Top 100 Lawrence's Quotes

#1. Because Ernest Lawrence's award came in the war years, I had the unusual opportunity of attending his Nobel Prize presentation ceremony.

Luis Walter Alvarez

Lawrence's Quotes #183089
#2. To the degree that Lawrence's face was familiar, it was killingly so - as if she had been gradually getting to know him for over nine years and then, bang, he was known.

Lionel Shriver

Lawrence's Quotes #303201
#3. D. H. Lawrence's "Never trust the teller. Trust the tale" is always right.

Greil Marcus

Lawrence's Quotes #427409
#4. Jen[nifer Lawrence]'s main goal in life is to get me to laugh while we're filming sad scenes. And it's the HUNGER GAMES.

Willow Shields

Lawrence's Quotes #571954
#5. What in god's name happened to your nuts?"
"They met a jet-powered water hose."
He grimaced.
"They're already healing."
A rare glint of amusement lit Lawrence's eyes. "You have balls of steel."
"You have inappropriate humour.

Dianna Hardy

Lawrence's Quotes #647062
#6. One indicator of Ernest Lawrence's influence is the fact that I am the eighth member of his laboratory staff to receive the highest award that can come to a scientist - the Nobel Prize.

Luis Walter Alvarez

Lawrence's Quotes #957555
#7. In the context of Lawrence's rejection of the Freudian notion of incest and the close identification between author and character, Sons and Lovers becomes an exercise in deliberate ambiguity.

John E. Stoll

Lawrence's Quotes #1006575
#8. I can still remember the afternoon, on my 15th birthday, when I opened up 'The Virgin and the Gypsy,' D.H. Lawrence's novella, in my tiny cell in boarding school, and whole worlds of possibility opened out that I had never guessed existed. The language was on fire and sang of liberation.

Pico Iyer

Lawrence's Quotes #1075783
#9. Lawrence's claims for the vital self and his inability to make it
convincing independently of Freudian psychology are serious flaws in the novel, explain the sense in which the author's vision exceeds his grasp, and bring the cleavage between intention and performance into clear perspective.

John E. Stoll

Lawrence's Quotes #1096940
#10. Another of Brother Lawrence's helpful ideas was to pray shorter conversational prayers continually through the day rather than trying to pray long sessions of complex prayers.

Rick Warren

Lawrence's Quotes #1141240
#11. My fighting gospel is T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom. I am never without it.

Vo Nguyen Giap

Lawrence's Quotes #1186532
#12. The message of body acceptance built on Jennifer Lawrence's soundbites only empowers those who are willing to ignore the fact that her statements reinforce our current cultural views rather than subverting them.

Jennifer Armintrout

Lawrence's Quotes #1447600
#13. On the way out to Lawrence's, he thought about Palmer's wild reaction. Was there a little fear there? Hard to tell, with all the other possibilities - anger, bigotry, psychosis.

John Sandford

Lawrence's Quotes #1463142
#14. In summing up Lawrence's earlier novels and in anticipating the later, Sons and Lovers is of central importance to the whole Lawrence canon because it contains the psychological basis of much of the later doctrine.

John E. Stoll

Lawrence's Quotes #1537571
#15. There's nothing wrong with sexual feelings in themselves, so long as they are straightforward and not sneaking or sly. The right sort of sex stimulus is invaluable to human daily life. Without it the world grows grey.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #1535
#16. Snorri stood with one thick arm gripping the wagon bed, arresting its motion. 'Come.'
I hadn't the breath to tell him that's what I was trying to do. Instead I slipped out, lacing up what needed to be laced.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #12916
#17. Don't let anyone set restrictions on your life ... You chart the course of your own future, not anyone else. Don't let people have such a power over you. Because if you're always racing against their standards, then what's the point of reaching a useless finish line?

Kale Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #13921
#18. There is a primacy of each individual object. And we'll see! That's the whole point of making sculpture, to present a question in a physical form to people.

Lawrence Weiner

Lawrence's Quotes #15251
#19. In a time of polarized politics there's one thing that more than ninety percent of Americans agree on, that our government is broken, and broken because of the money in politics.

Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence's Quotes #15579
#20. It's always better to sit on your dignity in private than to stand on it in public.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #24643
#21. I think the older you get, the more 'let's cut to the chase' you get, 'let's quit quibbling about this, let's tell it like it is.'

Vicki Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #27625
#22. It's better to look strong and healthy.

Jennifer Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #28701
#23. There's been an increase in the number of Iraqis in training, but more Americans are dying and violence is increasing.

Lawrence Korb

Lawrence's Quotes #29775
#24. Nothing's sacred anymore. Those girls and I got so close. They were painting me naked every day for months. It was kind of like going to a really bizarre sleepover. It's what you guys imagine we do: One naked girl and seven pairs of hands all over her.

Jennifer Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #34482
#25. But the act, called the sexual act, is not for the depositing of seed. It is for leaping off into the unknown, as from a cliff's edge, like Sappho into the sea.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #34889
#26. Even T.E. Lawrence, who hardly knew the meaning of fear, was by Sassoon's own account, terrified after only five minutes of his driving; 'my methods of turning from side roads into main roads were abrupt in those days' Sassoon added by way of explanation.

Jean Moorcroft Wilson

Lawrence's Quotes #39390
#27. Better a long ignoble life of shallow pleasures than a short stab at heroism, ending with a short stab. And just because one man plays another doesn't always mean that it's not the right direction for both of them.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #43744
#28. My very first job was something called 'Nobody's Watching,' that Bill Lawrence who created 'Scrubs,' it was his pilot. It was my very first TV job, and it was a sitcom. Ever since that experience, I've been so itching to get back to that kind of environment and just to be involved with comedy.

Mircea Monroe

Lawrence's Quotes #44045
#29. The Greatest challenge in one person's lifetime is the challenge within yourself.

Harel R. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #44346
#30. It's always fun to be able to have a voice, because it helps me to stay in tune with the project and the people that I am working with. Ther's nothing worse than being on a project and not being able to have a voice. I don't like that.

Martin Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #45462
#31. Cain said he wasn't Abel's keeper. Are those our only choices, keeper or killer?

Lawrence Block

Lawrence's Quotes #47205
#32. After all, that's all a man really needs: a big city full of sin and sleaze, and a chance.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #49441
#33. I like anything Jennifer Lawrence is in. She's so beautiful.

Clark Gregg

Lawrence's Quotes #51052
#34. He's got _go_, anyhow.'
Certainly, he's got go,' said Gudrun. 'In fact I've never seen a man that showed signs of so much. The unfortunate thing is, where does his _go_ go to, what becomes of it?

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #51284
#35. I have picked up on the terminology of Brother Lawrence, who called praying unceasingly practicing God's presence. In fact, practicing God's presence has been my number one goal for the last year

Beth Moore

Lawrence's Quotes #51795
#36. Then I sit down, work at it, because now I have a convincing feeling about what that place wants to be, you see? And it's not just me. Me and my talent comes in taking that consensus and then making something wonderful out of it - a work of art.

Lawrence Halprin

Lawrence's Quotes #52551
#37. Brother Maical's wisdom lies in knowing he is not clever and letting himself be led. The foolishness of mankind is that we do not do the same.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #54350
#38. Love Jo all your days, if you choose, but don't let it spoil you, for it's wicked to throw away so many good gifts because you can't have the one you want.

Louisa May Alcott

Lawrence's Quotes #59359
#39. Wait when waiting is called for. That's what Lundist used to tell me. But never hesitate

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #59573
#40. I feel like my life has been very serendipitous and really kind of humorous. Everything that's happened to me has been like an, 'Omigod, are you kidding me?'

Vicki Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #59842
#41. I definitely look up to Meryl Streep because she's been in so many amazing movies, and I just think that she's one of the greatest actresses out there. I also look up to Jennifer Lawrence, especially knowing her and knowing that she is so awesome and so nice.

Willow Shields

Lawrence's Quotes #60888
#42. Prayer is nothing else than a sense of God's presence

Brother Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #65477
#43. I think it's a waste of time to worry about the motives of why people are supportive of things. I think we should look at the thing itself. And if they're supportive of something that's sexist or racist, then it's a bad thing, but it's not because they're supportive of it that it's a bad thing.

Lawrence Weiner

Lawrence's Quotes #68816
#44. I have realized that my will, no matter how intelligent I am, is only another nuisance on the face of the earth, once I start exerting it. And other people's wills are even worse.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #72609
#45. Shall I tell you what you have that other men don't? ... It's the courage of your own tenderness.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #76384
#46. There's so much of you here with me, really, it's a pity you aren't all here.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #78468
#47. Lawrence concluded that Alan's penis scheme must have finally found a taker.

Neal Stephenson

Lawrence's Quotes #80430
#48. It is not woman who claims the highest in man. It is a man's own religious soul that drives him on beyond women, to his supreme activity. For his highest, man is responsible to God alone.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #80521
#49. It's against my programming to impersonate a deity.

Lawrence Kasdan

Lawrence's Quotes #81834
#50. Can you keep her safe?" Jason asked. "Of course." Shawn could picture the dubious expression on Jason's face on the other end of the phone. "And does that include keeping her safe from your dick?

Karyn Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #84851
#51. For my part, life is so many things I don't care what it is. It's not my affair to sum it up. Just now it's a cup of tea. This morning it was wormwood and gall. Hand me the sugar.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #86209
#52. There's always the hyena of morality at the garden gate, and the real wolf at the end of the street.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #86568
#53. So that's what it's all about! You put your whole self in, you take your whole self out; you put your whole self in and you shake it all about. The idea is that by doing whatever you're doing with all of you, you can then take all of you out. The trick is how to do both.

Lawrence Kushner

Lawrence's Quotes #99196
#54. If there's one thing I can't stand about licentious behaviour, it's when I'm not involved.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #104314
#55. I would have saved them. But the lie tastes rotten on my tongue. Would anything have held William from me? Would anything have held my mother back. Anything? All bonds can be slipped, all thorns torn free. It's simply a matter of pain, and of what you're prepared to lose.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #107839
#56. It's hard to carry a weight of news with none to tell and days ahead before you can release it. Good news weighs just as heavy as bad.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #110217
#57. Sometimes our worst fears aren't realized - though in my experience it's only to make room for the fears our imagination was insufficient to house.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #114666
#58. Acting, films, scripts, is literally the only thing I'm 100 percent confident in. I know what I'm doing. I just understand it, and I love it. When I'm on set, that's when I feel the most at home and in control.

Jennifer Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #115865
#59. I feel like I got a ticket to go to another planet and I'm moving there and there's no turning back, and I don't know if I'm going to like that other planet or have friends there.

Jennifer Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #123777
#60. Out here you need to live in the moments. Watch the world. You're a young man, Jal, a child who's refused to grow up. Do it now, or you'll die a young man.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #141075
#61. Their whole life depends on spending money, and now they've
got none to spend. That's our civilization and our education: bring up
the masses to depend entirely on spending money, and then the money
gives out.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #143771
#62. No man's an island. Not even the ones that think they are. Especially not them.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #148278
#63. The desert is hot and boring, I'm sorry but that's pretty much all there is to it. It's also sandy, but rocks are essentially dull things and breaking them up into really small pieces doesn't improve matters.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #148382
#64. It is possible for us to live in the very sense of the Lord's presence, under even the most difficult circumstances. If you and I are going to enjoy the peace of paradise during this life we must become accustomed to a familiar, humble, and very affectionate conversation with the Lord Jesus.

Brother Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #149180
#65. There's a purity to the struggle to reach a peak. You leave your world behind and take only what you need. For a creature like me there is nothing closer to redemption.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #149996
#66. I got the blues thinking of the future, so I left off and made some marmalade. It's amazing how it cheers one up to shred orange and scrub the floor.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #150664
#67. They kept saying 'It's sushi-grade!' And I'm like ... 'Put some soy sauce on this. Get me some rice. And cook it. And then get me out of here.

Jennifer Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #152609
#68. And in the moments of rest, when we orphans faced each other, mud-cheeked, leaning on our forks, there's a camaraderie that builds without you knowing it.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #156779
#69. Isn't it god's own image? tramping his thirty miles a day
after partridges, or a little rubber ball?
wouldn't you like to be like that, well off, and quite the thing?

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #160284
#70. I don't think there's any problem with working with a songwriter or a producer, but I just don't think you should completely hand it over to them.

Howard Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #161692
#71. Nobody's perfect, but I hold myself accountable. I think about the choices I make because they not only affect me, they affect all of my fans and my family.

Joey Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #162740
#72. Basle, Zurich, Baden, Paris - the flickering of steel rails over the arterial systems of Europe's body: steel ganglia meeting and dividing away across mountains and valleys.

Lawrence Durrell

Lawrence's Quotes #163590
#73. Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically .

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #174540
#74. My favorite holiday spot has to be New York, on the St. Lawrence River. Without a doubt that area there is perfect for me. Very, very spacious. It's nice.

Tom Felton

Lawrence's Quotes #176094
#75. I settled for a cup of coffee. Only it wasn't coffee. It was a coffee substitute made by grinding up dandelion roots. The idea was that it wouldn't keep you awake, and it's always seemed to me that the only thing coffee really has going for it is that it will keep you awake.

Lawrence Block

Lawrence's Quotes #179313
#76. What I would say to filmmakers, if I may be so bold or so arrogant, is to draw inspiration from other filmmakers, but go to the place in your own gut where everything is nothing. That's a very Zen thing to say, but that place of nothing is where real creativity comes out of.

Lawrence Bender

Lawrence's Quotes #180656
#77. That's it! When you come to know men, that's how they are: too sensitive in the wrong place.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #181485
#78. She was glad of the rain's privacy and intimacy. Making

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #194110
#79. Nature shaped the claw to trap, and the tooth to kill, but the thorn ... the thorn's only purpose is to hurt.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #196403
#80. It's hard to ravish a tin of sardines.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #198467
#81. So long as you don't feel life's paltry and a miserable business, the rest doesn't matter, happiness or unhappiness.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #202662
#82. It's enough of a strain killing people. I've no time for deer.
Mick Ballou

Lawrence Block

Lawrence's Quotes #202694
#83. If they can't hum it after we play it, it's not for us.

Lawrence Welk

Lawrence's Quotes #208618
#84. So, after three days of incessant brandy-drinking, he had burned out the youth from his blood, he had achieved this kindled state of oneness with all the world, which is the end of youth's most passionate desire.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #209971
#85. As long as we keep our fundamentals strong ... the dollar (and) U.S. borrowing costs will do just fine.

Lawrence Summers

Lawrence's Quotes #212431
#86. Now "professional" seems to be whoever you went to school with. It constitutes your nuclear world. And that's the fault of the teachers; it's not the fault of the young artist.

Lawrence Weiner

Lawrence's Quotes #217121
#87. The mighty question arises upon us, what is one's own real self? It certainly is not what we think we are and ought to be.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #218748
#88. Hate's a growing thing like anything else. It's the inevitable outcome of forcing ideas onto life, of forcing one's deepest instincts; our deepest feelings we force according to certain ideas.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #223723
#89. We ought to seek God's assistance in our affairs just as they happen.

Brother Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #225507
#90. Before I can accept someone's help, I must accept their presence.

Lawrence Fagg

Lawrence's Quotes #225908
#91. You know, Stephen says, in the movies no one ever goes to the bathroom. They shave, they brush their teeth. He goes right at this sort of funny taboo we have about the bathroom, and he turned it into this nightmare, you know, your worst fear of what's in there.

Lawrence Kasdan

Lawrence's Quotes #226819
#92. I think what he's - what he believes, and he may be correct, I don't know, that we have some intelligence information that leads us to know some things about what's going on in Iraq that we haven't revealed to others.

Lawrence Eagleburger

Lawrence's Quotes #228929
#93. As my late mother famously observed, the one thing to be said for growing old is that every year there are a few more things I don't have to give a rat's ass about.

Lawrence Block

Lawrence's Quotes #231422
#94. Messina between the volcanoes, Etna and Stromboli, having known the death-agony's terror. I always dread coming near the awful place, yet I have found the people kind, almost feverishly so, as if they knew the awful need for kindness.

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #232356
#95. Isn't it remarkable how everyone who knew [D.H.] Lawrence has felt compelled to write about him? Why, he's had more books written about him than any writer since Byron!

Aldous Huxley

Lawrence's Quotes #232606
#96. The question is: Which means best advances the regulator's goal, subject to the constraints (whether normative or material) that the regulator must recognize? My

Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence's Quotes #236963
#97. There's a Harvard man on the wrong side of every question.

Abbott Lawrence Lowell

Lawrence's Quotes #238205
#98. You must mark in these things obviously. It's the fact you want to emphasise, not the subjective impression to record. What's the fact? - red little spiky stigmas of the female flower, dangling yellow male catkin, yellow pollen flying from one to the other. Make a pictorial record of the fact, as

D.H. Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #244202
#99. There is no evil, Makin," I said. "There's the love of things, power, comfort, sex, and there's what men are willing to do to satisfy those lusts.

Mark Lawrence

Lawrence's Quotes #245979
#100. As DH Lawrence said, the Protestant societies do dirt on sex, it is their dirty mind which aligns sex and a woman's genitals with the debased and soiled. This is something terrible, I think, and to be contended with head-on in art.

Micheline Aharonian Marcom

Lawrence's Quotes #247942

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