Top 15 Leatherneck Magazine Quotes

#1. The Italian historian Armando Petrucci has done more than anyone else to revive interest in public writing. His groundbreaking Public Lettering: Script, Power, and Culture surveys the forms and uses of epigraphic writing from classical antiquity to the twentieth century.

Geoffrey Nunberg

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #177010
#2. The plural of spouse is spice.

Christopher Morley

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #196427
#3. Write on a subject you love. Your profit center should also be your passion center.

Dan Poynter

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #229507
#4. From the very beginning, the American dream meant proving to all mankind that freedom, justice, human rights and democracy were no utopia but were rather the most realistic policy there is and the most likely to improve the fate of each and every person.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #299402
#5. I like the Zen artists: they'd do some work, and then they'd stop for a while.

Saul Leiter

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #335065
#6. He too was experimental and creatively disobedient, but he was still able to operate effectively in a fairly rigid hierarchy - something Americans do particularly well.

Robert L. O'Connell

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #496242
#7. Moral failure occurs when people lose focus and gradually drift off the path.

Benjamin Watson

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #525508
#8. My heart's bigger than a blue whale's, which needs its own parking spot.

Jandy Nelson

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #609294
#9. Writing down your trades is the best exercise in the world.

Linda Bradford Raschke

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #1086194
#10. I'm not too concerned about the future of Perl after me, because I see how these people are interacting with each other and even when I'm not there, they are helping each other and solving each other's problems in a way that I could not do, even if I were there.

Larry Wall

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #1105972
#11. It's been fascinating watching all those pictures of me with a lot more hair Jeremy, and looking very young. And we've all got things we've said, twenty, thirty years ago, indeed the whole world has changed since then.

Peter Hain

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #1111660
#12. One of the most influential women of the 20th century? Well, that may be overdoing it. When one thinks of really influential women, my mind turns to Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, ... some of the true political leaders in their own right.

William A. Rusher

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #1409630
#13. Mr. Roark, we're alone here. Why don't you tell me what you think of me? In any words you wish. No one will hear us." "But I don't think of you." Toohey

Ayn Rand

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #1517599
#14. I'm agnostic because I went through the usual process of parents insisting you go to church, and yet they didn't. So there's me, sitting in the chairs, thinking, 'Jeez, why am I here? I'd rather be playing tennis, seriously.'

Ridley Scott

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #1679431
#15. Adam was placed in Paradise in perfect estate, and in the company of God's angels; God walked and did talk with him. He heard the voice, and beheld the presence of God.

John Jewel

Leatherneck Magazine Quotes #1680334

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