Top 31 Kind Encouraging Quotes

#1. Julie Dryfus and I were both afraid of heights and in one scene, I had to be quite high up and I was rather terrified, but Julie was very kind, encouraging me and we got through that together.

Chiaki Kuriyama

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1342528
#2. God reminded me how beautiful we all are to Him, after all, we were created in His own image, and He looks at me, at you, in all our sweat and dirt and brokenness, and says, I choose you. You are beautiful.

Katie J. Davis

Kind Encouraging Quotes #734145
#3. The sweatshirt was big on her and she looked ridiculous. He liked it. And he liked that she was wearing something that carried his scent.

Anne Bishop

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1855828
#4. Here is where the rhetoric of modern conservatives (and I say this as one of them) fails to meet the real challenges of their biggest constituents. Instead of encouraging engagement, conservatives increasingly foment the kind of detachment that has sapped the ambition of so many of my peers.

J.D. Vance

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1840038
#5. Conversation creates a new kind of network within organizations. Current networks are used for competitive advantage, but conversation is focused on encouraging people to realize their potential.

Theodore Zeldin

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1547511
#6. You have to be careful what you imagine, because the act of imagining is the act of encouraging yourself to be a certain kind of person.

Margaret Drabble

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1454198
#7. Burdens become light when cheerfully borne.


Kind Encouraging Quotes #1431832
#8. Even through such simple acts as telling the truth, being kind, and encouraging others, we bring a smile to God's face.

Rick Warren

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1340030
#9. My ultimate crush may be Judith McNaught - I met her once more than 20 years ago, and she was incredibly kind and encouraging to me. I adore that woman. But I also fangirl over aspiring or beginning authors, because every time I talk with them, I'm so energized and inspired.

Lisa Kleypas

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1276447
#10. Over time, our emerging high-usage products will likely generate significant new revenue streams for Google as well as for our partners, just as search does today.

Larry Page

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1187892
#11. I've been a huge fan of Chris Martin forever; it'd be awesome to work with him. He's really kind, and he's been really encouraging when we've met.

Taylor Swift

Kind Encouraging Quotes #1111383
#12. Someone once said that the most important knowledge is knowledge of our own ignorance. Our schools are depriving millions of students of that kind of knowledge by promoting "self-esteem" and encouraging them to have opinions on things of which they are grossly ignorant, if not misinformed.

Thomas Sowell

Kind Encouraging Quotes #980245
#13. I am definitely a Type-A, tidy, everything-has-a-place kind of person, so initially encouraging a mess was against my nature. But once you realize all the benefits, it's pretty simple to let that go.

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Kind Encouraging Quotes #922964
#14. It only takes a few politicians to stoke division, or a few demagogues encouraging hatred to set your kind upon one another. And then before you know it, you have a whole nation biting on its own tail, going round and round until there is nothing left but the snapping of teeth.

Paolo Bacigalupi

Kind Encouraging Quotes #911086
#15. To Live Out The Kingdom Is A Passion For Life

Sunday Adelaja

Kind Encouraging Quotes #844344
#16. I would say that in some ways George Mitchell is kind of an old fashioned guy, in terms of these basic values, but he was a very modern person, encouraging, he was not only accepting but he was actually encouraging.

Barbara Mikulski

Kind Encouraging Quotes #842614
#17. Kate Sedgwick. That name holds so much power over me. The best kind of power: inspiring, encouraging, and respectable. It's a name that I've always associated with badass bravery. It's a name that always meant anything was possible. It's a name that was love and goodness and kindness.

Kim Holden

Kind Encouraging Quotes #795974
#18. Raising children is, in a sense, the reason the society exists in the first place. It's the most important thing that happens, and it's the culmination of all the tools and language and social structure that has evolved.

Michael Crichton

Kind Encouraging Quotes #657529
#19. It destroys and resurrects in equal measure. It's paradigm shifting. The man I was before Nada has perished and left a changeling who is lost in the delicate art of awe and humble appreciation.


Kind Encouraging Quotes #643238
#20. I think you can be smart and directed and focused, without being obnoxious, and get plenty done.

Bill De Blasio

Kind Encouraging Quotes #538073
#21. I always have searched for a point of view that a participant could change.

Robert Rauschenberg

Kind Encouraging Quotes #491231
#22. One is, that they will feel about you that you're going to make something wonderful for them. And they help you by expressing themselves. Not telling you how to do it, but encouraging you and accepting your vision and working with you on that kind of a level.

Lawrence Halprin

Kind Encouraging Quotes #458784
#23. It's not my job to get really personal in how I express myself. I've met fans, and they've been lovely. But letting my personal life out there, I don't think is a good idea for me. I think the more you do that, the more you can be accused of encouraging that kind of attention.

Laura Donnelly

Kind Encouraging Quotes #401924
#24. When you do something good for the people, you give a nice colour to the pale world!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Kind Encouraging Quotes #374609
#25. We need a new kind of citizenship, so that we can see citizens as themselves earning the rank of patriot because of their involvement in their community affairs ... We as a society need to be encouraging people to focus not just on individual wants but on serving the larger community.

Paul Wellstone

Kind Encouraging Quotes #336932
#26. When you meet someone, and you find that they are prejudiced against your kind, it might be your chance, not to confirm, but to be the one to finally change their mind.

Criss Jami

Kind Encouraging Quotes #274861
#27. I published only in academic journals in philosophy until I was in my 40s, but I had been writing fiction and poetry my whole adult life - without ever once trying to publish it, and rarely letting anyone read it.

Cheryl Mendelson

Kind Encouraging Quotes #209059
#28. He who regards many things easy will find many difficulties. Therefore the sage regards things difficult, and consequently never has difficulties.


Kind Encouraging Quotes #165963
#29. My parents were very open about what kind of talent I had. They never pushed me to become an accountant because they knew that would be just absolutely ridiculous. So they were encouraging in what I am able to do with some success.

Grace Slick

Kind Encouraging Quotes #124286
#30. It is always encouraging and kind when people say nice things about my work but I know that it is not me that did it then and it is not me that is doing it now. It is God living in me and for that I will always be grateful.

Ken Hensley

Kind Encouraging Quotes #28905
#31. When we truly are putting others first, we cannot but feel at peace with ourselves.

Eknath Easwaran

Kind Encouraging Quotes #7197

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