Top 100 Love Justin Quotes

#1. I do love Justin with all my heart and we have a lot of trust for each other.

Britney Spears

Love Justin Quotes #1121197
#2. I'm a big karaoke fan and I also love Justin Bieber unashamedly.

Evan Rachel Wood

Love Justin Quotes #1492631
#3. Well, girls love Justin Bieber ... But real women have Letogasms

Jared Leto

Love Justin Quotes #1768146
#4. I really hated school and so I just wanted to stay home and watch 'I Love Lucy' and watch the movies that inspired me to the point where we are sitting here.

Justin Long

Love Justin Quotes #3090
#5. My spiritual high naturally dissipated. At some point you've got to come out of the clouds and live real life. Again, it's just like falling in love. The feeling of euphoria is only temporary.

Pattie Mallette

Love Justin Quotes #46587
#6. My parents inspire me every day. They are both incredible people that I love and look up to every day. Industry wise, I love what Justin Timberlake has done with his career. He's truly an idol to me, not only as a performer, but as a person as well.

Max Schneider

Love Justin Quotes #60521
#7. Wow," said Henry. "Awesome. And I'll help you with you know who."
"Who?" Justin said again
"Talking about Dr. Who, J. You know how we nerds love our Who."
"Who? How did you two get on Who? We were talking about the play.

Sarah Strohmeyer

Love Justin Quotes #65880
#8. What is left when there is no love? A rope and rock.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #67933
#9. This isn't about the money. This is just for me. I love music.

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #70920
#10. All things fell into the past but one; and what that was, was love.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #109105
#11. I think love is like a learning process throughout your life. You learn how to be better at it and you learn more about it.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #110642
#12. My mother is a ball of fire in the world, and I love that about her. But what I have learned from my stepdad is something as important, which is patience and compassion. Because when you are living with someone else, those two qualities go a long way.

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #122043
#13. I'm personally looking for artists that are along the lines of today's pop stars. Whether it be a Rihanna or a Justin Bieber or a Kanye West or a Beyonce or a Lady Gaga, I'm looking for talent that's like that, that's what I love.

L.A. Reid

Love Justin Quotes #137860
#14. Shaw Centre has restaurants on the fourth floor, where the ACS boy can pull chairs out for her. Girls love this because no one else does it for them, especially not those sotong RI boys.

Justin Ker

Love Justin Quotes #145469
#15. I can give you my personal opinion: love the music, hate the business. It's a screwball business, and there are a lot of players who will straight-up lie to you.

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #164040
#16. Challenge the church to do better, be more of who Christ wants us to be ...

Justin Lee

Love Justin Quotes #183466
#17. I hope you guys stay with me forever, because I will always love you and support you

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #198977
#18. I don't think you should have sex with anyone unless you love them.I think you should just wait for the person you'rein love with.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #201509
#19. I'm appreciative that somehow I've always found a way through the years to capture a new fan base and continue to remain relevant in some space and still make a living doing what I love - to me that's all that matters.

Justin Smith

Love Justin Quotes #231264
#20. I trust you: That's huge. That's truth. That's real love. Everyone uses 'I love you' so loosely.

Justin Chatwin

Love Justin Quotes #235242
#21. I hear doghouses are total aphrodisiacs."
I laughed aloud, even as a small shiver ran down my spine. Thus was the power of Justin Carter. I looked into his eyes and said, "With you there, hell yeah they are.

Rachel Harris

Love Justin Quotes #238243
#22. I love rings, but I can't wear them. I mean, look at my knuckles. My fingers and joints are so swollen from years of playing. That means no wedding band, either. Luckily, I have a very understanding wife.

Justin Tuck

Love Justin Quotes #244830
#23. You're in a relationship because you need help, but that's not necessarily why you should be in a relationship. And that's skinny. It doesn't have weight. Skinny love doesn't have a chance because it's not nourished.

Justin Vernon

Love Justin Quotes #250484
#24. I love when scenes are intentionally and meticulously planned so we feel like this is a handcrafted scene that only works in this moment and this movie, and that's the way I approach my films.

Justin Simien

Love Justin Quotes #287093
#25. I would love to be like Justin Bieber or Selena Gomez. They were catapulted into stardom when they were so young - like I was - and they still haven't gone down the wrong path and I hope neither or them will. I find that really inspiring.

Rebecca Black

Love Justin Quotes #288829
#26. Stuckley drew back his sword with evident satisfaction. "She really is your Achilles' heel, isn't she Furey?"
"No." Lorcan said, preparing his own attack. "Not my Achilles' heel.The love of my life. And I'll do whatever it takes to protect her.

Justin Somper

Love Justin Quotes #288972
#27. To be honest, I'm really into folk music, and I love Big Phony. I like Priscilla Ahn, and yeah, I really support Asian-American artists.

Justin Chon

Love Justin Quotes #290392
#28. Men love with their eyes, but women love with their ears.

Justin Lifflander

Love Justin Quotes #298860
#29. I would love to do something on the other side of the world. I'd trade places with some guy on a ranch in Australia and see what that's like for a day. Somebody with different ideals and things that I would probably take advantage of.

Justin Deeley

Love Justin Quotes #309626
#30. With the exception of octopus, I don't think I've met any food that I didn't like. And by the way, sometimes I do like octopus. I'm just not crazy about it by itself. I love sea urchin. I love uni. If I'm going to die of anything, it's going to be gluttony.

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #325228
#31. All his life he had wanted to be known by just one person. That's what love was, he decided. Love was being known.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #330801
#32. Tempting as your offer is, I won't go home with you. I can't sleep with you, Justin. You say it doesn't have to be that way, but you and I both know that's the way it would be. You're a risk I can't afford to take.

Sarah Grimm

Love Justin Quotes #340764
#33. To know and be known: that was the final desire, the heart of love.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #360603
#34. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I think he's right. When you kiss someone, it's the first taste of his mouth that will make or break your heart.

Justin Chin

Love Justin Quotes #380753
#35. I didn't become an actor to be famous. I genuinely love acting and never expected to make a penny at it.

Justin Chon

Love Justin Quotes #382194
#36. Our relationship with Jesus is based on grace- on the unexpected, undeserved, counterintuitive love of God.

Justin Buzzard

Love Justin Quotes #401197
#37. I love Irvine. That's my 'hood. I went to USC and used to come home every weekend. It's in my comfort zone.

Justin Chon

Love Justin Quotes #403591
#38. There's that whole thing that happens in relationships - you can love someone but, as soon as they stop loving you so unconditionally that they stop being themselves, it can be so dangerous.

Justin Vernon

Love Justin Quotes #442769
#39. It's not a bad Thing to fall in Love ...

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #443231
#40. Any man who has known a love bringing him such happiness--if even for a short time--that its loss steals his very will to live, is a man to be envied.


Jennifer Horsman

Love Justin Quotes #446091
#41. Women are really strange, if you think about it. But this was no ordinary woman. This was a succubus - a life sucking monster.

Justin Villanueva

Love Justin Quotes #447199
#42. Let's start over shall we? Hello gorgeous. I'm Justin McKinley. I'm head baker at Le Chef Petite. I'd love to get to know you better. Can I seduce you with my vast knowledge of sweet and sensual desserts?
Alicia couldn't help it. She giggled. One of those girly, I've-been-flirting bubbly

Lea Barrymire

Love Justin Quotes #451908
#43. Nothing lasts forever." "Some things do." "What kind of things?" "The things we like to remember. The love we've felt for people.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #467942
#44. This isn't a question of odds. Of all the men in the world, that woman hose you. If she's still out there, she's waiting for you. Staying alive any way she can until you find her.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #474677
#45. The Beatles were in a different stratosphere, a different planet to the rest of us. All I know is when I heard 'Love Me Do' on the radio, I remember walking down the street and knowing my life was going to be completely different now the Beatles were in it.

Justin Hayward

Love Justin Quotes #482449
#46. And things are never okay. It does get better I guess, in that you grow to love yourself if you're lucky. But it doesn't get better because life is hard, and people aren't always nice.

Justin Vivian Bond

Love Justin Quotes #488605
#47. Nights in white satin never reaching the end
Letters I've written never meaning to send
Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before
Just what the truth is I can't say any more
Cause I love you
Yes I love you
Oh how I love you

Justin Hayward

Love Justin Quotes #532356
#48. Jesus offers undeserved love, a love we don't deserve and can therefore never lose.

Justin Buzzard

Love Justin Quotes #532419
#49. If you pay too much attention to hate, they win ... they bring you down. Too much love in the world to deal with that nonsense. Be positive.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #535269
#50. I give up so much to do what I do. Like, I give up a personal life. I give up my friends, my family. I give up a lot of stuff to pursue what I love and to make my fans happy. I give up so much. So, I'm going to be the best.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #619097
#51. I like 'As Long As You Love Me' and 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber. It gets you moving - you just can't help it! And 'Teach Me How To Dougie' gets Zendaya and I every time.

Bella Thorne

Love Justin Quotes #630441
#52. I give up a personal life ... to pursue what I love and make my fans happy.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #632600
#53. As you become an adult, shame gets introduced and reintroduced constantly to you. So where something that, to a child, just is what it is - you know, your father's violent but he loves you and that's just the way it is - later on you realize that this is like different, shameful, blah blah blah.

Justin Torres

Love Justin Quotes #648228
#54. It's always nice to have people love the things that you do.

Justin Bartha

Love Justin Quotes #650944
#55. I was born in Swindon ... a place that always looked west. I found that wherever I go I love to have a room with a view of the western sky. My late brother and I, when we were small, had a room at the back of the house that overlooked the sunset; and both for he and I it was kind of magical.

Justin Hayward

Love Justin Quotes #664103
#56. Sometimes its nice when people you love need you.

Justin Halpern

Love Justin Quotes #664519
#57. New York has always had a love for Southern artists. There's no place else that makes me feel like the city does. I just love the immediate nature of the city, you can get whatever you want whenever you want it and do whatever you want whenever you want to.

Justin Townes Earle

Love Justin Quotes #672031
#58. And if you stop and think about it you won't believe it's true: That all the love you've been giving has all been meant for you.

Justin Hayward

Love Justin Quotes #684046
#59. I'm not saying I know everything about love. I'm still trying to figure out girls ... I don't think we'll ever totally figure out girls.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #701912
#60. There is grace for the unrighteous and the self-righteous alike, and the father loves both sons well.

Justin Buzzard

Love Justin Quotes #702086
#61. If you're going to devote the best years of your life to your work, have enough love for yourself and the world around you to work on something that matters to you deeply

Justin Rosenstein

Love Justin Quotes #734179
#62. I really love all types of music. I'm really open to that. I really love Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake and some James Taylor and Elton John stuff.

Hailee Steinfeld

Love Justin Quotes #740153
#63. 'Cause if your love was all I had in this life, well that would be enough until the end of time. So rest your weary heart and relax your mind, 'Cause I'm gonna love you, girl, until the end of time.

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #747997
#64. Maybe just being alive, and having someone to love who loved you back, was enough.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #761342
#65. When you love something, you're gonna be the best at it.

Justin Chon

Love Justin Quotes #778659
#66. I'd love to work in a restaurant. You get to meet new people all the time and constantly socialize. There are no dull moments when you're serving. It would definitely be a fun job to have.

Justin Chon

Love Justin Quotes #786723
#67. But in any situation with long love, I don't think it ever goes away fully. You just sort of learn where to keep it.

Justin Vernon

Love Justin Quotes #819994
#68. Gratitude is the heart of humility, and humility is the path to peace, love, and understanding.

Justin Young

Love Justin Quotes #849474
#69. I love a man who loves his mama, which is one of the many reasons I'm crazy about Justin Timberlake.

Gayle King

Love Justin Quotes #869214
#70. I love being entertained sure, but the movies that I live for, the movies that I buy and think about and stay in my mind are the movies that entertain me but leave me with something a little uncomfortable to grapple with in the lobby.

Justin Simien

Love Justin Quotes #880687
#71. It was love, and only love, that opened your eyes.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #883881
#72. We're so determined to help those we love that we lose all perspective

Justin Somper

Love Justin Quotes #890801
#73. Women are amazing. You can wait for months, travel thousands of kilometers, and build up ineffable desire. They just brush their hair.

Justin Lifflander

Love Justin Quotes #890949
#74. I love dogs and cats, but I don't want to be the guy who says, 'I'm going to Brussels for a while; can you take Poochie?' Or even worse, I could be the guy who takes Poochie to Brussels with him - then I'm really in trouble.

Justin Kirk

Love Justin Quotes #892828
#75. In the meantime, Charlie learnt to fly. Dorothea fell in love. Peter discovered a new star. And a great number of things happened to Justin. Hundreds of millions of ordinary, unexpected, and occasionally quite astonishing things.
And that was his fate.

Meg Rosoff

Love Justin Quotes #921595
#76. I'm very much a relationship guy. I like to bounce ideas off the person that I love. I like having a real connection.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #926342
#77. I love films from all these different points of views that used the idea of the school as a way to talk about the American experience. It took me a while to figure how to write a movie like that, because that's not something you learn at film school

Justin Simien

Love Justin Quotes #965326
#78. This is who you are, I thought, and my eyes were wet with love for myself and my lovers and for the world. How wonderful and strange it is to be alive! How uneven we are, and how lucky, in our delirious specificity and holy broken forms.

Justin Taylor

Love Justin Quotes #976422
#79. I devoured TV - everything from Super Friends in the morning to Dukes of Hazzard and The Love Boat and Fantasy Island at night. I watched it all. There were only four channels, so you could actually consume all of television if you were good at changing the channel.

Justin Theroux

Love Justin Quotes #1013480
#80. It didn't matter. I was young and we were together.

Justin Go

Love Justin Quotes #1018991
#81. Because that's what heaven is ... it's opening the door of a house in twilight and everyone you love is there.

Justin Cronin

Love Justin Quotes #1045714
#82. I love Minnesota, and I'd love to play my whole career here.

Justin Morneau

Love Justin Quotes #1053374
#83. Manchester Youth theater, then the National Student Theater Company, and later, my degree course, all helped form my love of telling stories and directing.

Justin Chadwick

Love Justin Quotes #1055199
#84. I just remember that when Jennifer Love Hewitt released an album a few years back, it was like 'Oh, why is Jennifer Love Hewitt releasing an album?' But if Queen Latifah, or Justin Timberlake, or anybody else wants to be an actor, it's like 'Yeah, I'll go check that out.'

Zachary Levi

Love Justin Quotes #1075099
#85. Penn and Teller love the very intellectual side of magic. Me, I'm more fun than them. They never look like they're having fun. They look angry.

Justin Flom

Love Justin Quotes #1075851
#86. Aside from my love of animation, as an actor I like the total lack of vanity in terms of not having to worry at all about your appearance. You don't have to deal with hair or makeup or wardrobe.

Justin Long

Love Justin Quotes #1082060
#87. True love, to me, is when she's the first thought that goes through your head when you wake up and the last thought that goes through your head before you go to sleep.

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #1119328
#88. The day I was born, March 1, 1994, Celine Dion was solid at #1 with 'The Power of Love.' Not a bad start to your life.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #1125555
#89. I think video games are a huge part of our society now. Having kids play baseball video games helps them understand and love the game. It could actually push them to get out there and play the game for real. That's great for the sport.

Justin Verlander

Love Justin Quotes #1135148
#90. You've got that smile,
That only heaven can make.
I pray to God everyday,
That you keep that smile.
Yeah, you are my dream,
There's not a thing I won't do.
I'd give my life up for you,
'Cause you are my dream.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #1138062
#91. I love the art house, and when I say the art house, I don't just mean little, independent movies but movies that really aim to be about something and say something and I love those movies.

Justin Simien

Love Justin Quotes #1151521
#92. Every relationship I've been in, I've overwhelmed the girl. They just can't handle all the love.

Justin Timberlake

Love Justin Quotes #1181668
#93. I love doing voiceover work. I started doing voiceover work when I had just dropped out of school, and the first few professional jobs I got were plays, but then I started making money doing voice-overs.

Justin Long

Love Justin Quotes #1184478
#94. What a unique opportunity to be in town. I love townies. I value it, so to speak.

Justin Vernon

Love Justin Quotes #1201328
#95. When we think of work, we think of work as an act of service. We think of it as an act of love for humanity.

Justin Rosenstein

Love Justin Quotes #1239006
#96. I got out of bed and opened the door. I was still naked, still sweaty and disheveled and glowing from all the love and passion and eating of buttholes.

Justin Grimbol

Love Justin Quotes #1245626
#97. Lucy- "Wow, no one ever fights over me."
Justin- "My multiple personalities fight over you constantly. There is a war going on inside me."
Rue- "This is for the war going on outside.

Holly Black

Love Justin Quotes #1262708
#98. That was the first time I realized that I'd fallen in love with him. I loved Justin, More than a friend, more than anything. I was so mad at myself. My biggest fear was losing him. It hit me that it was going to happen someday. Maybe it was already happening.

Penelope Ward

Love Justin Quotes #1279722
#99. If anyone had a right to lecture people about their sin, it was the sinless son of God. If even he could meet sinners as equals, how much more should we Christians
all sinners ourselves
treat as equals the people we encounter in our lives?

Justin Lee

Love Justin Quotes #1281305
#100. Flowers are nice, but love is better.

Justin Bieber

Love Justin Quotes #1325139

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