Top 9 Lieve Schoonzus Schoonzus Quotes
#1. Sorrow binds us - I will always cherish you - my only disillusionment is unspoken words ...
John Geddes
#2. As ever, it was fifty percent fashion show, forty percent club, ten percent sex party, and one hundred percent annoying.
Alexis Hall
#3. The fate of war is to be exalted in the morning, and low enough at night! There is but one step from triumph to ruin.
Napoleon Bonaparte
#4. The Rise And Fall Of Humanity ... depends on how we treat each other. It must be either kindness & love or hatred & despair. The roads are laid out in front of us. The decisions are entirely ours to make!
Timothy Pina
#5. Somewhere in heaven, you're on a live video Web site for God to surf.
Chuck Palahniuk
#6. All art to me is an empathetic act. Whoever's telling a story is trying to transfer emotion into someone else.
Elliot Ackerman
#7. Equipped with our five senses - along with telescopes and microscopes and mass spectrometers and seismographs and magnetometers and particle accelerators and detectors sensitive to the entire electromagnetic spectrum - we explore the universe around us and call the adventure science.
Edwin Powell Hubble
#8. When the time is gone, you can never get it back.
Stephen King
#9. He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young. - Isaiah 40:11
Gary Chapman
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