Top 15 Luiana Irizarry Quotes

#1. We are in a double bind. We are expected to feel inferior not only as women, but because we are old.

Elizabeth Janeway

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #92678
#2. I've always had that obsessive will to win and a commitment to excellence.

Sumner Redstone

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #265003
#3. That I can read and be happy while I am reading, is a great blessing.

Anthony Trollope

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #324909
#4. Even when you tear its petals off one after another,
the rose keeps laughing and doesn't bend in pain.
"Why should I be afflicted because of a thorn?
It is the thorn which taught me how to laugh."
Whatever you lost through fate,
be certain that it saved you from pain.


Luiana Irizarry Quotes #346452
#5. Given the proper suggestion, the Subconscious Mind will manifest success from failure, health from disease, prosperity from poverty, friendship and love from loneliness and isolation. For nothing is impossible to the Subconscious Mind and it operates entirely by suggestion.

Uell Stanley Andersen

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #364147
#6. No one - apart from my agent, perhaps - should leave one of my shows in tears.

Bruce Forsyth

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #365334
#7. A better you means a better universe.

Jim Carrey

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #378824
#8. A fragment for my friend - If your soul left this earth I would follow and find you Silent, my starship suspended in night


Luiana Irizarry Quotes #778831
#9. Most believe that the key to influence is communication - getting your point across clearly and speaking persuasively. In fact, if you think about it, don't you find that, while others are speaking to you, instead of really listening to understand, you are often busy preparing your response?

Stephen R. Covey

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #892834
#10. God will reward you,' he said. 'You must be an angel since you care for flowers.

Victor Hugo

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #1183541
#11. The Gospels and the Epistles say next to nothing about emotional stability or midlife crises or a bad day at work. But they are practically overflowing with this one word: hope.

Ted Dekker

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #1197399
#12. You'll never see me in the red leather. I don't have the chin for it.

Joe Pantoliano

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #1433940
#13. I walked into my dream and kept walking with my Leningrad in front of me and behind me and all around me. I wasn't carrying Russia with me. It was carrying me.

Paullina Simons

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #1731106
#14. Few living do."
"Then, have I...I mean, am I-"
"Oh, no, child! You are still very much alive! Though I may say, not as Alive as you might be if you had died.

R.W. Schmidt

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #1742976
#15. We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage.

William Howard Taft

Luiana Irizarry Quotes #1853719

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