Top 46 Lucy Liu Quotes

#1. There have been, in recent years, many Asian American pioneers in the public eye who've defied the condescendingly complimentary 'model minority' stereotype: actors like Lucy Liu, artists like Maya Lin, moguls like Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh. They are known, often admired.

Eric Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1793269
#2. I have so many girl crushes, it changes all the time. I love Catherine Zeta Jones, she's so beautiful, Lucy Liu, Jennifer Aniston and Zooey Deschanel; she's adorable.

Katrina Bowden

Lucy Liu Quotes #1623506
#3. I've definitely become much more aware of physical stunts.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1110007
#4. I've never really thought about competing with cartoons. If it ever gets to that point, then just shoot me.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1855559
#5. Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1111716
#6. People use location as a language in films, and Quentin uses action as a language in his films. There's really not a lot of violence. It's more of an emotional beat than it is a physical beat.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1133358
#7. I always admired Wonder Woman and the Incredible Hulk - but I don't know if I'd be a very convincing hulk.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1154849
#8. I think you just have to appreciate who you are and hopefully they can see what a superhero is about.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1271653
#9. Working on the Samurai sword is very different because your body position has to be very still. It's a much quieter was of fighting.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1342136
#10. Martial arts are art forms and require a great deal of discipline and dedication. I so admire people who focus their lives on it, because it's not an easy thing to do.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1378729
#11. It's great to do commercial movies; they are fun. You're doing stunts, you are running around, there is a lot of money involved in the production; there are incredible sets and designs.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1392656
#12. Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1441711
#13. There's always sacrifices. My family don't generally say that they're related to me - my sister doesn't say she's my sister - because they don' t want to be judged or lauded based on who I am.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1463550
#14. The neck is kind of what's sexy in Japan, so you have to have the kimono a little bit back. It was just a whole different way of appealing to what was sexy.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1465053
#15. Once you embody the language, the character comes really naturally, especially when you put the costume on.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1487306
#16. I try to distinguish my characters from each other.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1536102
#17. Being Asian in this business is something you have to consider, because sometimes people aren't as open. They'll say, I can't see you with a Caucasian person.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1589605
#18. I think it seems like a natural progression to go into directing, and I hope to explore more of it, because it's very exciting and a really good way to collide all the things that you've known and experienced in the business and put them all into one.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1634681
#19. Ten years of Pilates has really changed my body for the better.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1679507
#20. Producing is like pushing jello up a hill on a hot day.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1683400
#21. You respect all of these people that you know in the business as actors. And they sort of turn around and say, we really like your work. It's a nice acknowledgment.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1684911
#22. When you have something that close to you, you want to make sure that you're aware of it.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1720327
#23. When you work with chains or any kind of weapons, or just when you're using hand-to-hand combat, you are going to get hurt.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1766860
#24. Japanimation is a whole different art form.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1768788
#25. It's like kill or be killed, that's my thing basically.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #500620
#26. You don't want to continue to do one thing and only one thing. You want to keep challenging yourself and if you do well at it, great, if you fall on your face, you tried. Like, she's really terrible at comedy! Who knew? But if you didn't try and put yourself out there you'd never know.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #615
#27. I think diversity is very key to anybody's resume, and also for your mental well-being.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #20179
#28. You can't look back; you have to keep looking forward.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #105106
#29. Nobody really tells me what's going on, and I find out via the trades myself.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #197490
#30. A lot of people die giving birth to their children who have AIDS and HIV and a lot of people don't survive after a time because they've been sick too.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #294279
#31. You have to look out for becoming trapped in a place where people want to see you all the time doing one thing.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #356650
#32. Making a request without revealing the feeling/need takes all the joy out of other's service.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #409615
#33. Since we didn't use guns, we wanted to make sure we could earn the ability to win the audience over by making it believable. A lot of what you do when you work out in that mode is use your mental energy.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #425625
#34. The lack of predictability with television is something that's constantly changing what your perception of who you think your character is.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #452629
#35. It's so much fun playing Ling, but I have this fear that people are going to run away from me in terror on the streets. They think I'm going to bite their heads off or something.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #490804
#36. I grew up in Jackson Heights, Queens, with no money. I was taught not to take anything for granted. If you are too busy being a diva or a freak, then you are not enjoying it.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1022927
#37. They were concerned about the racial issue. They thought it was not a safe issue to go Asian, unfortunately.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #521073
#38. I generally won't do a role unless I feel like it's in my system somewhere, even if it's just a molecule of it. Like I just felt like I knew it and if I talked about it or discussed it or tried to rehearse it that it would take away the energy from that scene so I went in there and just did it.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #526844
#39. I love children. I work with UNICEF and one of the reasons I love that is because they deal specifically with children. For me I think it's just really important to always embrace that side of you.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #583971
#40. If you see the Sopranos, you're not going to be speaking in the Shakespearean English.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #599692
#41. When I was shooting a movie in Montreal, it was freezing. If you take a little bit of Aquaphor and dab it on your face, it keeps your skin looking fresh. I dubbed it Aqua For Everything.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #758449
#42. Men, when they fight in movies, it's a very different style. Harrison Ford was so cool when he had the whip, and Bruce Lee was such an artist that you couldn't take your eyes off of him.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #764794
#43. Women like to watch women fight because it makes them feel sort of empowered physically and mentally. They feel kind of jazzed and excited by it.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #775478
#44. The wonderful thing about film is that you have something that has a beginning, middle, and end, and you have a concrete amount of time to shoot it.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #897218
#45. Women who wear kimonos, when the fight, they have to keep their knees together, and when they use a sword, they have to move the sleeves otherwise it gets caught.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #984201
#46. It is an absolute privilege to be able to speak another language and have it be something you grew up with. I think it's a very important thing and I think that everywhere else in the world people speak more than one language.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu Quotes #1012104

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