Top 30 Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes

#1. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge! Truth for truth's sake! This is inhuman.

Miguel De Unamuno

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #280474
#2. The Bible compels us to join God in what He is doing in and around us. Studying the Bible is important, but the goal is never knowledge for the sake of knowledge.

Francis Chan

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #283509
#3. All knowledge has an ultimate goal. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is, say what you will, nothing but a dismal begging of the question.

Miguel De Unamuno

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #366830
#4. Some seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge: that is curiosity. Others seek knowledge that they may themselves be known: that is vanity. But there are still others who seek knowledge in order to serve and edify others, and that is charity." The

J. Budziszewski

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #550746
#5. The ultimate aim of the scientist is not only knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but knowledge with the aim of overcoming that in our environment which he views as hostile. None of the acts of nature (or Nature) is more hostile than death.

Sherwin B. Nuland

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1420615
#6. Research today has become more about seeing if something can be done versus judging if it should. It's knowledge for the sake of knowledge, regardless of the impact on the world.

James Rollins

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1433104
#7. There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; that is Curiosity.
There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others; that is Vanity.
There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve; that is Love.

Bernard Of Clairvaux

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #16284
#8. Societies will, of course, wish to exercise prudence in deciding which technologies that is, which applications of science are to be pursued and which not. But without funding basic research, without supporting the acquisition of knowledge for its own sake, our options become dangerously limited.

Carl Sagan

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #850212
#9. All great acquisitions come from voluntary thought" was Elizabeth's guiding principle. She would not cultivate any motive for learning in her students besides curiosity, claiming that study for the sake of reward or in fear of punishment produced "superficial rather than profound" knowledge.

Megan Marshall

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1815994
#10. You probably know that you are not the only man who has had to sacrifice immediate monetary remuneration for the sake of gathering knowledge, for in truth your experience has been that of every philosopher from the time of Socrates down to the present.

Napoleon Hill

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #871384
#11. Knowledge for the sake of understanding, not merely to prevail, that isthe essence of ourbeing.None candefine its limits, or set its ultimate boundaries.

Vannevar Bush

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #920421
#12. The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice and the desire for personal independence
these are the features of the Jewish tradition which make me thank my stars that I belong to it.

Albert Einstein

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #969987
#13. I entreat masters to live a good life and faithfully to instruct their scholars, especially that they may love God and learn to give themselves to knowledge, in order to promote His honour, the welfare of the state, and their own salvation, but not for the sake of avarice or the praise of man.

Jan Hus

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1110310
#14. The science [geometry] is pursued for the sake of the knowledge of what eternally exists, and not of what comes for a moment into existence, and then perishes.


Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1277702
#15. Or is it this: To feed on the acorns and grass of knowledge, and for the sake of truth to suffer hunger in one's soul?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1384706
#16. Ignorance is a virus. Once it starts spreading, it can only be cured by reason. For the sake of humanity, we must be that cure.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1418761
#17. There is no greater egoism than that of learning when it is treated simply as a mark of personal distinction to be held and cherished for its own sake ... [K]knowledge is a possession held in trust for the furthering of the well-being of all

John Dewey

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1640988

John Macmurray

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #1812423
#19. Or: "The ideal student values knowledge for its own sake, as well as for its instrumental uses. He or she hopes to make a contribution to society at large.

Carol S. Dweck

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #838926
#20. What I always liked about Socrates was his insistence on questioning things for the sake of reaching some sort of clarity - even if it is only clarity about the gaps in our knowledge.

Samantha Harvey

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #756690
#21. There is a difference between seeking to know things for the sake of knowledge itself and being willing to undergo renunciation to be possessed by the truth.

James M. Houston

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #740882
#22. You shouldn't do science just to improve wealth - do science for the sake of human culture and
There must be some purpose in life that is higher than just surviving.


Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #690188
#23. I would hardly say that I have a rich knowledge of anything in particular, but I do seem to be burdened with an unseemly appetite for intellectual and artistic erudition, which, for the sake of balance, I keep well harnessed to a reliable sense of the absurd.

Thomas Steinbeck

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #625781
#24. Melancholy betrays the world for the sake of knowledge. But in its tenacious self-absorption it embraces dead objects in its contemplation, in order to redeem them

Walter Benjamin

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #593067
#25. Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls.

Jonathan Edwards

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #533102
#26. The charlatan takes very different shapes according to circumstances; but at bottom he is a man who cares nothing about knowledge for its own sake, and only strives to gain the semblance of
it that he may use it for his own personal ends, which are always selfish and material.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #494034
#27. Tea carries within itself; knowledge, wisdom, and wellness; for the sake of giving.

Aniruddha Sastikar

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #313431
#28. Read for the sake of using others knowledge to find your own inner guidance.

Matthew Donnelly

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #160837
#29. Knowledge pursued for its own sake - that's the definition of education, as opposed to training.

Jane Haddam

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #151723
#30. Language surely does affect our thoughts, rather than just labeling them for the sake of labeling them. Most obviously, language is the conduit through which people share their thoughts and intentions and thereby acquire the knowledge, customs, and values of those around them.

Steven Pinker

Knowledge For The Sake Of Knowledge Quotes #56547

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