Top 100 Kolbert Quotes

#1. (The desolate post-impact sea has been dubbed the "Strangelove ocean.")

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1036551
#2. This is the Mona Lisa of paleontology.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1255544
#3. The history of life thus consists of 'long periods of boredom interrupted occasionally by panic.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1232520
#4. If there's been epidemic extinction and ecospace opens up, rats may be best placed to take advantage of that.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1218458
#5. If in your lifetime you watch a species go extinct, or plummet almost to the point of extinction, that is a sign that something really serious is going on.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1208532
#6. Warming today is taking place at least ten times faster than it did at the end of the last glaciation, and at the end of all those glaciations that preceded it. To keep up, organisms will have to migrate, or otherwise adapt, at least ten times more quickly.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1200821
#7. With the exception of humans, all the great apes today are facing oblivion.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1184289
#8. The birds do not like this camera," Sveinsson said. "So they fly over it and shit on it.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1150755
#9. and handjobs on crows.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1145510
#10. Suci, a Sumatran rhino, lives at the Cincinnati Zoo,

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1110029
#11. It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the processnof doing.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1105362
#12. We're seeing right now that a mass extinction can be caused by human beings.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1061153
#13. There's this idea of shifting baselines. It was coined by a guy named Jeremy Jackson. It's the idea that every generation takes what it sees, and says, "Okay, well, that's the norm."

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1059097
#14. Mitochondrial DNA, which is a sort of abridged version of DNA, is passed directly from mother to child, so it's something that can be looked at to trace matrilineal descent.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1269397
#15. No matter what Donald Trump says, it's clear that global warming is rapidly changing conditions on our planet.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #984422
#16. Increasingly developing countries are asking for aid to help deal with the consequences of climate change, which we don't want to give.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #979565
#17. Somewhere in our DNA must lie the key mutation (or, more probably, mutations) that set us apart - the mutations that make us the sort of creature that could wipe out its nearest relative, then dig up its bones and reassemble its genome.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #971221
#18. One of the reasons that people, many people, many environmentalists are critical of President [Barack] Obama's policies towards global warming is on the one hand he says the right things and he says he's committed to trying to reduce our current emissions.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #965913
#19. At the heart of Darwin's theory,

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #940147
#20. (Rhino horns, which are made of keratin,

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #931224
#21. Assuming that humans continue to burn fossil fuels, the oceans will continue to absorb carbon dioxide and will become increasingly acidified.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #927908
#22. On land, every animal larger than a cat seems to have died out.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #911215
#23. The 'incredible frog hotel' - really a local bed and breakfast - ... the frogs stay (in their tanks) in a block of rented rooms.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #901423
#24. You're an animal that needs to move across the landscape, you can't anymore, and that's another way we're just changing the surface of the Earth in very dramatic ways.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #896480
#25. According to Lamarck, there was a force - the 'power of life' - that pushed organisms to become increasingly complex.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #879528
#26. 9Among the many lessons that merge from the geologic record, perhaps the most sobering is that in life, as in mutual funds, past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1381304
#27. What are the Chinese doing, what are we doing, what are - so we need, both the developed world and the developing world, really need to be moving, once again, getting all your arrows in the same direction if you want to have any impact.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1518701
#28. Most of the world's major waterways have been diverted or dammed or otherwise manipulated - in the United States, only two per cent of rivers run unimpeded - and people now use half the world's readily accessible freshwater runoff.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1499332
#29. It was about three feet wide and stippled

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1495709
#30. Right now, in the amazing moment that to us counts as the present, we are deciding, without quite meaning to, which evolutionary pathways will remain open and which will forever be closed. No other creature has ever managed this and it will, unfortunately, be our most enduring legacy.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1492923
#31. If you're a conservation biologist in many fields, you're seeing your study subject disappear. People are in the position where they're chronicling radical decline, and that is not a position that conservation biologists want to be in.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1492152
#32. After the initial heat pulse, the world experienced a multiseason "impact winter.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1490459
#33. Roth pulled a second glove over the first and grabbed what looked like a video game remote.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1448057
#34. People sometimes say we need to be really almost on a wartime footing if you want to change. Our whole economy is based on burning fossil fuels, which is taking CO2 out of the ground and putting it up into the air.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1411538
#35. A single-continent world would be expected to contain only about a third as many mammalian species as currently exist.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1405486
#36. Parents want their kids' approval, a reversal of the past ideal of children striving for their parents' approval.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1399894
#37. By a pair of herpetologists. It was titled Are We in the Midst of the Sixth Mass Extinction?

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1386691
#38. Once unloaded, everything has to be lugged through

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1385489
#39. The Earth is big. There are huge natural forces that have worked over geological time. But it turns out, when you look carefully at the geological time, you can't find anything like us.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #877702
#40. T. Rex and the Crater of Doom, shows an angry-looking tyrannosaurus reacting with horror to the impact.)

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1365843
#41. [On the birther movement:] Here we are, quadrillions of bytes deep into the Information Age. And yet information, it seems, has never mattered less.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1364548
#42. It doesn't much matter whether people care or don't care. What matters is that people change the world.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1360214
#43. In a poll commissioned by Time and CNN, two-thirds of American parents said they think that their children are spoiled.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1356182
#44. Number of chimpanzees in the wild has dropped to perhaps half of what it was fifty years ago,

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1352672
#45. It was titled "Helping a Species Go Extinct.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1336825
#46. A hundred years ago, in Africa, the population of black rhinos approached a million;

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1319572
#47. We're talking really huge global-scale change, and I did not feel that I had the prescription for that kind of action, so I'm going to leave it to the reader.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1316602
#48. vaccinated every single condor - today there about four hundred

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1305827
#49. I don't think there are too many places left that humans haven't pretty thoroughly explored.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1305588
#50. I did not mean to suggest that autism could be traced to Neanderthal genes. The point is that some genes that have been implicated in autism changed pretty significantly between the time Neanderthal line and human line split.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #1286773
#51. Creep, clobber, squawk. Repeat.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #269594
#52. Marine ecosystems effectively collapsed,

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #443539
#53. The first view I got of Suci was her prodigious backside.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #442926
#54. Where the kids routinely outscored the apes was in tasks that involved reading social cues.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #380008
#55. The record from the Vostok core shows that CO2 levels and temperatures have varied in tandem. Current CO2 levels are unprecedented in the last 420,000 years. Credit: J.R. Petit et al, Nature, vol. 399 (1999).

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #366583
#56. generating enough heat to, in effect, broil the surface of the planet.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #347593
#57. Today, amphibians enjoy the dubious distinction of being the world's most endangered class of animals; it's been calculated that the group's extinction rate could be as much as forty-five thousand times higher than the background rate.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #341156
#58. The current extinction has its own novel cause: not an asteroid or a massive volcanic eruption but one weedy species.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #338670
#59. Such is the pain the loss of a single species causes

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #335118
#60. Though it might be nice to imagine there once was a time when man lived in harmony with nature, it's not clear that he ever really did.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #327601
#61. Ninety percent of all species on earth had been eliminated.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #310528
#62. You've got to do everything, everything's got to be pointing in the same direction and you've got to really turn this whole economic engine from one that's based on fossil fuels to one that isn't.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #300893
#63. With the capacity to represent the world in signs and symbols comes the capacity to change it, which, as it happens, is also the capacity to destroy it. A tiny set of genetic variations divides us from the Neanderthals, but that has made all the difference.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #287454
#64. People tend to focus on the here and now. The problem is that, once global warming is something that most people can feel in the course of their daily lives, it will be too late to prevent much larger, potentially catastrophic changes.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #446261
#65. This thing of venturing out on the ocean where you don't see land.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #258685
#66. Beginnings, it's said, are apt to be shadowy. So it is with this story, which starts with the emergence of a new species maybe two hundred thousand years ago.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #248417
#67. Another expert, David Jablonski, characterizes mass extinctions as "substantial biodiversity losses" that occur rapidly and are "global in extent.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #222875
#68. As with any young species, this one's position is precarious.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #165836
#69. Living in four parks in the state of Assam. A hundred years ago, in Africa, the population of black rhinos approached a million; it has since been reduced to around five thousand animals.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #137047
#70. By transporting Asian species to North America, and North American species to Australia, and Australian species to Africa, and European species to Antarctica, we are, in effect, reassembling the world into one enormous supercontinent - what biologists sometimes refer to as the New Pangaea.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #129205
#71. How to perform an ultrasound with one arm up a rhino's rectum.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #108183
#72. within the next fifty years or so "all coral reefs will cease to grow and start to dissolve.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #52580
#73. By the end of this century, CO2 levels could reach a level not seen

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #34317
#74. As best as can be determined, the world is now warmer than it has been at any point in the last two millennia, and, if current trends continue, by the end of the century it will likely be hotter than at any point in the last two million years.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #23470
#75. As Rachel Carson once observed, referring to a very different but at the same time profoundly similar problem: "Time is the essential ingredient, but in the modern world there is no time.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #14697
#76. higher than at any other point in the last eight hundred thousand years.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #550482
#77. Amphibians - the word comes from the Greek meaning 'double life.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #851886
#78. One of the defining features of the Anthropocene is that the world is changing in ways that compel species to move, and another is that it's changing in ways that create barriers - roads, clear-cuts, cities - that prevent them from doing so.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #814282
#79. powdered horn is snorted like cocaine.)

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #787513
#80. (One of Crutzen's fellow Nobelists reportedly came home from his lab one night and told his wife,

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #784457
#81. some 365 billion metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #764480
#82. It seems that the Neanderthal DNA that modern Europeans and Asians (and also Native Americans and basically all non-African people) are carrying around is random. This means there are different bits and pieces in different populations, but it doesn't seem to amount to much that's significant.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #754535
#83. If EVACC is a sort of ark, Griffith becomes its Noah, though one on extended duty, since already he's been at things a good deal longer than forty days.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #728601
#84. Centuries of centuries and only in the present do things happen. - JORGE LUIS BORGES

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #673220
#85. He called it a ptero-dactyle, meaning 'wing-fingered.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #653537
#86. Given a shave and a new suit, the pair wrote, a Neanderthal probably would attract no more attention on a New York City subway than some of its other denizens.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #624690
#87. at the time of my visit he still had failed to

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #620931
#88. It's owing to Roth and the handful of others like her who know

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #571814
#89. Since the Antarctic palms of the Eocene, some fifty million years ago.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #13653
#90. We can't say that when x happens we get a mass extinction. To the extent we understand mass extinction, one has been caused by glaciation event, one has been caused by a massive climate change, and one has been caused by an asteroid. These events turn out to have no precedent.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #531716
#91. His interest, after all, was not in the origin of species but in their demise.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #531103
#92. Humans will eventually become extinct. People treat that as a radical thing to say. But the fossil record shows us that everything eventually becomes extinct.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #529859
#93. is "the denial of humanity's special status.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #515527
#94. Even now, at least thirty thousand years after the fact, the signal is discernible: all non-Africans, from the New Guineans to the French to the Han Chinese, carry somewhere between one and four percent Neanderthal DNA.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #503269
#95. Lyell became something of a celebrity - the Steven Pinker of his generation - and

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #502836
#96. Neanderthals were pretty smart, and if we actively killed them off, then probably we did so in the same way that humans kill each other.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #499224
#97. The windowless room where the po'ouli cells are kept alive - sort of - is called the Frozen Zoo.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #495029
#98. Basically, if you were a triceratops in Alberta, you had about two minutes before you got vaporized is how one geologist put it to me.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #494127
#99. have become even more sought-after as a high-end party "drug"; at clubs in southeast Asia,

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #461048
#100. A webcam that Iceland's environmental agency had set up.

Elizabeth Kolbert

Kolbert Quotes #450005

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