Top 6 Lernet Sofa Quotes

#1. Perhaps one day the dreams of Utopists may be realized and humanity will shake off the chains of materialism which still separate us from what we think to be supernatural knowledge, but which, in reality, is already in us, only waiting to be discerned.

Emile Coue

Lernet Sofa Quotes #410629
#2. When superstition is allowed to perform the task of old age in dulling the human temperament, we can say goodbye to all excellence in poetry, in painting, and in music.

Denis Diderot

Lernet Sofa Quotes #651376
#3. Different isn't evil, it's just different.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Lernet Sofa Quotes #934896
#4. Entrepreneurs see what others can't, do what others won't, and accomplish what others dream.

Ryan Lilly

Lernet Sofa Quotes #956436
#5. Everyone has the idea of owning good companies. The problem is that they have high prices in relations to assets and earnings, and that takes all of the fun out of the game.

Charlie Munger

Lernet Sofa Quotes #1008751
#6. When I get to Heaven they aren't going to see much of me but my heels, for I'll be hanging over the golden wall keeping an eye on the Lisu Church!

Isobel Miller Kuhn

Lernet Sofa Quotes #1242695

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