Top 10 Lorrimer Quotes

#1. Life is a difficult business ... It needs infinite courage and a lot of endurance. And in the end one wonders: 'Was it worth while?' - Mrs. Lorrimer, Cards on the Table

Agatha Christie

Lorrimer Quotes #967176
#2. You see, in America, it's quite standard for an actor to sign, at the beginning of a series, for five or seven years. The maximum any British agent will allow you to have over an actor is three years.

Julian Fellowes

Lorrimer Quotes #16282
#3. Kissing is something that everybody does!

Miley Cyrus

Lorrimer Quotes #34033
#4. Gratification comes when you help someone else.

Trenice Carter

Lorrimer Quotes #419222
#5. Because in the end, isn't that what matters? That we're still here. And although the ride might get bumpy at times, the view is still so beautiful.

Kylie Jude

Lorrimer Quotes #436284
#6. Most of the time I manage to forget to be afraid. But sometimes I think, 'This could be is,' and I move forward anyway.

David Levithan

Lorrimer Quotes #697914
#7. Listening to my regular favourites - Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms and so on - I always feel, quite misguidedly, that nothing can be too bad if such beauty and brilliance exists in the world.

Jane Asher

Lorrimer Quotes #1062824
#8. I always dedicate my goals to my mum. I lost her a couple of years ago. She was my biggest supporter and is always with me.

Frank Lampard

Lorrimer Quotes #1363495
#9. If I'm so popular, why did they replace me with Tommy Thayer?

Ace Frehley

Lorrimer Quotes #1513544
#10. life is full of unexpected tumbles. you will come to little harm if you learn to accept them in good heart.

Claire Lorrimer

Lorrimer Quotes #1656005

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