Top 100 Live With Joy Quotes

#1. Agency used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live with joy and happiness.

Robert D. Hales

Live With Joy Quotes #717299
#2. Yesterday is gone forever.
Tomorrow is always in the future.
So live for today, live with passion,
live with joy, live with all encompassing love.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #847351
#3. It's because when God adopts you into His family, you belong to Him. He stamps His name on you. A name that comes with His protection. And His birthright, which is eternity and the power to live with joy on this earth.

Susan May Warren

Live With Joy Quotes #1144377
#4. Living is not existing but to live with joy.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1151602
#5. One day we will all have to leave this beautiful world, and we want to leave with peace towards eternal peace. We also want our future generations to live with joy and peace.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1368816
#6. I'm learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy, gratitude, and grace. I'm also learning that the uncomfortable and scary leaning requires both spirit and resilience.

Brene Brown

Live With Joy Quotes #1558372
#7. A man can reach the heights of the Super-Man by entering the field of supra-sexuality, by knowing how to enjoy love, by knowing how to enjoy a woman, by knowing how to live with joy or with more emotion and less useless reasoning.

Samael Aun Weor

Live With Joy Quotes #1841226
#8. If there is so much blessing and joy even in a single encounter of brother with brother, how inexhaustible are the riches that open up for those who by God's will are privileged to live in the daily fellowship of life with other Christians!

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Live With Joy Quotes #6702
#9. I grew up in the South Bronx, raised by my grandmother, who scrapped and scraped to make sure I had a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I was painfully aware of what it was like to live with limited resources and a certain level of uncertainty.

Joy Bryant

Live With Joy Quotes #11655
#10. I am deeply spiritual; I revel in those things that make for good - the things that we can do to shed a little light, to help place an oft-dissonant universe back in tune with itself ... Long live art, long live friendship, long live the joy of life!

Jessye Norman

Live With Joy Quotes #19568
#11. Oh beloved,
I want to live in your love,
to feel the joy of life,
to see the beauty of desires,
to enjoy the song of heart,
to dance with you, my love.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #20961
#12. Your perspective is vital to your happiness. Some, blind to the bountiful opportunities around them, live lives of sadness and despair with brief moments of joy. Be alive to the abundant potential that surrounds you so that you live a life of peace and happiness with periods of challenging growth.

Richard G. Scott

Live With Joy Quotes #43547
#13. In the garden of humanity there are tigers and lion, deer and doves. Deer and doves live carefully but with beauty and joy.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #47335
#14. The stronger the ties that bind us to God, the more likely we are to live, react, and behave in harmony with ... greater joy, peace, and happiness.

Jimmy Carter

Live With Joy Quotes #58445
#15. And for yourself, may the gods grant you your heart's desire, a husband and a home, and the blessing of a harmonious life. For nothing is greater or finer than this, when a man and woman live together with one hear and mind, bringing joy to their friends and grief to their foes.


Live With Joy Quotes #72371
#16. Each time a divine incarnation comes to us, it is not to bring new truths or to establish a new religion but to remind us of what we have forgotten: that we are all one, and that we must live in harmony with this unity by learning to contribute to the joy and fulfillment of all.

Eknath Easwaran

Live With Joy Quotes #103994
#17. If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.

Rachel Carson

Live With Joy Quotes #117368
#18. Enjoy every minute you have with those you love, my dear, for no one can take joy that is past away from you. It will be there in your heart to live on when the dark days come.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Live With Joy Quotes #135973
#19. The enemy will do anything to rob my joy of homeschooling and parenting. He wanted me to live in bondage and feel guilty and like I was never doing enough to have me miss the real joy of just being home with my children.

Tamara L. Chilver

Live With Joy Quotes #145491
#20. Live from abundance;
Utilize with economy;
Share in advance.

Geoffrey M. Gluckman

Live With Joy Quotes #202412
#21. You ought to live your life with such freedom and joy that uptight Christians will doubt your salvation.

Steve Brown

Live With Joy Quotes #261274
#22. I finally know that joy does not come from avoiding a problem or having someone else deal with it for you. Joy comes from overcoming a problem or simply learning to live with it while being joyful.

Jim Stovall

Live With Joy Quotes #265394
#23. Remember me with joy, for this is how I always thought of you. That is what I want, more than anything. I want you to smile when you think of me. And in your smile, I will live forever

Nicholas Sparks

Live With Joy Quotes #281010
#24. Our nature and purpose is, more than anything else, to love and to make love, to take joy from the beauty of the world, to live with an awareness that the future is not as real a place for any one of us as are the present and the past.

Dean Koontz

Live With Joy Quotes #281553
#25. A compassionate willingess is required - as is the courage to live before the fact, before the understanding, before any rational support or certainty, to live the moment to its natural peak and conclusion, and to accept with dignity whatever joy, grief, misfortune, or unexpectedness occurs.

Clark Moustakas

Live With Joy Quotes #300569
#26. To "hallow" God's name is not merely to live righteous lives but to have a heart of grateful joy toward God - and even more, a wondrous sense of his beauty. We do not revere his name unless he "captivate[s] us with wonderment for him."198

Timothy Keller

Live With Joy Quotes #314967
#27. I want to die living. And I want to be remembered as one who lived with purpose, joy and feeling. I want to spend my time learning what goes into a whole and happy life, then building that life the best I can.

Steve Goodier

Live With Joy Quotes #315273
#28. Then there is a still higher type of courage - the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead.

Howard Cosell

Live With Joy Quotes #350196
#29. ...We are truly human when we live for a purpose far above ourselves; but most people prefer to identify with an entity for the sake of belonging; thereby subjecting themselves to the spirit of collective selfishness that is only found in groups...

Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Live With Joy Quotes #353242
#30. Live each day with more peace, passion, energy, and joy.

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Live With Joy Quotes #357400
#31. We have soul contracts with every person in our lives to live in the vibration of truth.

Molly Friedenfeld

Live With Joy Quotes #381238
#32. Control the senses, practice equanimity. Live by disciplinary rules. Associate with good friends who are not lazy and live purely. Be courteous and well-mannered, and thus, full of joy. Put an end to suffering.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Live With Joy Quotes #426076
#33. Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with family and friends.

Thomas S. Monson

Live With Joy Quotes #475725
#34. It was a joy! Words weren't dull, words were things that could make your mind hum. If you read them and let yourself feel the magic, you could live without pain, with hope, no matter what happened to you.

Charles Bukowski

Live With Joy Quotes #475926
#35. Consider the lilies of the field. Look at the fuzz on a baby's ear. Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a terminal illness because if you do you will live it with joy and passion, as it ought to be lived.

Anna Quindlen

Live With Joy Quotes #486946
#36. Keep the commandments of God. If you have sinned, the sooner you begin to make your way back, the sooner you will find the sweet peace and joy that come with the miracle of forgiveness. Happiness comes from living the way the Lord wants you to live and from service to God and others.

Thomas S. Monson

Live With Joy Quotes #507404
#37. It is better to live life with a daring hope.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Live With Joy Quotes #511953
#38. To find peace, live in the moment with joy.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #520748
#39. Merely to live without a pain Is little gladness, little gain, Ah, welcome joy tho' mixt with grief
The thorn-set flower that crowns the leaf.

Dan Simmons

Live With Joy Quotes #576307
#40. You prepare as best you can for the bad times- then live every moment with joy.

Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Live With Joy Quotes #588448
#41. There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so -now- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.

Abraham Hicks

Live With Joy Quotes #623331
#42. No matter what stage of illness we are in, whether we've just been diagnosed or we have lived with chronic migraines for decades, there are adjustments we can make to increase joy in our lives and to live more fully.

Sarah Hackley

Live With Joy Quotes #642897
#43. If we celebrate life with all its contradictions, embrace, experience, and ultimately live with it, a chance exists for a spiritual life filled not only with pain and untidiness, but also with joy, community, and creativity.

Derrick Jensen

Live With Joy Quotes #694352
#44. A life live with God in the center of our being, overflows with joy.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Live With Joy Quotes #737868
#45. As those who are chosen, blessed, broken, and given, we are called to live our lives with a deep inner joy and peace. It is the life of the Beloved, lived in a world constantly trying to convince us that the burden is on us to prove that we are worthy of being loved.

Henri Nouwen

Live With Joy Quotes #757005
#46. I live life with great passion.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Live With Joy Quotes #770415
#47. Why didn't your grandfather leave me? God knows I wasn't esy to live with. You';ll have to ask him. I imagine it's for the same reason. Stay and survive. Find joy.

Amy Stolls

Live With Joy Quotes #781204
#48. My life purpose is to inspire and empower people and organizations to live their highest vision in a context of love and joy and in harmony with the highest good of all concerned.

Jack Canfield

Live With Joy Quotes #817591
#49. Because our nation is stupid and Hollywood is coarse, there is no one to tell us of the deep and extraordinary beauty of older women. I now see them all around me and am filled with a fierce joy that one of them has come to live in my house.

Pat Conroy

Live With Joy Quotes #820144
#50. A 20/20 mindset produces uncontainable joy and peace. These fruits allow you to live more creatively, effectively, and positively. When your life is in alignment with your purpose and passion, then working hard and creating value are inherent and success becomes a given.

Farshad Asl

Live With Joy Quotes #824720
#51. Eating everything you want is not that much fun. When you live a life with no boundaries, there's less joy. If you can eat anything you want to, what's the fun in eating anything you want to?

Tom Hanks

Live With Joy Quotes #874739
#52. Love life. Live your life with joy so you may fill the world with joy. Let no one leave your presence without feeling the joy of life.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #875000
#53. In my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out with a cry of pain. How strange, I thought that the same cause should produce such opposite effects.

Mary Shelley

Live With Joy Quotes #916929
#54. We should live each and every day with the certainty that this armor will protect us from danger, and then we will no longer be bound to the duality of existence. We have to find a middle path, where there is neither joy nor suffering, only profound peace.

Paulo Coelho

Live With Joy Quotes #920043
#55. He turned back, and there was an odd light in his eyes. "Did I ever tell you that I can't live without you?" he said.
"No," she said. "You can tell me about it when we survive." She could barely breathe, death was eating its way toward her, and she wanted to laugh out loud with the joy of it.

Anne Stuart

Live With Joy Quotes #947988
#56. The people who live and lead with the most joy and contentment are those who have clarity about their priorities. They know what they do best and fill their days with more of those activities.

Michael Hyatt

Live With Joy Quotes #960119
#57. You are the husband of my heart, and the love of my life. Wherever I am, whatever I do, you are joined with me and I with you. The part of me that matters will live with you forever. I accept the chain that binds us with joy, because in this unity I have known the purest freedom.

Madeline Hunter

Live With Joy Quotes #965874
#58. I live each day with joyful hopes.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Live With Joy Quotes #970677
#59. Let us choose to live our lives with the joy of loving.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #973140
#60. Today you are lifted higher. Understand that you can go further and be better than you ever thought possible. Start by saying yes to all good things. Doors will open for you filled with unlimited opportunities.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Live With Joy Quotes #997353
#61. 8He is ever present with me; at all times He goes before me. I will not live in fear or abandon my calling because He stands at my right hand. 9This is a good life - my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy, and my body is at rest. Who could want for more?


Live With Joy Quotes #1000424
#62. I sing and drink,
giving no thought to death;
with arms outspread
I fall upon the grass,
and if, in this wide world, I come to die,
then it's certain to be
from sheer joy that I live.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Live With Joy Quotes #1027625
#63. The goal of prayer is to live all of my life and speak all of my words in the joyful awareness of the presence of God.
Prayer becomes real when we grasp the reality and goodness of God's constant presence with 'the real me.' Jesus lived his everyday life in conscious awareness of his Father.

John Ortberg Jr.

Live With Joy Quotes #1054441
#64. We are all unique, but we are also a part of the common body of humanity. With harmony, love, kindness, and compassion we can live together in joy and happiness.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1069600
#65. Know God's Will? How Should I Live in This World? What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? Can I Be Sure I'm Saved? What Is Faith? What Can I Do with My Guilt? What Is the Trinity? What Is Baptism? Can I Have Joy in My Life? Who

R.C. Sproul

Live With Joy Quotes #1082995
#66. Look back with compassion, look forward with curiosity, but live for the present moment with wonder and joy.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1104740
#67. Don't hanker for the other world. Live this world, and live it with intensity, with passion. Live it with totality, with your whole being. And out of that whole trust, out of that life of passion, love, and joy, you will become able to go beyond.


Live With Joy Quotes #1116158
#68. That parrot's non-co-operation with the cage, with its master, will live for ever because it looks upon renunciation, non-co-operation, as a joy.

Mahatma Gandhi

Live With Joy Quotes #1134243
#69. Let it go and live in the moment with joy.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1163146
#70. Even if we change practices or behaviors, we are seeking transformed hearts. We must know in our bones God's heart for equality and wholeness in the Body of Christ then live our lives out of that truth, with invitation and joy, as living prophets of God's way of life.

Sarah Bessey

Live With Joy Quotes #1174166
#71. Joy comes when we catch the rhythms of His heart. Peace comes when we live in harmony with those rhythms.

Ken Gire

Live With Joy Quotes #1189363
#72. It takes no effort to love. The state has its own innate joy. Questions answer themselves if you are aware enough. Life is safe; flowing with the current of being is the simplest way to live. Resistance never really succeeds. Controlling the flow of life is impossible.

Deepak Chopra

Live With Joy Quotes #1196394
#73. It is my greatest joy to live a really good part, even though it imposes great strain. An artist is tired but proud when he has created a great work of art. So it is with the actor who really lives a great role and is proud of the part he played.

Conrad Veidt

Live With Joy Quotes #1226892
#74. What Is Joy? Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness. Happiness is a sort of atmosphere you can live in sometimes when you're lucky. Joy is a light that fills you with hope and faith and love.

Brene Brown

Live With Joy Quotes #1230276
#75. We all are unique, but we are also part of the humanity, which is our common body. With harmony, love, kindness, and compassion we can live together with joy and happiness.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1230599
#76. Each moment is magical, precious and complete and will never exist again. We forget that now is the moment we are in, that the next one isn't guaranteed. And if we are blessed with another moment, any joy, creativity or wisdom it brings will ensue from the way we live in the present one.

Susan L. Taylor

Live With Joy Quotes #1232503
#77. I have been a joy to live with all spring: Upbeat, warm and tender, uncomplicated, and loving. I am no trouble at all. You could press me into dough and make sugar cookies out of me, I've been so sweet.

Adriana Trigiani

Live With Joy Quotes #1232816
#78. There is no fear in love. Live with the foundation of LOVE in your heart and you will become FEARLESS.

Molly Friedenfeld

Live With Joy Quotes #1236956
#79. It is time that the Protestant Church, the Church of the Son, should be one again with the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of the Father. It is time that man shall cease, first to live in the flesh, with joy, and then, unsatisfied, to renounce and to mortify the flesh.

D.H. Lawrence

Live With Joy Quotes #1241062
#80. Live free of regret and filled with as much joy, fun, and laughter as you can stand. You have a choice. Enjoy yourself.

Oprah Winfrey

Live With Joy Quotes #1245280
#81. Where the glacier meets the sky, the land ceases to be earthly, and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore, and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reigns there, beyond all demands.

Halldor Laxness

Live With Joy Quotes #1287007
#82. The world is not the kingdom. "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33b NIV 1984). Live with Me, the conquering Christ, and the joy and peace of victory shall also be yours.

Lacie Stevens

Live With Joy Quotes #1308041
#83. If I spend my life preoccupied with me and my own happiness, I will live life missing the deepest joy that God has for me. When

Matthew Kelly

Live With Joy Quotes #1318812
#84. A good mother does not live only for her children. She always has some bond with other mothers, no matter what class, nationality or race they may be. All mothers have the same joys, the same sorrows, the same anxieties. All mothers think first of their child and of children.

Werenfried Von Straaten

Live With Joy Quotes #1324177
#85. Isn't that the only way to curate a life? To live among things that make you gasp with delight?

Maira Kalman

Live With Joy Quotes #1359522
#86. I wanted to live, and the knowledge filled me with a fierce and exultant joy until I felt like flame in a world made of paper. I wanted to live.

Elliott James

Live With Joy Quotes #1443464
#87. The ultimate purpose of life is to live it with profound love, joy, and happiness.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1459758
#88. To have compassion (co-feeling) means not only to be able to live with other's misfortune but also to feel with him any emotion -joy , anxiety, happiness, pain

Milan Kundera

Live With Joy Quotes #1481723
#89. And that's why i have to go back to so many places there to find myself and constantly examine myself with no witness but the moon and then whistle with joy, ambling over rocks and clods of earth, with no task but to live, with no family but the road.

Pablo Neruda

Live With Joy Quotes #1497749
#90. Joy has come to live with me. How can I be sad? I do so love Thy presence, which is joy within me.

Ernest Holmes

Live With Joy Quotes #1524576
#91. We can only try to live our lives with enough joy and passion that when our time is finished we leave behind more good memories than regrets.

P.C. Cast

Live With Joy Quotes #1525526
#92. When real music comes to me - the music of the spheres, the music that surpasses understanding - that has nothing to do with me, cause I'm just the channel. The only joy for me is for it to be given to me, and to transcribe it like a medium ... those moments are what I live for.

John Lennon

Live With Joy Quotes #1530587
#93. I know I could never forgive myself if I elected to live without humane purpose, without trying to help the poor and unfortunate, without recognizing that perhaps the purest joy in life comes with trying to help others.

Arthur Ashe

Live With Joy Quotes #1576049
#94. The spirits of the air live on the smells Of fruit; and joy, with pinions light, roves round The gardens, or sits singing in the trees ...

William Blake

Live With Joy Quotes #1578921
#95. My main job is to live with deep contentment, joy, and confidence in my everyday experience of life with God. Everything else is job number two.

John Ortberg

Live With Joy Quotes #1602670
#96. When a loved one disappears, you continue to live with the accompaniment of that person. One has to find a balance between joy and sorrow.

Philippe Petit

Live With Joy Quotes #1632776
#97. Even after thousands of years, I want to live in your heart with love, joy, and care.

Debasish Mridha

Live With Joy Quotes #1657075
#98. Every day brings a chance to live free of regret and with as much joy, fun, and laughter as you can stand.

Oprah Winfrey

Live With Joy Quotes #1661689
#99. Making peace with one's truth is to live in one's own moment, moving passionately forward in joy.

Michelle Cruz-Rosado

Live With Joy Quotes #1674798
#100. It's these little things, they can pull you under
Live your life filled with joy and wonder
I always knew this altogether thunder
Was lost in our little lives

R.E.M Sweetness Follows

Live With Joy Quotes #1684650

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