Top 10 Lefe Quotes

#1. Right as an aspen lefe she gan to quake.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Lefe Quotes #692043
#2. It is, of course, true that I have given priority to the settling of the problem of security and the problem of Irian Barat, although I knew that in order to do these things, almost three-quarters of our national product had to be spent.


Lefe Quotes #82642
#3. One of the things I have come to know most surely in my work is that the belief system acquired in childhood is never fully escaped; it may submerge itself for a while, but it always returns in times of need to lay claim to the soul it shaped.

Kate Morton

Lefe Quotes #241833
#4. I was the kid who never won the races. I never jumped the highest. I wasn't on the list of the high-achieving.

Kate Winslet

Lefe Quotes #766067
#5. I used to live in Ethiopia as a child, and I lived there when Haile Selassie was the emperor.

Jack Kingston

Lefe Quotes #778449
#6. After all dying is one of the most profound and difficult experiences we have.

Meghan O'Rourke

Lefe Quotes #1021846
#7. I didn't want to draw attention to her resting place, but I couldn't leave her without remembrance.

Paula Hawkins

Lefe Quotes #1190325
#8. - You are unarmed?
+ Always
- You stand alone?
+ Often
- You are the one who should be afraid.
+ Never
- Have a nice day then.

Stephen Moffat

Lefe Quotes #1549241
#9. Sadly enough... it is a characteristic of our age, that if people want any gods at all, they want them to be gods who do not demand much: comfortable, smooth gods.

Jeffrey R. Holland

Lefe Quotes #1644289
#10. For all your previous understandings, suddenly incoherence feels violent.

Claudia Rankine

Lefe Quotes #1778639

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