Top 37 Joshua Lederberg Quotes

#1. The central moral issue of science is that we do not have a science of peace and hardly know where to begin in building one.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1311778
#2. I don't believe anybody can really grasp everything that's even in one textbook.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #898192
#3. If it takes you 20 or 25 years to establish yourself in one field, you really ought to be careful not to stray too far.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #995014
#4. I hope I've lived a life of science whose style will encourage younger people.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1061205
#5. If you want to solve very complex problems, you will have to end up letting machines work out a lot of the details for themselves, and in ways that we don't understand what they are doing.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1098590
#6. I was reading five or six years ahead of my grade during public school. I was pretty bored. I made a contract with some of my teachers that if I didn't ask too many questions, I could work in the back of the room.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1125316
#7. If lifespan jumps by 30 or 40 years, that has enormous implications.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1135286
#8. My ambitions were already very clearly fixed by the time I was 6 or 7.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1159352
#9. If we have isolated individuals able to inflict enormous harm, imagine what a single lunatic can do with a nuclear weapon. I think the whole base of civil society is at risk.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1244930
#10. As soon as you go into any biological process in any real detail, you discover it's open-ended in terms of what needs to be found out about it.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1275852
#11. I got my Nobel Prize for my lab work.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #895847
#12. I think we have to believe we are here for some purpose, and I know there are many cynics who will deny it, but they don't live as if they deny it.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1388368
#13. Everybody has to learn for the first time.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1482051
#14. All of civility depends on being able to contain the rage of individuals.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1537599
#15. Although I am a public figure, I'm still a little shy. I don't think my own personality is important. I prefer to keep some small dosage of privacy.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1666430
#16. I'm not easily inhibited by the fact that I don't know something about a subject. It doesn't stop me from dabbling in it.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1681779
#17. I have many shortcomings. I feel very lucky to have been able to have what I've had.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1688736
#18. I was a bad practicing physician because I was never sure of the diagnosis or of the treatment.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1759743
#19. When I was in high school, I became interested in cytochemistry: chemical analysis under the microscope, and trying to understand the composition of cells.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #1827702
#20. I started on the use of the Internet for scientific communication. Our research group was one of the very first to make really systematic use of it as a way of managing research projects.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #507908
#21. By the time I was 12 or 13, I was studying biochemistry textbooks.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #96078
#22. If you wanted to dissect the structure of living cells, genetic analysis was an extremely powerful method, so my interest turned to that.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #96979
#23. A Swedish newspaper reporter called and said, You've been awarded the Prize. I was quite sure it was a practical joke.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #243586
#24. So many of the things I've predicted were technologies that were just sitting right in front of us.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #368357
#25. To have the recognition of your colleagues is great. The public attention is a mixed blessing.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #424793
#26. Try hard to find out what you're good at and what your passions are, and where the two converge, and build your life around that.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #454253
#27. The single biggest threat to man's continued dominance on the planet is the virus.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #470130
#28. I wish I had a talent for dropping things as well as taking on new ones. It gets to be quite a clutter after a while.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #493152
#29. I get curious about new things. My real strength is going into a field that has not been investigated before, and finding new approaches to it.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #57747
#30. I was making a lot of momentous personal decisions. I was still very very young: when the prize was awarded, I was 33; the work I had done when I was 21.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #522642
#31. I'm chairing a UNESCO committee on how to improve global Internet communications for science; help third-world people get onto the Net so they can be part of the process.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #563243
#32. I believe I am a person with unusual talents. I think I'd be a liar or stupid if I were to deny that.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #629962
#33. I'd like to put in a vote for the intrinsic fascination of science.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #650052
#34. We are all very individual. You have to find out what you can do best, and be self-conscious about that.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #728761
#35. Being successful at a very young age gave me the confidence and the capability to try out other things.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #749106
#36. I did get a very fine education, and not just in science. It took some pressure on the part of my elders to convince me that I really should take an interest in humanities.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #857789
#37. I certainly saw science as a kind of calling, and one with as much legitimacy as a religious calling.

Joshua Lederberg

Joshua Lederberg Quotes #878584

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