Top 47 John Wilmot Quotes
#1. Since 'tis Nature's law to change, Constancy alone is strange.
John Wilmot
#2. 'Tis dangerous to think - For who by thinking tempts his jealous Fate, Is straight arraign'd as Traytor to the State, And none that come within the Verge of Sense, Have to Preferment now the least Pretence ...
John Wilmot
#3. Love's chemistry thrives best in equal heat.
John Wilmot
#4. All men would be cowards if they could.
John Wilmot
#5. Whenever you preach, be sure that you lift the Saviour high and lay the sinner low.
John Wilmot
#6. Ancient person, for whom I
All the flattering youth defy,
Long be it ere thou grow old,
Aching, shaking, crazy, cold;
But still continue as thou art,
Ancient person of my heart.
John Wilmot
#7. Envy is a passion so full of cowardice and shame that nobody ever had the confidence to own it.
John Wilmot
#8. I have to speak my mind. Because what is in my mind is always more interesting than what is happening in the world outside my mind.
John Wilmot
#9. Thus, statesmanlike, I'll saucily impose,
And safe from action, valiantly advise;
Sheltered in impotence, urge you to blows,
And being good for nothing else, be wise.
John Wilmot
#10. Bawdy in thoughts, precise in words,
Ill-natured though a whore,
Her belly is a bag of turds,
And her cunt a common shore.
John Wilmot
#12. Books bear him up a while, and make him try to swim with bladders of philosophy.
John Wilmot
#13. I wish to be moved. I cannot feel in life. I must have others do it for me in theater.
John Wilmot
#14. This signior is sound, safe, ready, and dumb
As ever was candle, carrot, or thumb;
Then away with these nasty devices, and show
How you rate the just merits of Signior Dildo.
John Wilmot
#15. Natural freedoms are but just: There's something generous in mere lust.
John Wilmot
#16. All monarchs I hate, and the thrones they sit on,
From the hector of France to the cully of Britain.
John Wilmot
#17. Mothers who force their daughters into interested marriage, are worse than the Ammonites who sacrificed their children to Moloch
the latter undergoing a speedy death, the former suffering years of torture, but too frequently leading to the same result.
John Wilmot
#19. Cupid and Bacchus my saints are,
May drink and love still reign,
With wine I wash away my cares,
And then to cunt again.
John Wilmot
#20. Son of a whore, God damn you! can you tell
A peerless peer the readiest way to Hell?
I've outswilled Bacchus, sworn of my own make
Oaths would fright Furies, and make Pluto quake;
I've swived more whores more ways than Sodom's
John Wilmot
#21. Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories.
John Wilmot
#22. He never said a foolish thing nor never did a wise one.
John Wilmot
#23. Farewell, woman! I intend
Henceforth every night to sit
With my lewd, well-natured friend,
Drinking to engender wit.
John Wilmot
#24. The entire piece has been devised with the French in mind. In France, fornication in the streets with total strangers is *compulsory*.
John Wilmot
#25. It is a very good world to live in, To lend or to spend, or to live in; but to beg or to borrow, or to get a man's own, It is the very worst world that ever was known.
John Wilmot
#26. Before I married, I had three theories about raising children and no children. Now, I have three children and no theories.
John Wilmot
#27. I hate the thing is called enjoyment:
Besides it is a dull employment,
It cuts off all that's life and fire
From that which may be termed desire;
Just like the bee whose sting is gone
Converts the owner to a drone.
John Wilmot
#28. Then talk not of inconstancy,
False hearts, and broken vows;
If I, by miracle, can be
This live-long minute true to thee,
'Tis all that Heav'n allows.
John Wilmot
#29. Any experiment of interest in life will be carried out at your own expense
John Wilmot
#30. Tis a meaner part of sense to find a fault than taste an excellence.
John Wilmot
#31. Love, the most generous passion of the mind
The softest refuge innocence can find
John Wilmot
#32. A kind of losing loadum is their game,
Where the worst writer has the greatest fame.
John Wilmot
#33. Then, if to make your ruin more,
You'll peevishly be coy,
Die with the scandal of a whore
And never know the joy.
John Wilmot
#34. Angels listen when she speaks; She's my delight, all mankind's wonder; But my jealous heart would break Should we live one day asunder.
John Wilmot
#35. God bless our good and gracious King,
Whose promise none relies on;
Who never said a foolish thing,
Nor ever did a wise one.
John Wilmot
#36. Nothing suits worse with vice than want of sense
John Wilmot
#37. How blest was the created state
Of man and woman, ere they fell,
Compared to our unhappy fate:
We need not fear another hell.
John Wilmot
#38. The theatre is my drug. And my illness is so far advanced that my physic must be of the highest quality.
John Wilmot
#39. I shall never forgive you for teaching me how to love life.
John Wilmot
#40. I'd be a dog, a monkey, or a bear, or anything but that vain animal who is so proud of being rational.
John Wilmot
#41. To pick out the wildest and most fantastical odd man alive, and to place your kindness there, is an act so brave and daring as will show the greatness of your spirit and distinguish you in love, as you are in all things else, from womankind.
John Wilmot
#42. Merely for safety, after fame we thirst,
For all men would be cowards if they durst.
John Wilmot
#43. Man differs more from man than man from beast
John Wilmot
#44. For all Men would be Cowards if they durst:
And Honesty's against all common Sense.
John Wilmot
#46. Most Men are Cowards, all Men should be Knaves.
The Difference lies, as far as I can see,
Not in the thing it self, but the Degree.
John Wilmot
#47. The clog of all pleasure, the luggage of life, is the best can be said for a very good wife.
John Wilmot
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