Top 100 Kasich Quotes

#1. Ohio Governor John Kasich became the 16th Republican to announce that he is running for president. During his speech he referred to Jesus Christ, which is ironic because so did Americans when they heard another Republican was running for president.

Jimmy Fallon

Kasich Quotes #21933
#2. I think voters are very sophisticated, very strategic. They know that Hillary Clinton can be beaten. And so they will look at Donald Trump, and they will look at Marco Rubio, they will look at Ted Cruz, and maybe John Kasich and say, "Who can beat her? Who's the best matchup?"

Hugh Hewitt

Kasich Quotes #42532
#3. I fully support Governor Kasich's-I think it's called 'Question 2' in Ohio. Fully support that. In fact, on my website as far back as April I laid out I supported 'Question 2.' ... I support it 110%.

Mitt Romney

Kasich Quotes #131708
#4. Ohioans know that he inherited a mess and created a surplus. So, on election day, John [Kasich] will prevail in Ohio.

Tom Ridge

Kasich Quotes #323332
#5. John Kasich is the most popular elected official in Ohio because he got things done.

Rob Portman

Kasich Quotes #602692
#6. The people of Ohio are not happy with what he's doing. I can tell you that. They're not happy with what [John Kasich] is doing. But the Republican Party more than any other thing has to have a victory, a presidential victory, for one thing, if nothing else: Supreme Court justices.

Donald Trump

Kasich Quotes #889202
#7. The Sheldon Adelsons, the Koch brothers, the George Soroses, what we want to try to do is force them into the parties, not so that Kasich or whoever is going to straight to them and trying to kiss up to special interests, but so the parties have the power and they can direct the money.

Mark Shields

Kasich Quotes #952883
#8. You have [Donald] Trump and [Ted] Cruz battling it out, and the moderate establishment candidates like Chris Christie or Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich - they have formed a circular firing squad.

Mara Liasson

Kasich Quotes #1090698
#9. A big part of the Republican 2016 race is now basically a bunch of establishment Republicans going after each other. Jeb Bush going after Marco Rubio, and the governors, Chris Christie going after Marco Rubio. Rubio firing back, John Kasich going after Jeb Bush.

Melissa Harris-Perry

Kasich Quotes #1380518
#10. I won Michigan in a massive landslide. Remember, I beat Kasich. Remember, [John] Kasich was gonna win Michigan? There was only one problem.

Donald Trump

Kasich Quotes #1387133
#11. In the course of his ongoing crusade for Medicaid expansion, Ohio governor John Kasich has suggested that Ronald Reagan, Saint Peter, and God Himself all would support his plan to accept Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.

Edwin Meese

Kasich Quotes #1443731
#12. I believe Marco Rubio is going to win Florida, I think Ted Cruz is going to win his Alamo in Texas. I think old rules apply. John Kasich's going to win Ohio as well.

Hugh Hewitt

Kasich Quotes #1669648
#13. I have decided to endorse Governor John Kasich for president because he is a leader who has a proven record of delivering results. John turned Ohio around at a tough time, and I believe he can do the same for our country.

Rob Portman

Kasich Quotes #1704392
#14. Whether you're talking about Chris Christie, or you're talking about Rick Perry or Scott Walker or John Kasich, there's more interesting evolution at the state level than there is in Washington.

Newt Gingrich

Kasich Quotes #1849818
#15. Their lot in life, their station, became a part of their personalities and helped to for my worldview.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #16426
#16. We still have systems we don't need, we have infrastructure we don't need. Why do you have over 900,000 bureaucrats working in one way or another in all these systems.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #19890
#17. We need to give everybody a chance, treat everybody with respect, and let them share in this great American dream that we have.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #33201
#18. I was the chairman of the House Budget Committee and one of the chief architects the last time we balanced a budget, and it was the first time we had done it since man walked on the moon. We had a $5 trillion surplus and we cut taxes.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #39910
#19. Everybody across this country knows that the tsunami of drugs is - is threatening their very families.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #53477
#20. Let me just suggest to everybody, and I hear - last February [2015], I said we needed to have people on the ground in a coalition with Europe and our allies. This is not going to get done just by working with the Sunnis. And it is not going to get done if we just embed a few people.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #80591
#21. If one of my daughters happened to be [gay], of course I would love them and I would accept them.That's what we're taught when we have strong faith.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #90253
#22. Economic growth is the key. Economic growth is the key to everything. But once you have economic growth, it is important that we reach out to people who live in the shadows, the people who don't seem to ever think that they get a fair deal.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #93722
#23. I can't work any harder. I can't do any more. I am literally just blown away and humbled by the volunteers and how hard they're working. I think they've got a sense that they're going to be part of something bigger than themselves.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #116271
#24. I see Hillary [Clinton] as a calculating politician without any vision. It depends what the next thing is that they calculate she needs to say.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #127412
#25. I'm a change agent. And what we're beginning to see is a lot of the establish people, one more time, trying to stop me.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #138899
#26. Say, oh well, the Republicans don't like this therefor I shouldn't do it. What kind of a government would that be. We're not a parliamentary system.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #157671
#27. I believe we can solve anything. I believe people working together can lift everybody.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #191379
#28. America is a miracle country.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #197478
#29. God created astrologers to make pollsters look accurate.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #236866
#30. If somebody wants to sit down with me for an hour and interview me and ask me any question about my record, my policies, my foreign policy experience, my domestic policy experience, I'm willing to do that.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #244804
#31. You know, since the 6th century, Sunni and Shia have been fighting.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #313060
#32. I would only go to Syria to destroy ISIS. I would not use U.S. troops to depose Assad. But I would support the rebels there. It's okay to support those people who share your view. But for the United States to be embroiled in a civil war in Syria against [Bashr] Assad I think is a big mistake.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #333655
#33. There is a big problem. It's called encryption. And the people in San Bernardino were communicating with people who the FBI had been watching. But because their phone was encrypted, because the intelligence officials could not see who they were talking to, it was lost.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #349613
#34. The reason we have such a reform budget is because we've been thinking about these things for a long time.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #364768
#35. In faith, I'm a believer in the do's - you know, love your neighbor, love your enemy. I don't spend a lot of time thinking on the don'ts 'cause I can't get the do's right.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #396474
#36. When Governor Romney was out here, I told him, I said, 'we are following the formula of streamlining regulations, being job creating friendly, balancing budgets, cutting taxes, and, you know, using common sense. And if you get to be president, we are going to do more of that.'

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #400142
#37. Every time I go to Washington, I break out in a cold sweat. So I try not to spend too much time there.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #416688
#38. But, frankly, to try to create some sort of a religious standard in terms of who can come to America, we're a melting pot. And as long as people have positive and good intent, they ought to be able to come.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #420403
#39. Formative commendation to the author as an altar boy: "You're the only one we've got to anticipates what's coming.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #436140
#40. I don't think America should be the policeman of the world, but we have to be engaged and we have to be a leader, and that comes from strong economic growth, a strong military, good diplomatic efforts, and integrating our business community. I just think it's a whole new paradigm.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #437660
#41. It's not trickle down economics. The problem that the president has is that he's rudderless on the economy. I mean, he doesn't quite know what to do. It's a wake-up on Monday and try to figure it out. It takes time to turn a supertanker, so you need to know where you need to go.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #449254
#42. Let's start off with my father being a mailman. So I understand the concerns of all the folks across this country, some of whom having trouble, you know, making ends meet.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #451198
#43. I opposed the U.S. involvement in Lebanon. We ended up having to withdraw our marines after our barracks were blown up.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #490468
#44. We've unveiled the most comprehensive reform budget people have seen in a generation.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #502834
#45. I said that we needed to have people on the ground, troops on the ground in a coalition similar to what we had in the first Gulf War.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #504356
#46. We [americans] need to control our border just like people have to control who goes in and out of their house.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #510391
#47. I don't look at polls, I pay no attention to them. I pay attention to the public, and the sense of where the public is on certain things, but you have to lead.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #568817
#48. I served on the Armed Services Committee for 18 years and we must lead, or the job won't get done, unfortunately, for our country.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #572155
#49. I was a member of the Armed Services Committee for 18 years. I spent a big chunk of my life studying national security issues and our role in the world.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #582650
#50. I am told that the Saudis have organized 34 countries who want to join in the battle against terrorism.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #595098
#51. Here is the thing about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is hitting a nerve in this country.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #600749
#52. I'm an old-fashioned person and I happen to believe in traditional marriage.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #603739
#53. Libya was a terrible mistake. You know, frankly, that's something that people ought to be thinking about in regard to Hillary [Clinton]. You know, they talk about Benghazi, which is very legitimate. Of course it is. But we should never have deposed [Muamar] Gaddafi. That was a terrible mistake.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #605292
#54. You cannot build a little guy up by tearing a big guy down
Abraham Lincoln said it.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #665137
#55. A leader has a sound program, has a good policy, and then brings people together to solve problems.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #669155
#56. If you go into a room of 100-plus people, and you want to be the prince of darkness, you can be it. But I don't operate in the dark, I operate in the light.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #671120
#57. I do not support a civil war. I don't want to be policeman of the world. But we can't back off of this.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #685271
#58. Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #704365
#59. Faith enables you to hold on loosely without letting go.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #712174
#60. [Donald] Trump is touching a nerve because people want the wall to be built. They want to see an end to illegal immigration. They want to see it, and we all do. But we all have different ways of getting there.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #731428
#61. I want people to hear what I think about these foundational American values of personal responsibility, resilience, family and faith, there are things that people can learn from somebody who leads a state like Ohio which is, frankly, a microcosm of the country.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #763548
#62. The first thing we better get going is strengthening our economy, because if we don't have a strong economy, we can't pay for all of this. And the world wants us to be able to function from strength, believe it or not.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #781239
#63. There is a difference between Iraq, where you have Sunni, Shia, and Kurds put together after the First World War by the Western powers. It doesn't work. It needs to break up into three parts.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #784937
#64. We've got to listen to other people's voices, respect them, but keep in mind, and I believe in terms of the things that I've read in my lifetime, the Lord is not picking us. But because of how we respect human rights, because that we are a good force in the world, he wants America to be strong.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #787864
#65. We've got to unite our country again, because we're stronger when we are united and we are weaker when we are divided.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #799092
#66. I don't make promises, by and large, that I can't keep.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #823248
#67. People have accused me at times of having too big of a heart.But I have to also to say I must keep the people of my state safe. So we take a pause [in taking refugees].

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #823662
#68. I want to tell you ladies and gentlemen, the actions that we took were not always easy. The actions that we took were not always popular. But when you get yourself in public office, you must lead, you must do what's necessary.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #837520
#69. The stuff that I propose are things that I'm ready to govern with. They're not tools to get elected. They are programs and plans to do when you get elected.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #861962
#70. For the Russians, frankly, it's time that we punched the Russians in the nose. They've gotten away with too much in this world and we need to stand up against them, not just there, but also in Eastern Europe where they threaten some of our most precious allies.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #863699
#71. When I left Washington, we actually had a balanced budget and we paid down the most amount of the national debt in modern history and cut taxes and created jobs. And I was the chief architect of that plan in '97.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #872541
#72. Ohio's doing what it can do, but I wish they'd get their act together in Washington.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #886077
#73. In addition to an open heart and open mind, I also brought (to the small group Bible study) an open mouth.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #924849
#74. He (the Bible study leader) is blessed with a light touch and a firm hand.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #936889
#75. If the B2 is invisible, just announce you've built 100 of them and don't build them.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #982908
#76. The Pentagon needs precious resources to build the strength of America, and we can't say, 'this is really important to this community, and it's really not vital to the national security, but we ought to do it anyway.' So, I think we have to have a discipline on this

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #996997
#77. Business has to have capital.I think Wall Street is a necessary ingredient of the global economy, you've just got to keep people realizing that helping clients is the most important thing, not helping yourself.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1004211
#78. I think if there's anything that's important today, it's credibility with the voter, because the voter is tired of being sold a bill of goods.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1009328
#79. Politics can not only be drudgery and Captain Queeg with the balls in his hands.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1043593
#80. My elections are really not about campaigns. I tell my people that these are about a movement. And a movement to do what? To restore common sense. A movement to do things like provide economic growth. And a movement not to let anybody be behind.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1049196
#81. I've heard a lot of nasty rhetoric about the president. We're going to kick your rear end out of the White House and stuff. That's just not the way I behave.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1067003
#82. I'm a believer in bipartisanship.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1080861
#83. Everybody should have a chance to rise. That's our philosophy in Ohio and that's my philosophy for America.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1084151
#84. First and foremost, we need to go and destroy ISIS. And we need to do this with our Arab friends and our friends in Europe.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1110852
#85. And what we're doing in Ohio is we're moving from a basic manufacturing economy to one that's diversified, including energy and health care and agriculture and IT.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1140256
#86. We have to go massively, like we did in the first Gulf War where we destroyed Saddam's ability to take Kuwait. We need to have a coalition that will stand for nothing less than the total destruction of ISIS and we have to be the leader.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1152001
#87. I mean, the fact of the matter is, Ohio 's coming back because we set a clear path, we cut taxes, we balanced our budget, we got credit upgrades when the whole rest of the world, including America, was being downgraded.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1156070
#88. The (Bible) story is much more powerful as Truth than as metaphor.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1167741
#89. When I listen to candidates spend all their time attacking Barack Obama, I'm glad they're not driving this bus because they'd be looking through the rear-view mirror. I look through the windshield at the road ahead.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1180359
#90. Let's think about how we can bring economic development, let's see if people could learn a little more of the rule of law, rather than the rule of man, which is kind of what you see in China.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1187982
#91. Guess what? I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1193455
#92. And, frankly, what happens out of Washington is, it creates a wind in my face, uncertainty over Obamacare, uncertainty over their tax policy, uncertainty over the regulatory policy.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1201523
#93. We're now going to develop the standards on transparency, data collection for police, but the whole goal is to fully integrate the police into the community because everybody has the same goals.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1216830
#94. The republican party is my vehicle, not my master.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1218263
#95. I've always been underestimated. It's happened throughout my entire career.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1223710
#96. We don't have to fight all the time. It can be done, and we will be great when we join together.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1262864
#97. I'm not a big guy that believes that you gain energy from demonizing other people. I think you gain energy from giving people hope.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1265751
#98. So much of what we read and write these days is disposable.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1295804
#99. I was the chairman of the Budget Committee and the lead architect the last time it happened in Washington, and when we did it we had great economic growth, we cut taxes, and we had a big surplus.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1303353
#100. Sometimes people just don't understand the way that I work in politics.

John Kasich

Kasich Quotes #1317288

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