Top 8 Laborales Profesionales Quotes
#1. Architecture begins to matter when it brings delight and sadness and perplexity and awe along with a roof over our heads.
Paul Goldberger
#2. The timing of comedy is so difficult. You've got to leave room for a laugh, you don't want to kill the laugh, but on film, you can't just suddenly stop for a laugh and then carry on. So, I think it's a real art form, comedy on film.
Helen Mirren
#3. I don't like computers. I still like to do my drawings by hand.
Dieter Rams
#4. Just like I tell the boys, we don't play for one single run, we play to win the whole game. And I'm in it to win it.
Mariana Zapata
#5. Confidence is something you acquire in yourself by believing in self ability with courage and conviction.
Anil Sinha
#6. You only really discover the strength of your spine when your back is against the wall.
James Geary
#8. If you're in favour of any policy - reform, revolution, stability, regression, whatever - if you're at least minimally moral, it's because you think it's somehow good for people. And good for people means conforming to their fundamental nature.
Noam Chomsky