Top 7 Jorgito Carbajal Quotes

#1. Sometimes when I am photographing a major news event, I am suddenly overwhelmed by helplessness.

Lynsey Addario

Jorgito Carbajal Quotes #250886
#2. Seeing the Pure Soul (Shuddhatma) in everyone is itself an intent of friendship towards the entire world.

Dada Bhagwan

Jorgito Carbajal Quotes #295516
#3. Ferguson's out of order. He has lost all sense of reality. He is going out looking for a confrontation, then asking the person he is confronting to apologise. He's pushed the cork in a bit far this time.

Arsene Wenger

Jorgito Carbajal Quotes #542087
#4. Memories which fastened him to places his flesh had never known presented him with answers to questions he had not asked.

Frank Herbert

Jorgito Carbajal Quotes #885788
#5. If you're going to paint from photos, make sure you've painted for at least ten years.

John F. Carlson

Jorgito Carbajal Quotes #1423934
#6. A desire that has never been fulfilled is considerably less acute than one that has been fulfilled and then checked at the source.

Phyllis Bottome

Jorgito Carbajal Quotes #1604076
#7. The waterfront without the Ferry Tower would be like a birthday cake without a candle.

Herb Caen

Jorgito Carbajal Quotes #1861809

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