Top 10 Kukahiko Maui Quotes

#1. Mealtime's the only time I get to devote to the things of the spirit.

John Dos Passos

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #728959
#2. Saer is a great big poop, and you shouldn't listen to anything he says," I said, panting just a little.
"Obviously, he was trying to demoralize me."
"Men who are poops demoralize people all the time," I agreed

Katie MacAlister

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #771106
#3. Since I was a small child, I was always writing either poems or plays ... plays in which I had the starring part.

Francine Pascal

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1112067
#4. I do know one thing: I wish people were doing more dangerous musicals, more courageous musicals and not just falling into the trap of trying to figure out what the public wants, because you find out that the public very often wants what's good.

Hal Price

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1139137
#5. Each night, without fail, she prayed for blue eyes. Fervently, for a year she had prayed. Although somewhat discouraged, she was not without hope. To have something as wonderful as that would take a long, long time.

Toni Morrison

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1379911
#6. Saadi: Be a true renouncer, (zahid) and [you can even] ware satin.

Idries Shah

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1453841
#7. Aren't you at all curious about your past?" Rhys asked.
"No, my present is who I am. Your identity is whoever you choose to be, not who your parents were."
"But as a scientist you know that prior events influence it, and the future."
"In physics, yes. In people, no.

Jeffrey Perren

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1690753
#8. You cannot call a man as a good person just because he is treating you good! He should treat everyone good to be good!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1744092
#9. I've never seen a performer create electricity with an audience like James Brown. He's got everybody in his hands and whatever he wants to do with them, he does it. It's amazing. I've always thought he was underrated.

Michael Jackson

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1789658
#10. There is no better way to learn than to teach.

Benjamin Whichcote

Kukahiko Maui Quotes #1863260

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