Top 15 Kvell Fitness Quotes

#1. If one operates on the principle that everything can be a learning experience, then of course aging needn't be so painful."
-from "Hear the Wind Sing

Haruki Murakami

Kvell Fitness Quotes #14635
#2. The optimist pleasantly ponders how high his kite will fly; the pessimist woefully wonders how soon his kite will fall.

William Arthur Ward

Kvell Fitness Quotes #21745
#3. If your dream is vivid, you work hard to live it!

C.C. Ekeke

Kvell Fitness Quotes #76186
#4. I had massive admiration for lots of players. Richard Hill would be up there, along with Martin Johnson.

Brian O'Driscoll

Kvell Fitness Quotes #541046
#5. I can pretty much say that because of Bruce Lee and Jean-Claude Van Damme, that's why I do what I do today.

Scott Adkins

Kvell Fitness Quotes #872623
#6. But Clint I love, because Clint was my mentor. I knew nothing about making an Italian movie.

Eli Wallach

Kvell Fitness Quotes #901759
#7. The glassmakers had brought a new source of wealth to Venice, but they had also brought the less appealing habit of burning down the neighborhood.

Steven Johnson

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1004814
#8. It would be wrong to kill oneself if one did not know exactly the nature of one's eyes.

Kate Williams

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1051489
#9. The perception of poverty as morally intolerable in a rich society had to await the emergence of a rich society

Nathan Rosenberg

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1167716
#10. Data is what distinguishes the dilettante from the artist.

George V. Higgins

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1271966
#11. People ask me all the time which I would prefer doing more, but I honestly can't say. When I'm filming, I'm like, 'No, this is my favorite,' and when I'm writing music and recording and performing, it's like, 'This is definitely it.'

Cassie Steele

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1294778
#12. Time is not the stable moving-staircase that prosemen have for centuries pretended it to be, but an unaccountable wibble-wobble

Robert Graves

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1300874
#13. If you can fake sincerity, you've got it made.

Neil Gaiman

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1412630
#14. You're playing serious music, and you want to be taken seriously. When they get my age wrong on the program, I wish they'd make me older.

Leila Josefowicz

Kvell Fitness Quotes #1594836
#15. Dissection," writes historian Ruth Richardson in Death, Dissection, and the Destitute, "requires in its practitioners the effective suspension or suppression of many normal physical and emotional responses to the wilful mutilation of the body of another human being.


Kvell Fitness Quotes #1855226

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