Top 93 Louis Farrakhan Sayings

#1. Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right.

John McCain

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #93244
#2. I definitely know the minister Honorable Louis Farrakhan. But I don't really believe in organized religion like that. I don't know what it does for people in the long run.

Ice Cube

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #625625
#3. Part of the popularity with Louis Farrakhan has less to do with the content of his message and more to do with the form that he portrays himself - as being a free, black person who speaks what is on his mind with boldness and fearlessness. Who is willing to pay the consequences.

Cornel West

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #762137
#4. I don't see how we can allow public dollars to fund programs where spite and hate is the core of the message. Louis Farrakhan preaches hate.

George W. Bush

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1210940
#5. My grandma has a picture of Louis Farrakhan playing violin in her house.


Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1819330
#6. To respect Louis Farrakhan, we must understand, is simply to agree with him ... If dissent is now also to be thought of as a form of 'dissing,' then we have indeed succumbed to the thought police.

Salman Rushdie

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #14325
#7. He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge,presc ribes the circumference of your activities.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1261907
#8. Never exalt people because they're in your family; never exalt people because they're your color; never exalt people because they're your kinfolk. Exalt them because they're worthy.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1432605
#9. I don't own Hollywood.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1281453
#10. You must recognize that the way to get the good out of your brother and your sister is not to return evil for evil.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1289440
#11. Because wherever I am today, I still owe it to God and I owe it to two men - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and of course, two very special women, my mother and my wife.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1289761
#12. The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1298800
#13. Murder and lying comes easy for white people.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1354638
#14. Most presidents have been controlled by forces that control money and special interests. When Donald Trump refused their money, he refused their control. This made him dangerous.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1355346
#15. I don't think that Saddam Hussein is deliberately starving his own people. I would think that a man who gets 99 percent of the people to vote for him in an election and the people love him so much, how would they love a man that is starving them?

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1364009
#16. History is our guide, and without a knowledge of history, we are lost!

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1420898
#17. Naturally, when one makes progressive steps, there may be some who see it as a betrayal of their goals and interests.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1112195
#18. There, in the middle of this mall is the Washington Monument, 555 feet high. But if we put a one in front of that 555 feet, we get 1555, the year that our first fathers landed on the shores of Jamestown, Virginia as slaves.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1249940
#19. No candidate at present is thinking of justice for the Black and the Red and the Brown in this manner. And none of them are showing they will accept to let us go to save America from the Wrath of God. So Black and White have to know America now is in the crosshairs of God Himself, the Great Mahdi.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1214012
#20. The warmongers in the United States Congress are not aware of, or they're blind to the fact that what they are doing will bring about the type of war that will end America completely as a power in the world.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1205357
#21. If we don't make earnest moves toward real solutions, then each day we move one day closer to revolution and anarchy in this country. This is the sad, and yet potentially joyous, state of America.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1180772
#22. The fear of being uncovered, the fear of being made known for their wickedness is what is driving the ADL and that Synagogue of Satan, false Jews to pin the label on me as an anti-Semite. This is something they feel they must do in order to cover the evil that they have done or are a party to.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1169890
#23. I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1152363
#24. The die is set and Malcolm will not escape for the foolish talk he spoke against his benefactor, such a man, is worthy of death, and it would have been so, were it not for Muhammad's confidence that God would give him the victory over the enemies.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1137150
#25. My god will wipe this country (America) from the face of the earth.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1128989
#26. A wise man who has the moment in his hand should not let that moment slip.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1125591
#27. Once the world sees this Synagogue of Satan as it really is and knows the players, they fear what will happen to them. The world will turn against them and that is happening now as we speak.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1124911
#28. I will never apologize to the Jewish community
for telling the truth

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1875894
#29. We are all gifted, but we have to discover the gift, uncover the gift, nurture and develop the gift and use it for the Glory of God and for the liberation struggle of our people.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1704599
#30. Facts are now coming to light that show Muslims were not responsible for 9/11. A policy came out of the Pentagon to make war and to pit the Muslims against each other and rip up these "cells of terror."

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1866580
#31. Without an advocate for the poor, without a new state of mind in America, the country lies on the brink of anarchy.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1844407
#32. White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1810117
#33. If only religion were an opiate. No known narcotic rots the brain so fast.

Christopher Hitchens

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1795350
#34. Many of the Jews who owned the homes, the apartments in the black community, we considered them bloodsuckers because they took from our community and built their community but didn't offer anything back to our community.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1791282
#35. The suffering of our people is greater than our differences. We are not yet free at last, so there is work to be done.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1782633
#36. I loved Elijah Muhammad with a love that I can't adequately describe.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1765858
#37. A decree of death has been passed on America. The judgment of God has been rendered, and she must be destroyed.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1737312
#38. Overall, the challenge of leadership is both moral and one of developing the characteristics that make us respected by one another.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1733325
#39. The white right is trying to set Barack up to be assassinated ... There are Christians praying for God to kill Obama.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1710631
#40. It appears that there is a genocidal plan against Black people.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1439379
#41. In closing, the greatest threat to peace on this earth is the arrogance of a super-power [America] that is out of control.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1657140
#42. I know something of the good of Moammar Gadhafi that made me to love him as a brother and to feel a great sense of loss at his assassination, He died in honor, fighting for the Libya that he believed in.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1649421
#43. They call them terrorists, I call them freedom fighters.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1594499
#44. Black leadership has to recognize that principles more than speech, character more than a claim, is greater in advancing the cause of our liberation than what has transpired thus far.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1582764
#45. Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1487431
#46. However, those who have used those words use half the sentence to fit their purpose, which, of course, I believe is to discredit me and the new Nation of Islam that has come up around me.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1485568
#47. Not that I regret saying what I believed to be the truth, but I regret anything that I might have written or spoken that could have been used in a way to help to foster that atmosphere out of which came the loss of life of Brother Malcolm.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1469380
#48. There is no one right now in my judgment that can unite the Black electorate in such a way to present our agenda to a nominee to have them forthrightly address our concerns.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1469229
#49. Qaddafi is hated because he is the leader of a small country that is rich, but he uses his money to finance liberation struggles.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1461766
#50. Anarchy may await America, due to the daily injustices suffered by the people.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #179227
#51. In our community, we have those from the Middle East and those from Asia ... setting up shops and providing goods and services we should be providing for ourselves.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #454780
#52. Our lips are full of praise, but our hearts are far removed from the prophets we all claim. That's why the world is in the shape that it's in.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #389173
#53. The Bush administration does not desire to see Islam practiced in its pristine purity.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #384077
#54. If we can put the names of our faiths aside for the moment and look at principles, we fill find a common thread running through all the great religious expressions.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #348842
#55. A brother who recognizes that we have shortcomings, we, in the struggle, have faults, and that he wanted to reconcile differences.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #257665
#56. But when I reintroduced the Nation of Islam, and began to host meetings in cities and thousands and thousands of people come out.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #254047
#57. I think that ego-driven leaders will be a thing of the past because the masses are tired.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #235729
#58. The seal and the constitution, reflects the thinking of the founding fathers that this was to be a nation by white people, and for white people. Native Americans, Blacks, and all other non-white people, were to be the burden bearers for the real citizens of this nation.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #228517
#59. I don't think about my legacy, if indeed, I have one.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #196297
#60. Who are the slumlords in the Black community? The so-called Jews. ... Who is it sucking our blood in the Black community? A white imposter Arab and a white imposter Jew.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #191612
#61. As a result of that, America desires a moderate Islam; an Islam that America can control; an Islam that America can give direction to and give orders to its leaders.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #487515
#62. I am hoping that in this year of the family we will go into our families and reconcile differences.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #170192
#63. There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, unless someone rises up to tell you the truth.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #160742
#64. The Jews talk about "never again." ... You cannot say "Never again" to God because when he puts you in the oven, you're in one indeed! ... "Never again" don't mean a damn thing when God get ready for you!

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #146240
#65. I was guided by Allah (God) to give a yardstick to the voting public, particularly Black people as to what will set that candidate apart from others.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #132181
#66. Iran should not be denied the human right to knowledge ... the fear of America is Iran's attitude to Israel, and the cornerstone of America's foreign policy is the protection of Israel ... If Iran believes in Allah, and if Iran believes in the power of Allah, Iran can't be frightened by America.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #120484
#67. I am not the same man I was 35 years ago. And I hope that five years and ten years from now, I'll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #103147
#68. Could it be that my circle is largely black and that it is why I am influential in black circles but not in white circles?

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #79216
#69. The Middle East is now filled with death and destruction and that was the aim of Neo-Conservatives who planned this destruction of seven Muslim nations in five years and they are on schedule and the final nation in their sights to destroy is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #69385
#70. America will always side with those whom she can direct, give orders to and have those orders obeyed.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #34983
#71. Everything that I'm attempting to do is based on my understanding of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and what he wanted for his people.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #14858
#72. I was never named in the early years as having anything to do with the assassination of Malcolm.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #823285
#73. For the first time in our history, every spectrum of black thought is in the same room on the same page with a cause bigger than our persons, bigger than our organizations, and the cause is
to ease the suffering of the masses of our people.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1027957
#74. If the Sunni and Shia, or those nations that surround Saudi Arabia and those nations that gather around Tehran or Iran fight each other, that is the trigger that will bring about the War of Armageddon.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #959383
#75. We have seen an unprecedented gathering of the leaders of black America coming together to speak with one voice, ... The whole spectrum of black thought was represented on this stage ...
This tells us that a new day is dawning in America.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #958433
#76. America must be burned! America is no good at all.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #950481
#77. I think that rather than condemning Islam, Islam needs to be studied by those who are sincere.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #947677
#78. Islam has always been a force that dispels tyrants and tyranny, opression and exploitaion. Islam has always been a force that militates for justice.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #931244
#79. I could never endorse any candidate because not one of them is saying that which would save America from the Wrath of Allah (God).

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #912175
#80. But if I thought on it, I would like to be remembered as a brother who loved his people and did everything that I knew to fight for them, the liberation of our people.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #903523
#81. What President Bush did in his doctrine of preemptive strike and in his war in Afghanistan and in Iraq was to turn even his allies in Europe negatively toward America.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #890044
#82. The whole Republican establishment has united to destroy his bid to be the nominee of the Republican Party.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #826687
#83. So, this war is against the Islam that the West does not control.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #1064121
#84. I said I liked what I am looking at because I felt he had a strength required of anyone who wished to save America, or move away the Wrath of Allah (God) plaguing not only America but the world with the forces of nature.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #793505
#85. Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #789379
#86. God ordains opposition so that he may prove to the opponents, who are many in number, to the few that God chooses to bless, that if God's hand is with that few, the many cannot oppose and be successful.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #773378
#87. Work hard to discover your gift and you will never envy or hate another human being who is manifesting theirs.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #744926
#88. God will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims. God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #703298
#89. They should regard me as what I am. I am a spiritual leader and teacher.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #700443
#90. There's no one who has the right to judge you.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #614188
#91. Unfortunately, the war has cost America greatly - politically - throughout the world.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #590222
#92. I believe he [Saddam Hussein] wants a better relationship with America.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #580810
#93. Because as a youngster I longed to see the Black man free and I longed to see anyone stand up for us.

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Sayings #529628

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