Top 10 Kyoka Quotes

#1. This is why, in a nutshell, advice is overrated. I can tell you something, and it's got a limited chance of making its way into your brain's hippocampus, the region that encodes memory. If I can ask you a question and you generate the answer yourself, the odds increase substantially.

Michael Bungay Stanier

Kyoka Quotes #30095
#2. You've buttered your bread, now sleep in it.

Gracie Allen

Kyoka Quotes #661407
#3. A tender heart unnerved by nothingness
hoards every fragment of the radiant past.

Charles Baudelaire

Kyoka Quotes #909038
#4. 'Pigeonholed' isn't the right word, because I feel like I've had a very wide range of characters that I've been allowed to play.

Lance Reddick

Kyoka Quotes #940610
#5. Where he had failed, I would triumph.
Where he had lost his way, I would find the path out of the labyrinth.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Kyoka Quotes #1029320
#6. To wipe out abuse is not enough; you have to change people's whole outlook. The mill is no longer standing, but the wind's still there, blowing away.

Victor Hugo

Kyoka Quotes #1060204
#7. I was a kid who would try anything, and I said, 'Sure, I'll try theater - sounds like fun.'

Katherine McNamara

Kyoka Quotes #1336195
#8. I'm still a 'Star Trek' fan. You never stop being one.

Mila Kunis

Kyoka Quotes #1336601
#9. The power of letters is immeasurable. Use them with care".

Kyoka Izumi

Kyoka Quotes #1459638
#10. Iowans know themselves and what they are doing. They are doing well.

Pearl S. Buck

Kyoka Quotes #1808196

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