Top 14 Knievel Crossword Quotes

#1. Get unstuck from whatever it is you perceive is holding you back from realizing your dreams.

Russell Simmons

Knievel Crossword Quotes #482280
#2. Blessing is not a technique we perform but a presence we embody. It is not an act we do to someone or something, but a relationship we form with them that enables us all to be embraced in the presence of an unobstructed world.

David Spangler

Knievel Crossword Quotes #558606
#3. He has chosen you, in a mysterious but real way, to make you saviors with Him and like Him. Yes, Christ calls you, but He calls you in truth. His call is demanding, because He invites you to let yourselves be 'captured' by Him completely, so that your whole lives will be seen in a different light.

Pope John Paul II

Knievel Crossword Quotes #679065
#4. Some issues lend themselves to grassroots campaigns - homeschooling works well - but others require contrivance and connivance to whip up support. Often, lobbyists will hire vendors to dispatch blast emails and robocalls in the hopes of bombarding Congressional offices with citizen fury.

Jack Abramoff

Knievel Crossword Quotes #708054
#5. You all got only three friends in this world: The Lord God Almighty, the Sears Roebuck catalog and Eugene Talmadge. And you can only vote for one of them

Eugene Talmadge

Knievel Crossword Quotes #978388
#6. You can make clothing as art, but I like the idea of my clothes actually being worn and being useful to women.

Tracy Reese

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1024514
#7. Those people who think only of themselves, are hopelessly uneducated. They are not educated, no matter how instructed they may be.

Nicholas Murray Butler

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1094629
#8. When you encourage others, you boost their self-esteem, enhance their self-confidence, make them work harder, lift their spirits and make them successful in their endeavors. Encouragement goes straight to the heart and is always available. Be an encourager. Always.

Roy Bennett

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1160883
#9. Never play the Devil's Advocate. Your words could be the difference between success and failure in someone else.

Ingrid Weir

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1169709
#10. Jesus does not allow us to be neutral about Him. Jesus demands that we decide about Him.

Billy Graham

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1221418
#11. This life is but one breath in the life of the soul. If the soul lives forever, then what's your hurry?

Douglas James Cottrell

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1234586
#12. It was these secondary levels of life, these extrasensory flashes and floating nuances of being, these pockets of rapport forming unexpectedly, that made me believe we were a magic act, adults and children together, sharing unaccountable things

Don DeLillo

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1425159
#13. Certain ancient cavilers have gone so far as to deny that the female sex, as opposed to the male sex, is made in the likeness of God, which likeness they must have taken to be, as far as I can tell, in the beard.

Marie De Gournay

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1654701
#14. The only thing over which you have complete right of control at all times is your mental attitude.

Napoleon Hill

Knievel Crossword Quotes #1767201

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