Top 10 Juvey Gomez Quotes

#1. Life is just a journey.

Princess Diana

Juvey Gomez Quotes #40607
#2. I'd rather sit in bed and watch TV. All of my ex-boyfriends, of course, not Paris, would be like, 'What's the problem? You're so not sexual.'

Paris Hilton

Juvey Gomez Quotes #135612
#3. Intuition is a feeling and we must let it overtake our thoughts.

Matthew Donnelly

Juvey Gomez Quotes #341559
#4. The longing for wisdom itself is wisdom' - 'search for a fixed point within yourself, my child, that the world cannot reach' - regard everything that happens as a lifeless painting and do not let yourself be touched by it,

Gustav Meyrink

Juvey Gomez Quotes #695940
#5. Honesty doesn't always pay, but dishonesty always costs.

Michael Josephson

Juvey Gomez Quotes #1156360
#6. I think I'm a happy man, and I'm a blessed man. I have been able to adjust to any situation, whatever it was, in my life.

Paul Rusesabagina

Juvey Gomez Quotes #1176579
#7. What if the rat returns? I donna think ye'd want to be lying flat on the pallet if he does."
She swatted at him. "That's why I have you and my dagger to protect me."
"Me, aye. Your dagger, nae so much.

Victoria Roberts

Juvey Gomez Quotes #1332231
#8. I am by heritage a Jew, by citizenship a Swiss, and by makeup a human being, and only a human being, without any special attachment to any state or national entity whatsoever.

Albert Einstein

Juvey Gomez Quotes #1433001
#9. When a woman is plain, people say, 'What beautiful eyes you have, beautiful hair.

Anton Chekhov

Juvey Gomez Quotes #1469455
#10. If I were not an atheist, I think I would have to be a Catholic because if it wasn't the forces of natural selection that designed fish, It must have been an Italian.

Douglas Adams

Juvey Gomez Quotes #1795762

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