, but when I started drawing cartoons on the wall, they knocked the 'L' out of me.

Bil Keane

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #1283727
#12. Playing Isabella in 'Measure for Measure' pushed me to my limits. Janet Suzman was directing, and she was very hard on me. I went through phases of not liking her at the time, but I loved her for it in the end.

Michelle Dockery

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #1284083
#13. The sequoias belong to the silences of the milleniums. Many of them have seen a hundred human generations rise, give off their little clamors and perish. They seem indeed to be forms of immortality standing here amoing the transitory shapes of time.

Edwin Markham

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #1450086
#14. I dont know who I am but one thing I do know is that when I see a BIG THREATENING BUTTON I just want to do this!

David Tennant

Maitreya Wikipedia Quotes #1561196

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