Top 21 Longchenpa Quotes

#1. O Nobly Born, now there is born in you exceeding compassion for all those living creatures who have forgotten their true nature. - Mahamudra text of Tibetan yogi Longchenpa

Jack Kornfield

Longchenpa Quotes #526531
#2. Longchenpa said, "Good concepts are like a golden chain. Bad concepts are like an iron chain.

Anam Thubten

Longchenpa Quotes #282915
#3. There must be a punitive expedition against the Jews in Russia, a punitive expedition which will expect: death sentence and execution. Then the world will see the end of the Jews is also the end of Bolshevism.

Julius Streicher

Longchenpa Quotes #1706610
#4. Self-appearing subjects and objects are the power of the baseless ultimate truth.


Longchenpa Quotes #1663162
#5. Knowledge of mankind is a knowledge of their passions.

Benjamin Disraeli

Longchenpa Quotes #1659209
#6. Be more ambitious. Don't bunt. When you get a job to do a story or an ad, try and hit the ball out of the park every time

David Ogilvy

Longchenpa Quotes #1560062
#7. In the experience of yogins who do not perceive things dualistically, the fact that things manifest without truly existing is so amazing they burst into laughter


Longchenpa Quotes #1481301
#8. Realization that is beyond characteristic or designation is marvelous!


Longchenpa Quotes #1479142
#9. From now on, no one rewires my mind but me.

Scott Westerfeld

Longchenpa Quotes #1410013
#10. Coming into the music industry, even when I was a kid, one thing I learned is timing is everything. You being prepared is everything.

Kelly Rowland

Longchenpa Quotes #1252640
#11. Always engage in the quest for life's meaning, which is inner peace.


Longchenpa Quotes #1200002
#12. People often say women want to be loved. But they really want much more. Many women want to bear children; and their very being wants to give children life. She often desires men just as a key to the child that is in her to give life to.

Kahlil Gibran

Longchenpa Quotes #1104247
#13. The Cuban-born Mario Algaze has a Chambian way of collapsing present and past.

Holland Cotter

Longchenpa Quotes #1102328
#14. Since everything is but an apparition, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.


Longchenpa Quotes #953061
#15. But years hath done this wrong, To make me write too much, and live too long.

Samuel Daniel

Longchenpa Quotes #816727
#16. Begin with bodhicitta, do the main practice without concepts,Conclude by dedicating the merit. These, together and complete,Are the three vital supports for progressing on the path to liberation.


Longchenpa Quotes #799542
#17. I love being an actor.

George Takei

Longchenpa Quotes #609736
#18. Dream about future live your present but don't forgot to learn from your part


Longchenpa Quotes #445449
#19. You can't break me because you didn't make me.

Denzel Washington

Longchenpa Quotes #377305
#20. A famously wise old man in a village was once asked how he came by his wisdom. "I got it from my good judgment," he answered. And where did his good judgment come from? "I got it from my bad judgment."

Sydney J. Harris

Longchenpa Quotes #228650
#21. To reject practice by saying, 'it is conceptual!' is the path of fools. A tendency of the inexperienced and something to be avoided.


Longchenpa Quotes #103845

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