Top 13 Ludgate Quotes

#1. In Peter Ackroyd's book 'London: The Biography,' he describes the route of the medieval wall that enclosed the original city. Take the book and follow it from the Tower of London via the Barbican to Ludgate Hill. You experience the real history of London.

Peter Capaldi

Ludgate Quotes #636196
#2. Money has yet to make anyone rich.

Seneca The Younger

Ludgate Quotes #111351
#3. I am thinking of you in my sleepless solitude tonight.

Mariah Carey

Ludgate Quotes #151160
#4. They weren't tears of sadness or even tears of joy. I was just overflowing. Like so many things since I'd been here, I didn't yet understand it, but I felt it.

Elizabeth Bard

Ludgate Quotes #331714
#5. And if he knew, then what would I see if I did look in his eyes? Blame? Indignation? Or, God forbid, what I feared most: guileless devotion? That, most of all, I couldn't bear to see.

Khaled Hosseini

Ludgate Quotes #650890
#6. Positioning the brand and regaining trust are all smart things for us to do and those are the litmus tests for any decisions we make.

John McKinley

Ludgate Quotes #685471
#7. I love goofing around, and I love breaking people's balls. I do it off camera, as well as on camera.

Vinnie Jones

Ludgate Quotes #716262
#8. I want to be a giving woman and just a nice person in general.

Serena Williams

Ludgate Quotes #867871
#9. The rules state the pawn is the weakest piece. But if the pawn makes it to the other side, it gets promoted. The pawn can become queen. And then it's not weak at all.

K. Webster

Ludgate Quotes #1027641
#10. Don't rely too much upon that unsteady flicker.

Jerome K. Jerome

Ludgate Quotes #1075619
#11. We forget that stretch marks, cellulite and some stomach fat is natural. We forget that we are born human and physically can't be perfect. We forget that God doesn't make us out of plastic and silicone. We forget to be flawed.

Skye Townsend

Ludgate Quotes #1323781
#12. But human nature cannot be content on a diet of honey and if there is nothing in one's life that requires pity, one must invent it; for to go through life unpitied would be an unthinkable loss.

Angela Thirkell

Ludgate Quotes #1486500
#13. Show me a man's closest companions and I can make a fairly accurate guess as to what sort of man he is, as well as what sort of man he is likely to become.

Howard G. Hendricks

Ludgate Quotes #1835960

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