Top 20 Lost In Conversation Quotes

#1. There's a smartphone gait: the slow sidewalk weave that comes from being lost in conversation rather than looking where you're going.

Nancy Gibbs

Lost In Conversation Quotes #799015
#2. Sometimes I get the start of a story from a memory, an anecdote, but that gets lost and is usually unrecognizable in the final story.
[A Conversation with Alice Munro, BookBrowse, 1998]

Alice Munro

Lost In Conversation Quotes #753121
#3. I should not have minded that, if they would only have left me alone. But they wouldn't leave me alone. They seemed to think the opportunity lost, if they failed to point the conversation at me, every now and then, and stick the point into me.

Charles Dickens

Lost In Conversation Quotes #1874368
#4. Where did you go?" "Around." "The weather was good?" "Yeah." "It didn't rain?" "Nope." "That's good." "Yeah." Talking like this is like throwing small, round stones nothing can be built from them, except perhaps the cairn of a lost conversation.

David Levithan

Lost In Conversation Quotes #1782239
#5. There's something about being rejected - when I go out without my friends, I'm reminded of how I'm actually quite antisocial. I don't look like a guy who feels like that, but it's very hard for me to start up a conversation. At a party, I'm lost.

Jason Ritter

Lost In Conversation Quotes #1681176
#6. Liberals lost touch with working-class Americans because they never had to have a conversation about values with those voters; they could just rely on the courts to impose their views.

David Brooks

Lost In Conversation Quotes #1606101
#7. I guess it feels to me that the political argument that has been lost in my lifetime is taxation. How do you engage in that debate when people don't trust politicians at all? It is almost impossible to start a conversation about taxation.

Johann Lamont

Lost In Conversation Quotes #1569441
#8. The best ideas come unexpectedly from a conversation or a common activity like watering the garden. These can get lost or slip away if not acted on when they occur.

Ruth Asawa

Lost In Conversation Quotes #1183826
#9. I am always alone, pretending to be someone else or lost in a vast emptiness. I miss life. I miss conversation and laughter and shared joy and hurt. I miss dancing and painting. I miss waking up to a day with no evil in it - at least, none that I can see.

Stacey Jay

Lost In Conversation Quotes #985945
#10. Giving him a slight wave, she turned and strolled away.
"Jaime?" he called after her. "Jaime, don't ignore me!"
Without breaking stride, she glanced at him over her shoulder. "It's not that I'm ignoring you. I've just lost interest in the conversation.

Suzanne Wright

Lost In Conversation Quotes #885510
#11. When you're at dinner with somebody and they are on their phone. I think there's that lost art of conversation and so I just always try to keep my phone far away from me when I'm with people.

Austin Butler

Lost In Conversation Quotes #878712
#12. If you're yelling you're the one who's lost control of the conversation.

Taylor Swift

Lost In Conversation Quotes #716170
#13. I tried to imagine telling my parents the truth. In that regard, the phone conversation is had with my father in the Underground had been a preview of coming attractions. He's lost it. Our son is insane. Or on drugs. Or maybe not in enough drugs.

Ransom Riggs

Lost In Conversation Quotes #669835
#14. She glanced at Tyson, who'd lost interest in our conversation and was happily making toy boats out of cups and spoons in the lava.

Rick Riordan

Lost In Conversation Quotes #610743
#15. We have lost the art of conversation. People are shy and don't know how to approach other people, and they are missing opportunities for relationships. And no one's entertaining at home anymore. They're not having people over for dinner.

Letitia Baldrige

Lost In Conversation Quotes #599921
#16. Sometimes, our conversations remind me of a dialogue between two memories.

Osvaldo Ferrari

Lost In Conversation Quotes #269061
#17. Though her grasp of English was modest and his Italian non-existent, their rapport was at once intuitive and intimate, founded more on physical attraction and a shared love of the outdoors than meaningful conversation.

Robert Radcliffe

Lost In Conversation Quotes #142594
#18. After all with me & Marshall, it had never been about words or conversation, where there was too much to be risked or lost. Here, though, in the quiet pressed against each other, this felt familiar to me. And it was nice to let someone get close again, even if it was just for a little while.

Sarah Dessen

Lost In Conversation Quotes #128664
#19. I try to make all my work as honest as possible. I want the audience to feel like they're watching two people talking-having a conversation-as opposed to watching actors fake it. I want the audience to get lost in the fact that this is so good it could be real.

Danny Burstein

Lost In Conversation Quotes #62316
#20. People say conversation is a lost art; how often I have wished it were.

Edward R. Murrow

Lost In Conversation Quotes #11470

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