Top 10 Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes

#1. If you don't write your books, there will be graveyards full of children.
(LDStorymakers Conference, May 2015)

Brandon Mull

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #1579701
#2. Our work may be important, but we don't take it too seriously. Otherwise, we get attached to one relatively small thing and ignore the rest of life.

Bernie Glassman

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #15502
#3. I've discreetly dated a lot of people - I once dated a billionaire, mostly because it was fun to say, "I'm dating a billionaire," but we did not have the same taste in music, and it was doomed.

Courtney Love

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #21353
#4. Every third step I ran, my breath exploded out of me all in a rush. One step to suck in another cold lungful. One step to let it excape. One step of not breathing.

Maggie Stiefvater

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #145892
#5. I do not donate to any political party.

John McAfee

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #339215
#6. Edmund Burke provided the answer in 1795: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Dean Koontz

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #528733
#7. If you're successful, don't crow. If you're defeated, don't croak.

Samuel Chadwick

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #578472
#8. Treasure every moment in life for it will never happen again.


Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #677695
#9. Life is all about focusing on the goal, not on the donut hole.

Debasish Mridha

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #1034785
#10. You don't want to get beat, number one, and you hate getting shutout, number two, and even worse, no hits.

Dusty Baker

Ldstorymakers Conference Quotes #1797718

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